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Implications Regarding the Internet of Things on Business Modelling - Analysis of Key Success Factors of Industrie 4.0 and Smart Home

Some scientific publications concerning the topic of the Internet of Things already exist. However, the mainstream of the IoT research focuses on the different technology layers and the development of technical standards rather than on business model innovation. Therefore, the aim of this project is to contribute in the field of IoT business modelling in identifying implications. The aim of this project is to investigate, how companies align strategically when implementing IoT business models, how the willingness to cannibalize relates to the innovativeness of IoT business models, how the IoT effects the openness of a business model, and how the acquiring of dynamic capabilities fosters IoT business modelling.
Projektbeginn: 01.07.2014
Projektende: 31.12.2018
Prof. Dr. phil. Ellen Enkel, M.Sc. Monika Hengstler, eMa Veronika Sagmeister

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Lehrstuhl für Innovationsmanagement (eingerichtet 06/2008)
Dr. Manfred Bischoff Institut für Innovationsmanagement der Airbus Group
Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: +49 7541 6009-1500
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Email: sabine.marx@zu.de
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