| Konferenzbeiträge:
- Assländer, J, Hennig, J: Spin Echo Formation with a Phase Pre-Winding Pulse 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Bär,S, Weigel,M, Kiselev,V, Leupold, J: Side effects of the spoiler gradient in gradient echo sequences: Diffusion attenuation of the signal from nuclei in thermal equlibrium and in hyperpolarised state 21th Annual Meeting & Exhibition ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City, USA (20.-26.04.2013), 2013 (online).
- Bär,S, Weigel,M, Leupold, J: Phase encoding gradient induced diffusion effects on the SSFP Steady-State Signal 16. Jahrestagung der DSISMRM 2013, Freiburg (September 19-20), 2013; 1.
- Bär,S, Weigel,M, Leupold, J: Diffusion effect of high b-value phase encoding gradients on the bSSFP signal 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2013, Toulouse (October 3-5), 2013 (online).
- Benk, C, Mauch, A, Beyersdorf, F, Klemm, R, Korvink, JG, Markl, M, Jung, B: 4D MRI Flow Analysis in an in-Vitro System Modelling Continuous Left Ventricular Support: Effect of Cannula Position in the Thoracic Aorta 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Binter, C, Ramb, R, Jung, B, Kozerke, S: A g-factor metric for k-t SENSE and k-t PCA 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Bollgrün, P., Dager, M., Bock, M., Korvink, JG: Flexible Magnetic Flux Guides for Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Borowiak, R., Gröbner, J., Bock, M.: Cardiac 17O-MRI at a clinical field strength of 3 Tesla 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Toulouse, 2013; 1.
- Braig, M, Alexander, M, Menza, M, Peter, K, Neudorfer, I, Merkle, A, von zur Mühlen, C, von Elverfeldt, D: In-Vivo Detection of activated platelets in myocardial infarction using antibody-coupled iron oxide micro particles The Sixth Annual World Molecular Imaging Congress, Savannah, Georgia, USA (September 18-21, 2013), 2013; 1.
- Braig, M, Maier, A, Menza, M, Peter, K, Neudorfer, I, Merkle, A, von zur Mühlen, C, von Elverfeldt, D: Detection of activated platelets in reperfused myocardium through micro particles of iron oxide with MRI in mice after temporary ligation of the LAD 21th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Freiburg, Deutschland (01.04.-10.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Brunner, A., Maier, F., Semmler, W., Bock, M.: Simultaneous Stereoscopic 3D-Visualization of Vascular Structures and a Passive Catheter in Real Time 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Buchenberg, W B, Hoppe, G, Lorenz, R, Mader, W, Laudy, P, Bienek, C, Jung, B: Experimental Study of the Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Effect with respect to Intracardiac ECG Signals Cardiotechnix, Villamoura, Protugal (20.9.-21.9.2013), 2013; 1.
- Buchenberg, W B, Lorenz, R, Laudy, P, Mader, W, Bienek, C, Jung, B: An experimental setup to simulate the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-effect with respect to intra cardiac ECG signals 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Burdumy, M, Echternach, M, Richter, B, Korvink, JG, Hennig, J, Zaitsev, M: Combined Radial Acquisition and Regularized Reconstruction for Accelerated Vocal Tract Imaging 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Cocosco, C, Geiger, J, Testud, F, Komancsek, A, Bley, T, Weigel, M, Zaitsev, M, Jung, B, Hennig, J, Ludwig, U: High-resolution imaging of the superficial cranial rteries using highly-parallel receive coils 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Dadakova, T., Bock, M.: Influence of image noise on MR thermometry: a simulation 16. Jahrestagung der DS-ISMRM, Freiburg, 2013; 1.
- Darji, N., Haas, M., Patel, G., Speck, O., Brinkmann, I., Bock, M.: Imaging the Kidneys at 7T Using 8Tx/32Rx Abdominal Coil and RF Shimming of Individual Slices 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- David Pilutti: Bi-modal non-rigid registration of brain MRI data based on deconvolution of joint statistics Third International Workshop on Multimodal Brain Image Analysis (MBIA 2013) In conjunction with MICCAI 2013
, 2013.
- Dragonu, I, Baxan, N, Wick, M, Snyder, J, Hennel, F, Hennig, J, Elverfeldt, D., Zaitsev, M: Reliable in Vivo Shimming for Solving Shim Degeneracy and Incorporating System Constaints at High B0 Fields 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Dragonu, I, Snyder, J, Jung, B, Geiger, J, Ludwig, U: Feasibility of T1- and T2-Weighted Dark Blood Imaging of the Aortic Wall for Assessment of Arteritis Proc. 25th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography, New York, USA (20.08.-23.08.2013), 2013; 1.
