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SSH-Futures - Social Sciences and Humanities Futures

The SSH-FUTURES project will study the opportunities for complementary development and closer coupling of the social sciences and humanities in Europe, their mutual interactions with social demands, and the potential value of including such an approach within research policies in Europe. In order to get a better understanding of the potential of these fields of enquiry, the project will start by looking at the ways in which the social sciences and the humanities can and do have impact on economies, societies and their political institutions, ways which we expect to differ clearly from those of the natural and technical sciences. The project will examine the institutions of social science and humanities knowledge production, what methods are applied to produce knowledge and to disseminate this knowledge and what expectations there are from both the side of the "producers" and from that of the (potential) "users" at the national, European and international levels. SSH-FUTURES comprises a retrospective and a prospective part and in-depth explorations of specific programmes and policies both from the demand and supply sides. SSH-FUTURES will be implemented by a consortium which comprises international umbrella organisations of professional social sciences associations (national and sectoral ones), research institutes and universities in the "old" and "new" member states and the associated countries. Besides research comprising surveys and expert interviews, SSH-FUTURES will organise a series of expert panel consultation meetings and workshops.
Projektbeginn: 01.05.2006
Projektende: 01.04.2009
Prof. Nico Stehr, Ph.D., FRSC

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Karl-Mannheim-Lehrstuhl für Kulturwissenschaften (eingerichtet 07/2004)

Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: +49 7541 6009-1301
Fax: +49 7541 6009-1399
Email: silke.bengel@zu.de
Prof. Nico Stehr Ph.D., Dr. Herbert Kalthoff, Dr. Bernd Weiler, Dr. Alexandra Hausstein; Dr. Ulrich Ufer
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences, Austria - ICCR; The International Social Science Council, France - ISSC; Le Centre Interdisciplinaire pour la Recherche Comparative en Sciences Sociales, France - CIR; Zentralarchiv Köln, Germany - ZAK; Foundation for European Scientific Cooperation, the venture of Polish Academy of Sciences and Foundation for Polish Science – FEWN; Department of Humanities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden – IER-UGOT; Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel – ICTAF; United Nations University, Comparative Regional Integration Studies - UNU; James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization, Said Business School, Oxford University, UK - JMI; Economic and Social Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - ESI

  • Europäische Union, EU

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