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A comparison of internal and external corporate venture development organizations in regard their network design and networking capabilities

This project analyzes and compares internal and external corporate venture development organizations (CVDO) and examines their network design and networking approach by conducting ecocentric social network analyses and multiple case studies for a total of 13 cases. This contributes to research by investigating who is relevant in a corporate venture development(CVD)network as well as how these relations are created and maintained. Based on previous scientific literature on networks, business incubation and corporate venturing, a theoretical model is developed to derive a more comprehensive understanding of stratetic behavior in networks and about the influence of network members. Base on the empirical data major differences between internal CVDO and external CVDO regarding the network members and networking approach are found. Patterns of network design as well as a CVD ecosystem model are derived. The results further suggest that a well-balanced, diverse network better supports venture development then a closed or focused network.
Projektbeginn: 01.07.2013
Projektende: 30.06.2014
Prof. Dr. phil. Ellen Enkel, Constantin Jauck

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Lehrstuhl für Innovationsmanagement (eingerichtet 06/2008)
Dr. Manfred Bischoff Institut für Innovationsmanagement der Airbus Group
Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

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Email: sabine.marx@zu.de
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