Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen
- Baycheva-Merger, T., Sotirov,, M., Holmgren S., Selter A.: Institutional and actor-oriented factors constraining expert-based forest information exchange in Europe: a policy analysis from an actor-centred institutionalist approach Forests, 2018; 9 (3): 129-150. : http://10.3390/f9030129
- Deuffic, P., Sotirov, M., Arts, B.: “Your policy, my rationale”. How individual and structural drivers influence European forest owners’ decisions. Land Use Policy, 2018; 79: 1024-1038.
- Giurca A: Unpacking the network discourse: Actors and storylines in Germany's wood-based bioeconomy Forest Policy Econ, 2018. : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2018.05.009 (download: https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1389934118301047/1-s2.0-S1389934118301047-main.pdf?_tid=20ce4379-5d77-49b5-ab2f-b3e9ed8df590&acdnat=1527676185_d50d8ff19e70d83e962fd7ee5d8a8de2) (in Druck)
- Ida Wallin, Helga Pülzl, Laura Secco, Arnaud Sergent, Daniela Kleinschmit: Research trends: Orchestrating forest policy-making: Involvement of scientists and stakeholders in political processes Forest Policy Econ, 2018; 89: 1-3. : http://10.1016/j.forpol.2018.01.003
- Korhonen J, Giurca A, Brockhaus M, Toppinen A: Actors and Politics in Finland’s Forest-Based Bioeconomy Network Sustainability-basel, 2018; 10 (10): 3785. : https://doi.org/10.3390/su10103785 (download: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/10/3785)
- McDermott, Sotirov, M.: A Political Economy of the European Union’s Timber Regulation: Which member states would, should or could support and implement EU rules on the import of illegal wood? Forest Policy Econ, 2018; 90: 180-190.
- Reinecke S, Blum M: Discourses across Scales on Forest Landscape Restoration Sustainability, 2018; 10 (3): 1-19. : http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su10030613
- Seijger, C., Brouwer, S., Buuren, A. van, Gilissen, H., Rijswick, M. van, Hendriks, M.: Functions of OECD Water Governance Principles in assessing water governance practices: assessing the Dutch Flood Protection Program Water Int, 2018; 43 (1): 90-108. : https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2018.1402607
- Seijger, C., Datta, D., Douven, W., Halsema, G. van, Khan, M.: Rethinking sediments, tidal rivers and delta livelihoods: Tidal river management as a strategic innovation in Bangladesh Water Policy, 2018; - (-). : https://doi.org/10.2166/wp.2018.212 (in Druck)
- Seijger, C., Ellen, G., Verheijen, E., Janssen, S., Erkens, G.: Sinking deltas: trapped in a dual lock-in of technology and institutions Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2018. : https://doi.org/10.1080/08109028.2018.1504867
- Sotirov, M., Arts, B.: Integrated Forest Governance in Europe: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Forest Policy Integration and Integrated Forest Management. Land Use Policy, 2018; 79 (2018): 960-967.
- Sotirov, M., Storch, S.: Resilience through policy integration in Europe? Domestic forest policy changes as response to absorb pressure to integrate biodiversity conservation, bioenergy use and climate protection in France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Land Use Policy, 2018; 79 (2018): 977-989.
- Stein M, Giurca A, Kleinschmit D: „Wir sind die Bioökonomie“ – Perspektiven von Akteuren
aus dem deutschen Forst- und Holzsektor AFJZ, 2018; x (x) Suppl. x: x-x. : http://10.23765/afjz000????
- Tran, D., Halsema, G. van, Hellegers, P., Ludwig, F., Seijger, C.: Stakeholders’ assessment of dike-protected and flood-based alternatives from a sustainable livelihood perspective in An Giang Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam Agr Water Manage, 2018; 206: 187-199. : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.04.039