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Neural Mechanism underlying Compulsive Buying Behaviour

Compulsive buying (CB) is defined as chronic, repetitive purchasing that becomes a primary response to negative events or feelings. CB is a prevalent, but often trivialized problem of western societies and in contrast to normal impulse purchasing that is fulminating and often focused on a certain product. An important characteristic of CB is that consumers report euphorically emotions during the buying process itself, whereas the possession of the product is only secondarily. Therefore we try to analyze which neural mechanism are responsible for consumers who are prone to CB in contrast to consumers who are not when evaluating specific stimuli (i.e. brands, shopping situations).

Ansprechpartner: Dipl. Kffr. Mirja Hubert
Projektbeginn: 2008
Projektende: 2014
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Kenning

Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Lehrstuhl für Marketing (2007 bis 2014)

Am Seemooser Horn 20
88045 Friedrichshafen

Telefon: +49 7541 6009-1200
Fax: +49 7541 6009-1299
Email: sabine.marx@zu.de
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Kenning, Prof. Dr. Arnd Florack, Dipl. Kffr. Mirja Hubert, Dipl. Kfm. Marco Hubert
Prof. Dr. Arnd Florack, Lehrstuhl für Strategische Kommunikation, Zeppelin Universtät

  • Keine externe Finanzierung

Projektbezogene Publikationen:

  • Hubert, Mirja, Hubert, Marco, Büttner, Oliver, Florack, Arnd, Kenning, Peter: Compulsive buying- also a male problem?, Advances in Consumer Research, 2012 (38): 947-948.
  • Hubert, Mirja, Hubert, Marco, Büttner, Oliver, Florack, Arndt, Kenning, Peter: Compulsive Buying Behavior in men: Insights into Automatic Procersses and Neural Correlates, 2010 (EMAC/Kopenhagen).
  • Hubert, Mirja, Hubert, Marco, Büttner, Oliver, Florack, Arndt, Kenning, Peter: Compulsive Buying Behavior in men: Insights into Automatic Processes and Neural Correlates, 2010 (ConNecs/NeuroPsycoEconomics/Kopenhagen).
  • Hubert, Mirja, Hubert, Marco, Büttner, Oliver, Florack, Arndt, Kenning, Peter: Compulsive Buying - Also A Male Problem?, 2010 (Advances in Consumer Research/Jacksonville).
  • Hubert, Mirja, Hubert, Marco, Eberhardt, Tim, Kenning, Peter: I love Shopping? Neural Antecedents of Compulsive Buying, 2009 (Society for Neuroeconomics/Evanston).

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