- Foell, D, Markl, M, Menza, M, Usman, A, Wengenmayer, T, Stroh, A, Bode, C, Carr ,J, Jung, B: Cold ischemic time affects segmental LV motion and dyssynchrony in heart transplant recipients 16th Annual Meeting of SCMR, San Francisco, USA (31.01-03.02.2013), 2013; 1.
- Göbel, K, Gruschke, OG, Leupold, J, Kern, JS, Has, C, Korvink, JG, Bruckner-Tudermann, L, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Baxan, N: MR Microscopy of Diseased Human Skin Using Phased-Array of Microcoils at 9.4T: First Results 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City, USA (20.04-26.04.2013), 2013 (online).
- Göbel, K, Gruschke, OG, Leupold, J, LeVan, P, Kern, JS, Korvink, JG, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Baxan, N: MR Microscopy of Human Skin Using Phased Array of Microcoils at 9.4 T Spring meeting of DPG 2013, Regensburg, Germany (10.03.-15.03.2013), 2013; 1.
- Göbel, K, Kamberger, R, Gerlach, J, Gruschke, OG, Leupold, J, LeVan, P, von Elverfeldt, D, Korvink, JG, Haas, C, Hennig, J: MR Microscopy of Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures: First Steps to an In Vitro Approach for Experimental Epilepsy Research International Conference of Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM12), Cambridge, UK, (25.08.-29.08.2013), 2013; 1.
- Göbel, K., Kamberger, R, Gerlach, J, Gruschke, OG, Leupold, J, LeVan, P, von Elverfeldt, D, Korvink, JG, Haas, C, Hennig, J: MR Microscopy of Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures: A First Look at the Anatomy 16th Annual Meeting of DS-ISMRM 2013, Freiburg, Germany (19.09.-20.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Gröbner, J., Bock, M.: The New EU Proposal vs. 2004/40/EC - An MR Exposure Data Comparison 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Gröbner, J., Borowiak, R., Rösler, M., Umathum, R., Fischer, E., Pavlina, J.M., Bock, M.: In Vivo 17O-MRI at 3 Tesla using a TxRx Surface Coil 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Gröbner, J., Umathum, R., Bock, M.: A Portable MR Exposure Monitoring System for B0 and DB/dt Up to 7T. 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Haas, M., Kokorin, D., Buchenau, S., Yeramian, A., Fautz, H.-P., Wichmann, T., Hennig, J, Bock, M., Zaitsev, M.: Inner Volume Imaging of the Kidney in vivo Using Parallel Transmit 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Hennig, J: The Encoding Process Proc. ISMRM Scientific Workshop, Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction - Sedona, AZ, USA (03.-06.02.2013), 2013; 1 (ISMRM Scientific Workshop, Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction - Sedona, AZ, USA (03.-06.02.2013)).
- Hoevener, JB, Schwaderlapp, N, Lickert, T, Leibfritz, D, Borowiak, R., Duckett, S, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: A Hyperpolarized Equilibrium Experimental NMR Conference, Asilomar, USA (14.-19.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Hübner, N, Mechling, A, Lee, H-L, Hennig, J, Elverfeldt, D., Harsan, LA: Exploring the mouse brain functional networks in a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis ISMRM Workshop on Multiple Sclerosis as a Whole-Brain Disease, London, UK, (26-28 June 2013), 2013; 1.
- Hübner, N, Mechling, A, Lee, H-L, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D., Harsan, LA: Exploring the mouse brain functional networks after demyelination: a rs-fMRI study 21th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Salt Lake City, USA (20.04-26.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Hübner, N, Mechling, A, Lee, H-L, Reisert, M, Bienert, T, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D., Harsan, LA: Characterization of brain functional and structural connectivity changes in a mouse model of demyelination 16th Annual Meeting of DS-ISMRM 2013, Freiburg, (19.09.-20.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Hübner, N, Mechling, A, Lee, H-L, Reisert, M, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D., Harsan, LA: Remodeling of brain functional connectivity in the cuprizone mouse model of demyelination Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA (9. - 13. Nov 2013), 2013; 1.
