Local Integrity Systems (LIS)

Ethics and integrity have become important topics for international, national and local government. In international forums, the central focus is on the national and international level with proposals concerning a "national integrity system" (TI) and an ethics infrastructure (OECD). Much less attention has been paid to the initiatives and involvement of local governments in this area. All over the world, cities have been developing measures, instruments and institutions in order to curb corruption and to stimulate the ethics and integrity of government. Many things happen, many lessons could be learned from experiences with these "local integrity systems" (LIS). However, the discussion about local systems has been limited and the attempts to compare policies and institutions has been rather limited. The city of Amsterdam is organizing an international top-level conference about "Local Integrity Systems" (LIS) on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2007 in Amsterdam. In this conference, the focus will be on governance in big cities and metropolitan areas. What kind of local institutions, mechanisms and measures have been developed to curb corruption and to protect the integrity of politics and public administration? Participants from big cities are invited including Sydney, Hong Kong, New York, Hamburg, and London, which have developed exemplary and admired policies during the last decades. The basic idea is simple. Cities are invited to present a brief introduction of themselves and their governments and describe the integrity system in use. This description will include elements such as a city's anti-corruption and integrity policies, the institutions that are present and their characteristics (local ombudsman, accounting office et cetera) as well as an evaluation of the present system. For every local integrity system, additionally, an expert researcher will be invited to reflect on the present system. When research has been done on the policies and institutions and their effectiveness, this research will of course be incorporated in the evaluation. The common aim is to develop insights regarding experiences and best practices and to profit from policy as well as scientific perspectives.
Projektbeginn: 01.10.2006
Projektende: 31.10.2007
Dr. rer. pol. Patrick von Maravic

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Lehrstuhl für Verwaltungswissenschaft & Verwaltungsmodernisierung
(eingerichtet 09/2005) | davor: Stadt Friedrichshafen Lehrstuhl für Verwaltungswissenschaft & Verwaltungmodernisierung
Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: +49 7541 6009-1301
Email: Silke.Bengel[at]zu.de
Dr. rer. pol. Patrick von Maravic
Prof. Leo Huberts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

  • eigenfinanziertes Forschungsprojekt

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