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Collection and evaluation of basal attributes of living materials systems

Description of the project:
The Cluster of Excellence livMatS develops completely novel, bioinspired materials systems that adapt autonomously to various environments and harvest clean energy from their surroundings. The intention of these purely technical – yet in a behavioral sense quasi-living – materials systems is to meet the demands of humans with regard to pioneering environmental and energy technologies. The societal relevance of autonomous systems and their sustainability will thus play an important role in their development. The research program of livMatS is characterized by highly interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers from a broad range of fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, psychology, the humanities, and sustainability sciences. Evaluations and behavioral decisions constitute essential, complex cognitive and affective psychological processes with many determining factors. Consequently, we expect a multitude of factors to have an impact on the acceptance of living materials systems. Our focus is on the development of new approaches to acceptance research, especially towards the prediction of acceptance of technical systems which do not exist yet. This also includes an ethical reflection of living materials systems, in close collaboration with the philosophical subproject “livMatS as part of and reaction to the Anthropocene”. The core goal of this project is to assess attitudes and to predict the evaluation of living materials systems based on basal attributes and their interaction. Possible types of attributes will be collected based on the identification of the main characteristics of living materials systems and psychological considerations in recent technical advances. Thereby qualitative (interview) and quantitative (survey, questionnaire) methods will be developed in an interdisciplinary work environment. These methods will also be applied in the context of the participative outreach projects and the public engagement activities of livMatS.

contact person: Kiesel, A.
Email: kiesel@psychologie.uni-freiburg.de
Start of project: 01.05.2019
End of project: 30.04.2022
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Kiesel, A., Hühn, L.
Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung für Allgemeine Psychologie
Engelbergerstr. 41
79106 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: 0761 203 2489
Fax: 0761 203 2490
Email: sekr.allgpsy@psychologie.uni-freiburg.de
Actual Research Report
  • DFG EXC 2193, DFG