- Jäger, V, Dümpelmann, M, LeVan, P, Ramantani, G, Schulze-Bonhage, A, Hennig, J, Jacobs, J: High resolution temporal imaging and high density EEG improves EEG-fMRI in focal epilepsy 30th International Epilepsy Congress, Montreal, Canada (23.6.-27.6.2013), 2013; 1.
- Jung, B, Markl, M, Entezaril, P, Mahadevia, R, Schnell, S: K-t Accelerated 4D Flow MRI in the Aorta: Effect on Scan Time, Flow Quantification and Analysis of Wall Shear Stress 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Kamberger, R, Gruschke, OG, Göbel, K, Hoevener, JB, von Elverfeldt, D, Utz, M, Korvink, JG: Induktiv Gekoppelte Detektoren für multinukleare Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie: Vorläufige Ergebnisse MST Kongress, Aachen, Germany (14.10.-16.10.2013), 2013; 1.
- Korhonen, V, Kantola, J, Myllylä, T, Starck, T, Kallio, M, Ansakorpi, H,, Assländer, J, Nikkinen, J, Tervonen, O, LeVan, P, Hennig, J, Kiviniemi, V: Critically sampled MREG and NIRS data detect similar DMN activity simultaneously 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA (16.6.-20.6.2013), 2013; 1.
- Krohn-Grimberge, M, von Elverfeldt, D, Neudorfer, I, Peter, K, Gawaz, M, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: Characterization of plaque inflammation in ApoE-/- mice by a novel triple-targeting strategy for molecular imaging Annual Conference of the American Heart Association (AHA), Dallas TX, USA (16.11.2013 - 20.11.2013), 2013; 1.
- Krohn-Grimberge, M, von Elverfeldt, D, Neudorfer, I, Peter, K, Gawaz, M, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: A novel triple-targeting stragegy for characterizing plaque inflammation in ApoE-/- mice 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie Mannheim (3.-6. April 2013), 2013; 1: 673.
- Krohn-Grimberge, M, von Elverfeldt, D, Neudorfer, I, Peter, K, Gawaz, M, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: Development of a novel triple-target strategy for the characterization of plaque inflammation in ApoE-/- mice European Society of Cardiology ESC, Amsterdam (3.9.2013), 2013; 1: 81890.
- Lang, C, Jochem, S, Menza, M, Franke, G, Perez Feliz, S, Brunner, M, Koren, G, Zehnder, M, Bode, C, Jung, B, Föll, D, Odening, K: Gender Differences and Sex Hormone Effects on Electro-Mechanical Cardiac Function in Transgenic Long-QT Type 2 Rabbits Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Denver, USA ( 16.11. -20.11.2013), 2013; 1.
- Lange, T, Herbst, M, Maclaren, J, Lovell-Smith, C, Izadpanah, K, Zaitsev, M: High-resolution knee MRI using prospective motion correction for quantification of cartilage compression under in situ mechanical loading 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Lee, HL, Assländer, J, LeVan, P, Hennig, J: Observing Resting-State Brain Modules at Different Frequencies Using MREG 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Lee, HL, Assländer, J, LeVan, P, Hennig, J: Frequency-dependent resting-state network modules revealed in MR-Encephalography 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA (16.6.-20.6.2013), 2013; 1.
- LeVan, P: Pushing Temporal & Spatial Resolution. 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- LeVan, P, Hennig, J: Optimization of physiological noise removal in ultra-high temporal resolution fMRI 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA (16.6.-20.6.2013), 2013; 1.
- LeVan, P, Jacobs, J, Jayakumar, V, Hennig, J: Ultra-fast fMRI reveals high-frequency fluctuations in response to neuronal discharges 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Lickert, T, Schwaderlapp, N, Bär, S, Leupold, J, Hennig, J, Korvink, JG, Elverfeldt, D, Hövener, J.: 13C-hyperpolarization by transferring parahydrogen spin order on a 7 T MRI-system 16. Jahrestagung der DSISMRM 2013, Freiburg (September 19-20), 2013; 1.
- Lippus, F., Bock, M.: Sequence Concepts for Truly Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB, Toulouse, 2013; 1.
- Lippus, F., Brocker, K., Gröbner, J., Hallscheidt, P., Bock, M.: MR-visible Surgical Meshes: Optimization and Phantom Studies 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Littin, S, Assländer, J, Dewdney, A, Welz, AM, Weber, H, Schultz, G, Hennig, J, Zaitsev, M: PatLoc single shot imaging 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Maddalena Strumia: Automated Brain White Matter Lesion Detection in Multiple Sclerosis 16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM, 2013.
