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Knowledge Politics

The research project Knowledge Politics project has as overall aim to examine the emergence, the reasons for and the consequences of controlling novel scientific knowledge and technical devices in modern societies. Virtually all research that explores the modern knowledge-based society has been concerned with the production and not the consumption of knowledge. We are particularly interested in the growing moral, political and economic pressure (and the resistance to such pressure by various social groups) to regulate or police novel knowledge as well as technical devices and capacities that then constitute the emerging field of political activity best designated as "knowledge politics and policies". Modern knowledge politics, or governance of knowledge, is about: - attempts to systematically channel the social role of knowledge; - the generation of rules and enforcement of sanctions pertaining to relevant actors and organisations; - affixing certain attributes (such as property restrictions or legal prohibitions) to knowledge; and - generally, restricting the application of new knowledge and technical artefacts – this likely being the most controversial strategy.
Projektbeginn: 2004
Projektende: 2007
Prof. Nico Stehr, Ph.D., FRSC

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Karl-Mannheim-Lehrstuhl für Kulturwissenschaften (eingerichtet 07/2004)

Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: +49 7541 6009-1301
Fax: +49 7541 6009-1399
Email: silke.bengel@zu.de
Prof. Nico Stehr Ph.D., FRSC

  • eigenfinanziertes Forschungsprojekt


    Science, Technology and Society, Knowledge, Social and Political Control, Governance, Experts, Democracy, Science, Technology, Public Policy

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