[Zurück zur

PD Dr. med. Thomas Benzing

geb. am 12.05.1965 in Schwenningen a.N.

Oberarzt Nephrologie, Uniklinik Freiburg; Heisenberg-Stipendiat


Molekulare Nephrologie. Erforschung der molekularen Grundlagen angeborener Nierenerkrankungen. Studie der Funktion des glomerulären Filters der Niere. Proteomics. Signaltransduktion.

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Huber, T.B., Simons, M., Hartleben, B., Sernetz, L., Saleem, M., Schmidts, M., Gundlach, E., Walz, G., Benzing, T. (2003). Molecular basis of the functional podocin-nephrin complex: mutations in the NPHS2 gene disrupt nephrin targeting to lipid raft microdomains. Hum Mol Genet. 12, 3397-3405. Otto, E.A., Schermer, B., Obara, T., O'Toole, J.F., Hiller, K.S., Mueller, A.M., Beekmann, F., Landau, D., Foremann, J., Goodship, J., Strachan, T., Gagnadoux, M.F., Antignac, C., Walz, G., Drummond, I., Benzing, T.*, Hildebrandt, F.* (2003). Inversin mutations cause nephronophthisis type 2, linking renal cystic disease to the function of primary cilia and left-right axis determination. Nature Genetics. 34, 413-420. * shared senior authorship Olbrich, H., Fliefauf, M., Hoefele, J., Kispert, A., Otto, E., Volz, A., Wolf, M.T., Sasmaz, G., Trauer, U., Reinhardt, R., Sudbrak, R., Antignac, C., Gretz, N., Walz, G., Schermer, B., Benzing, T., Hildebrandt, F., Omran, H. (2003). Mutations in a novel gene, NPHP3, cause adolescent nephronophthisis, tapeto-retinal degeneration and hepatic fibrosis. Nature Genetics. 34, 455-459. Fisslthaler, B., Benzing, T., Busse, R., Fleming, I. (2003). Insulin enhances the expression of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase in native endothelial cells: a dual role for Akt and AP-1. Nitric Oxide. 8, 253-261. Huber, T.B., Hartleben, B., Kim, J., Schmidts, M., Schermer, B., Keil, A., Egger, L., Lecha, R., Borner, C., Pavenstädt, H., Shaw, A., Walz, G., Benzing, T. (2003). Nephrin and CD2AP associate with phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase and stimulate AKT-dependent signaling. Mol Cell Biol. 23, 4917-4928. Huber, T.B., Schmidts, M., Gerke, P., Schermer, B., Zahn, A., Hartleben, B., Sellin, L., Walz, G., Benzing, T. (2003). The carboxy terminus of Neph family members binds to the PDZ domain protein Zonula occludens-1. J Biol Chem. 278, 13417-13421. Gerke, P., Huber, T.B., Sellin, L., Benzing, T., Walz, G. (2003). Homo- and heterodimerization of the glomerular podocyte proteins nephrin and NEPH1. JASN 14, 918-926. Bek, M., Wahle, S., Muller, B., Benzing, T., Huber, T.B., Kretzler, M., Cohen, C., Pavenstädt, H. (2003). Stra13, a prostaglandin E2 induced gene, regulates cellular redox state of podocytes. FASEB J. 17, 682-684. Benzing, T., Köttgen, M., Johnsen, M., Schermer, B., Zentgraf, H., Walz, G., Kim, E. (2002). The interaction of 14-3-3 with RGS7 is dynamically regulated by TNF-a. J Biol Chem. 277, 32954-32962. Nickel, C.*, Benzing, T.*, Gerke, P., Sellin, L., Karihaloo, A., Cantley, L.G., Walz, G. (2001). The C-terminal 112 amino acids of polycystin-1 trigger branching morphogenesis and migration of tubular kidney epithelial cells. J Clin Invest. 109, 481-489. * equal contribution Huber, T.B., Köttgen, M., Schilling, B., Walz, G., Benzing, T. (2001). Interaction with podocin facilitates nephrin signaling. J Biol Chem. 276, 41543-41546. Benzing, T., Gerke, P., Höpker, K., Hildebrandt, F., Kim, E., Walz, G. (2001). Nephrocystin interacts with Pyk2, p130Cas and tensin, and triggers phosphorylation of Pyk2. Proc Natl Ac Sci USA, 98, 9784-9789. Schreiber, R., Kindle, P., Benzing, T., Walz, G., Kunzelmann, K. (2001). Control of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by alphaG(i) and RGS proteins. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 281, 917-923. Benzing, T., Yaffe, MB., Arnould, T., Sellin, L., Schermer, B., Schilling, B., Schreiber, R., Kunzelmann, K., Leparc, GG., Kim, E., and Walz, G. (2000). 14-3-3 interacts with Regulator of G Protein Signaling proteins and modulates their activity. J Biol Chem 275, 28167-28172. Benzing, T., Brandes, R., Sellin, L., Schermer, B., Lecker, S., Walz, G., and Kim, E. (1999). Upregulation of RGS7 may contribute to TNF-induced changes of central nervous function. Nature Medicine 5, 913-918. Kim, E., Arnould, T., Sellin, L., Benzing, T., Comella, N., Kocher, O., Tsiokas, L., Sukhatme, V., and Walz, G. (1999). Interaction between RGS7 and polycystin. Proc Natl Ac Sci USA 96, 6371-6376. Kim, E., Arnould, T., Sellin, L., Benzing, T., Fan, M.J., Grüning, W., Sokol, S., Drummond, I., and Walz, G. (1999). The polycystic kidney disease 1 gene product modulates Wnt signaling. J Biol Chem 274, 4947-4953. Arnould, T., Sellin, L., Benzing, T., Tsiokas, L., Cohen, H.T., Kim, E., and Walz, G. (1999). Cellular activation triggered by the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease gene product PKD2. Mol Cell Biol 19, 3423-3434. Benzing, T., Fleming, I., Blaukat, A., Müller-Esterl, W., and Busse, R. (1999). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ramiprilat interferes with the sequestration of the B2 kinin receptor within the plasma membrane of native endothelial cells. Circulation 99, 2034-2040. Grotz, W., Rasenack, J., Benzing, T., Berthold, H., Peters, T., Walter, E., Schollmeyer, P., and Rump, L.C. (1998). Occurrence and management of hepatitis B reactivation following kidney transplantation. Clin Nephrol 49, 385-388. Benzing, T., Rump, L.C., Kaiser, R., and Peter, H.-H. (1997). Kasuistik: Paraneoplastische Kleinhirndegeneration bei Morbus Hodgkin. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 123, 493-496. Fleming, I., Fisslthaler, B., Benzing, T., and Busse, R. (1997). The calcium-independent activation of the endothelial NO synthase (NOS III) is associated with its dephosphorylation and subsequent redistribution within the caveolae. Vasc. Biol. 34, 165-174. Krumme, B., Blum, U., Benzing, T., Keller, E., Schollmeyer, P., and Rump, L.C. (1996). Treatment of primary graft dysfunction after kidney transplantation by renal artery stent. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation 11, 208-210. Hecker, M., Benzing, T., and Busse, R. (1992). Stimulation of endothelial autacoid formation by inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Agents & Actions 38, 163-170.


Tel: Office: 0761/270-3559, Lab: 0761/270-6363
Fax: 0761/270-6362
Email: benzing@med1.ukl.uni-freiburg.de

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