- Maier, A, Dürenschmied, D, von Elverfeldt, D, Braig, M, Heidt, T, Neudorfer, I, Peter, K, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: Molecular magnetic resonance imaging allows in vivo evaluation of ischemia-reperfusion injury by simulatneous targeting of activated platelets and myocardial necrosis in mice Annual Conference of the American Heart Association (AHA), Dallas TX, USA (16.11.2013 - 20.11.2013), 2013; 1.
- Maier, A, Dürenschmied, D, von Elverfeldt, D, Braig, M, Heidt, T, Neudorfer, I, Peter, K, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: Simultaneous molecular magnetic resonance imaging of activated platelets and myocardial necrosis allows in vivo evaluation of ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice Eurpean Society of Cardiology Congress, Amsterdam, Niederlande (31.08-04.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Maier, A, von Elverfeldt, D, Dürenschmied, D, Neudorfer, I, Heidt, T, Peter, K, Bode, C, von zur Mühlen, C: Die simultane molekulare Bildgebung von aktivierten Thrombozyten und Myokardnekrose erlaubt die Darstellung des Ischämie Reperfusionsschaden in einem vin vivo Mausmodell in der MRT 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz Kreislaufforschung e.V., Mannheim (03.04-06.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Mechling, A, Arefin, T, Lee, H-L, Reisert, M, Hamida, SB, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Kieffer, B, Harsan, LA: Mapping the brain functional and structural connectivity of mu-opioid receptor knock-out mice Neuroscience San Diego, Ca, USA (2013, Nov 9-13), 2013; 1.
- Mechling, A, Hübner, N, Lee, H-L, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Harsan, LA.: Revealing the mouse brain functional connectivity patterns with resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) The Sixth Annual World Molecular Imaging Congress; Savannah, USA (September 18-21, 2013), 2013; 1.
- Meißner, M, Leupold, J, Reisert, M, von Elverfeldt, D, Hennig, J: Simulation based evaluation of deconvolutions of chemical shift artefacts in 19F MRI 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2013, Toulouse (03.-05.10.2013), 2013; 167.
- Menza, M, Jung, B, Komancsek, A, Snyder, J, Föll, D: Biventricular motion analysis using MR Tissue Phase Mapping 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013 (online).
- Menza, M, Jung, B, Komancsek, A, Snyder, J, Föll, D: Analyse der biventrikulären Myokardgeschwindigkeiten mit MR Tissue Phase Mapping 79. Jahrestagung der DGK, Mannheim (03.04-06.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Menza, M, Jung, B, Mannweiler, A, Komancsek, A, Föll, D: Biventrikuläre Bewegungsanalyse des Herzens mittels Tissue Phase Mapping 16. Jahrestagung der DS-ISMRM, Freiburg (19.-20.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Menza, M, Jung, B, Mannweiler, A, Komancsek, A, Föll, D: MR Tissue Phase Mapping reveals gender- related alterations of regional RV function and RV torsion Proc. 25th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography, New York, USA (20.08.-23.08.2013), 2013; 1.
- Menzel, A, Jacobs, J, Ramantani, G, Schulze-Bonhage, A, Hennig, J, LeVan, P: EEG-MREG reveals negative BOLD in the default-mode network in single patients with focal epilepsy 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seattle, USA (16.6.-20.6.2013), 2013; 1.
- Pavlina, J.M., Gröbner, J., Dadakova, T., Dumont, E., Bock, M.: Design of an Endorectal Coil for MR-Guided HIFU Therapy of the Prostate 21st Annual Meeting of ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City 20.04-26.04.2013, 2013; 1.
- Ramb, R, Binter, C, Breuer, F, Kozerke, S, Jung, B: A g-factor metric for k-t-GRAPPA reconstructions Workshop on "Data sampling and image reconstruction" of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Sedona (3.2.-6.2.2013), 2013; 1.
- Ramb, R, Binter, C, Breuer, F, Schultz, G, Zaitsev, M., Kozerke, S, Jung, B: Quantitative g-factor calculation in k-t-GRAPPA reconstructions 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013 (online).
- Ramb, R, Binter, C, Schultz, G, Zaitsev, M., Kozerke, S, Jung, B: Rauschanalyse in k-Raum basierter paralleler Bildgebung: Von räumlichen zu zeitlich-räumlichen GRAPPA-Kernen 16. Jahrestagung der DS-ISMRM, Freiburg (19.-20.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Ramb, R, Schultz, G: Extended GRAPPA and truncated SENSE: Separating effects in parallel imaging 30th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2013, Toulouse (October 3-5), 2013 (online).
