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Does learning from examples improve tutored problem solving?

Although problem solving supported by Cognitive Tutors has been shown to be successful in fostering initial acquisition of cognitive skill, this approach does not seem to be optimal with respect to focusing the learner on the domain principles to be learned. In order to foster a deep understanding of domain principles and how they are applied in problem solving, we intend to combine the theoretical rationales of Cognitive Tutors and example-based learning. Especially, we will address the following main hypotheses: (a) Enriching a Cognitive Tutor unit with examples whose worked-out steps are gradually faded leads to better learning; (b) individualizing the fading procedure based on the quality of self-explanations that the learners provide further improves learning; (c) using free-form self-explanations is more useful in this context as compared to the usual menu-based formats; (d) learning can be enhanced further by providing previously self-explained examples – including the learner’s own self-explanations – as support at problem-solving impasses. We address these research questions by preparatory lab experiments and subsequent field experiments in the Geometry LearnLab.
Projektbeginn: 2005
Projektende: 2007
Renkl A, Aleven V

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung für Pädagogische Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie
Engelbergerstr. 41
79098 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: 0761 203 3002
Fax: 0761 203 3100
Email: nal@psychologie.uni-freiburg.de

  • NSF via Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, Sonstiges

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