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Meta-Cognitive Processes in Self-Regulation

Achtziger, A., Martiny S., Gollwitzer, P. M., Oettingen, G.
Meta-Cognitive Processes in Self-Regulation In: P. Brinol & K. DeMarree (Eds.), editors. Social Meta-Cognition. Outline for Frontiers of Social Psychology Series
Achtziger, A., Martiny S., Gollwitzer, P. M., Oettingen, G.: Meta-Cognitive Processes in Self-Regulation, in: P. Brinol & K. DeMarree (Eds.) (Hrsg.): Social Meta-Cognition. Outline for Frontiers of Social Psychology Series, New York, Psychology Press, 2012: 121-139.
Discuss the important role of metacognitive processes in the self-regulation of goal pursuit. The authors present and extend Nelson's model of metacognition (1996) by discussing the role of three metacognitive strategies: planning, monitoring, and controlling. Then, these three strategies and their role in goal setting and goal striving will be discussed within the theoretical framework of the mind-set theory of action phases (Heckhausen & Gollwitzer, 1987). Afterward, the fantasy realization theory (Oettingen, 1999; Oettingen, Pak, & Schnetter, 2001), the theory of intentional action control (Gollwitzer, 1993,1999), and a recent intervention technique to promote self-regulation of goal attaining and goal striving (mental contrasting with implementation intentions: MCll will be introduced. Finally, the authors address the issues of consciousness versus nonconsciousness in self-regulation, and end by pointing to the role of positive thinking and counterfactual thinking in modern self-regulation approaches.
Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (seit 2012)
davor Lehrstuhl für Strategische Kommunikation | Vertretungsprofessur (2010-2012)
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88045 Friedrichshafen

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Email: silke.bengel@zu.de
Forschungsbericht der Abteilung für das Jahr 2012