- Reichardt, W, Baxan, N, Zeiser, R, Leonhardt, F, Von Elverfeldt, D: Phase Contrast MR Imaging to Image Bacterial translocation in a Mouse Model for Graft versus Host Disease 21th Annual Meeting ISMRM, SLC, USA (20.-26.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Reisert, M, Skibbe, H: Fiber Continuity Based Spherical Deconvolution in Spherical Harmonic Domain Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventional MICCAI 2013, 2013: 493-500.
- Riemenschneider, B, Assländer, J, Hennig, J: An approach to 3-dimensional multi-band acquisition 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Ruiz, E, Reisert, M: Image segmentation using normalized cuts with multiple priors SPIE Medical Imaging, 2013: 866937-866937-7.
- Ruiz, E, Reisert, M, Bai, L: Non-euclidean basis function based level set segmentation with statistical shape prior Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2013; 1: 5123-5126.
- Schnell, S, Entezari, P, Mahadewia, R, Fluckiger, J, Jung, B, Rinewalt, D, Collins, J, Carr, J, Markl, M: 4D Flow MRI of the aorta becomes practical: Performance and observer variability for a new semi-automated workflow for 3D visualization and quantification of aortic hemodynamics 16th Annual Meeting of SCMR, San Francisco, USA (31.01-03.02.2013), 2013 (online).
- Schwaderlapp, N, Lickert, T, Bär, S, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Hövener, JB: Earth’s Field MRI Using Continuous SABRE Hyperpolarization 21th Annual Meeting & Exhibition ISMRM 2013, Salt Lake City, USA (20.-26.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Snyder, J, Harloff, A, Dragonu, I, Jung, B: Navigator Optimization for Increased Image Quality in CINE MR Proc. 25th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography, New York, USA (20.08.-23.08.2013), 2013; 1.
- Stankovic, Z, Fink, J, Russe, M, Markl, M, Jung, B: On the use of k-t accelerated 4D Flow MRI in the Portal System 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA (20.4.-26.4.2013), 2013; 1.
- Strumia, M: Automated Brain White Matter Lesion Detection in Multiple Sclerosis. 16. Jahrestagung der DS-ISMRM, Freiburg (19.-20.09.2013), 2013; 1.
- Strumia, M,, Ramantani, G,, Mader, I,, Henning, J,, Bai, L,, Hadjidemetriou, S.: Analysis of Structural MRI Data for the Localisation of Focal Cortical Dysplasia in Epilepsy, Workshop on clinical image based procedures (CLIP), in conjunction with MICCAI, Nice, France, 2013; 1. : http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38079-2_4
- Voigt, A, Felsch, C, Drews, U, Liese, F, Renz, H, Sava, B, Wüstner, M, von Elverfeldt, D., Hennig, J, Hövener, J., Sarioglu, N., Radlanski, R. J.: Synoptische multimodale Bildgewinnung: μCT, μMRT, Sonographie und
3D-Histologie am selben Präparat 45. Jahrestagung der AfG, Mainz (10.-11.01.2013), 2013; 1.
- Wassermann, F., Hecker, D., Jung, B., Markl, M., Seifert, A., Grundmann, S.: Phase-Locked 3D3C-MRV Measurements in a Bi-stable Fluidic Oscillator 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Grapevine, USA (07.01-10.01.2013), 2013 (online).
- Ziupa, D, Menza, M, Beck, J, Franke, G, Perez Feliz, S, Brunner, M, Koren, G, Zehnder, M, Bode, C, Föll, D, Jung, B, Odening, K: E4031 beeinflusst die elektro-mechanischen Funktion in transgenen Long-QT Typ 1 Kaninchen deutlicher als im Wildtyp Kaninchen 79. Jahrestagung der DGK, Mannheim (03.04-06.04.2013), 2013; 1.
- Ziupa, D, Menza, M, Beck, J, Franke, G, Perez Feliz, S, Brunner, M, Koren, G, Zehnder, M, Bode, C, Jung, B, Föll, D, Odening, K: E4031 affects regional electrical and diastolic function in transgenic LQT1 rabbits Heart Rhythm Society Meeting, Denver, USA ( 08.05. -11.05.2013), 2013; 1.