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Validation of surface runoff following extreme precipitation events on hillslopes

Description of the project:
The extreme precipitation and flooding events of 2016 have demonstrated the destructive potential of flash floods caused by extreme local rainfall events. Large scale rainfall simulation experiments on pasture and agricultural land are envisaged to contribute to a better understanding of the interaction of soil properties and rainfall event characteristics on runoff generation. For this purpose, a rainfall simulation facility was designed to simulate intensities of up to 140 mm/h. At every of the 25 locations which differ by landuse, soil texture and underlying geology, a series of rainfall simulation experiments with different intensities and durations as well as variable antecedent wetness states are realized. The amount and temporal distribution of generated surface runoff is measured and analysed on chemical composition with focus on phosphor export from the experimental plot. The single experimental sites are further characterized in terms of soil-hydrological properties. The obtained data set permits a better estimation of runoff reactions on extreme rainfall events in the state of Baden-Württemberg and presents an important basis for the spatial risk assessment of surface runoff generation following extreme rainfall events.

contact person: Weiler M
Phone: +49(0)761 203 3535
Email: markus.weiler@hydrology.uni-freiburg.de
Start of project: 01.07.2016
End of project: 30.06.2018
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Weiler M

Actual Research Report

  • Ries F
  • LUBW in Karlsruhe, Land
    Oberflächenabfluss, Starkregensimulation, Urbane Sturzfluten, Phosphor-Austrag