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Non-Interpersonal Trust in Online Environments Projektbeschreibung:

Because of uncertainty and asymmetric information, trust is a fundamental precondition for successful interpersonal interactions in modern societies, in particular in economic exchange. However, little is known about trust in post-modern non-interpersonal interactions. In particular, in online environments, where the interpersonal link is often nonexistent, the neuronal mechanisms for the development of trust, to our best knowledge, have not yet been studied. However, an important driver for non-interpersonal trust in online environments could be the communication (e.g., between a seller and a potential buyer in eBay transactions). Therefore, we analyzed if (a) a certain communication theory (i.e., Toulmin’s theory of argumentation) can be applied to evoke trust in online settings and (b) the neural mechanism of non-interpersonal trust are similar to the mechanism in situations of interpersonal trust.

Ansprechpartner: Prof. Marco Hubert
Projektbeginn: 01.08.2008
Projektende: (unbegrenzt)
Prof. Dr. Peter Kenning

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Juniorprofessur für Innovation und Entrepreneurship (eingerichtet 2012/01)
insbesondere Innovationskommunikation und Verhaltensforschung
Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: 07541 6009 1274
Email: marco.hubert@zu.de
Peter Kenning, Marco Hubert, Rene Riedl, Mirja Hubert, Marc Linzmajer
Prof. Dr. Rene Riedl, Institut der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Linz
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