Prof. Dr. med. Cornelius Weiller
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Stroke, mechanisms of loss and recovery of brain function.
Structural and functional brain imaging in the language and motor system
Wichtige Publikationen
„Top ten“ - cited publications
1. Weiller C, May A, Limmroth V, Jüptner M, Kaube H, v.Schayck R, Coenen HH,
Diener HC (1995) Brain stem activation in spontaneous human migraine
attacks. Nature medicine 1: 658-660
2. Weiller C., Chollet F, Wise RJS, Friston K., Frackowiak RSJ (1992) Functional
reorganisation of the brain in recovery from striatocapsular infarction in man.
Annn Neurol 31:463-472
3. Liepert J, Bauder U, Miltner WHR, Weiller C (2000) Treatment induced cortical
reorganisation after stroke in humans. Stroke;31:1210-1216
4. Weiller C, Ramsay SC, Wise RJS, Friston KJ, Frackowiak RSJ (1993)
Individual patterns of functional reorganization in the human cerebral cortex
after capsular infarction. Ann Neurol 33:181-189
5. Warburton E, Wise RJS, Price CJ, Weiller C, Hadar U, Ramsay S, Frackowiak
RSJ (1995) Studies with Positron Emission Tomography of Noun and Verb
Retrieval by Normal Subjects. Brain 119:159-179
6. Howard D, Patterson K, Wise R, Brown WD, Friston K, Weiller C, Frackowiak
RSJ (1992) The cortical localisation of the lexicons: PET evidence. Brain 115:
7. Weiller C., Isensee C., Rijntjes M., Huber W., Müller S., Bier D., Dutschka K.,
Woods R., Noth J., Diener HC (1995) Recovery from Wernicke`s Aphasia – A
PET Study.
Ann Neurol 37: 723-732
8. Ringelstein EB, Biniek R, Weiller C, Ammeling B, Nolte P,Thron A (1992) Type
and extent of hemispheric brain infarctions and clinical outcome in early and
delayed middle cerebral artery recanalization. Neurology 42: 289-298
9. Liepert J, Miltner WHR, Bauder H, Sommer M, Dettmers C, Taub E, Weiller C
(1998) Motor cortex plasticity during constraint-induced movement therapy in
stroke. Neurosc Lett 1998, 250: 5-8.
10. Jüptner M, Weiller C (1995) Does measurement of regional cerebral blood flow
reflect synaptic activity – implications for PET and fMRI. NeuroImage 2 (2):
Tel: 0761/270 53060 Fax: 0761/270 53100 Email: cornelius.weiller@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Persönliche Homepage: http://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/neurologie/live/personen/weiller.html
Adresse / Postanschrift:
Department Neurozentrum Klinik für Neurologie und Neurophysiologie Breisacherstrasse 64 79106 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 761 270 50010 Fax: +49 761 270 53100