[Zurück zur

PD Dr. med. Karin U. Löffler

geb. am 28.01.1960 in Karlsruhe

prom. 1978 Freiburg, hab. 1995 Fr.



Ophthalmopathologie, Makuladegeneration

Wichtige Publikationen

Löffler KU, McMenamin PG: Evaluaton of subretinal macrophage-like cells in the human foetal eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1990), 31, 1628; Loeffler KU, Fishman GA, Tso MOM: Dominantly inherited cystoid macular edema: a histopath. study. Ophthalmology (1992), 99, 1385; Loeffler KU, Edward DP, Tso MOM: An immunohistochem. study of gelsolin IR in corneal amyloidosis. Amer J Ophthalmol (1992), 113, 546; Loeffler KU, Hayreh SS, Tso MOM: The effects of simult. occl. of post. cil. artery and vortex veins. Arch Ophthalmol (1994, 112, 647; Loeffler KU, Edward DP, Tso MOM: Anti-Tau and anti -APP immunoreactivity in the human retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (1995), 36, 24; Loeffler KU, Mangini NJ: Anti-arrestin IR in hum. retina: diff. between light -and dark adaptation. Curr Eye Res (1995), 14, 1165; Loeffler KU et al.: Immunoscintigraphy for ocular melanoma. Graefe´s Arch Ex


Adresse / Postanschrift:
Abteilung Allgemeine Augenheilkunde mit Poliklinik
Killianstrasse 5
79106 Freiburg

Telefon: +49 (761) 270-40060
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Email: augenklinik.direktion@uniklinik-freiburg.de