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 Forschungsbericht für das Jahr 2011

Department für Radiologische Diagnostik und Therapie

Klinik für Radiologie

Hugstetterstrasse 55
79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49-761-270-38050/38060 Fax: +49-761-270-38380

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

  • Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Jürgen Hennig, Leitung (m/w), Wissenschaftlischer Direktor
  • apl. Prof. Dr. (rus) Valerij Kiselev, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • Prof. Dr. Mathias Langer, Leitung (m/w), Ärztlicher Direktor
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Bock, Leitender wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Martin Büchert, Leitender wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • PD Dr.rer.nat. Dominik von Elverfeldt, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • PD Dr.rer.nat. Jan-Bernd Hövener, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Prof. Dr. med. Elmar Kotter, OA
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Markl
  • Prof. Dr. med. Arnd-Oliver Schäfer, OA
  • PD Dr. Maxim Zaitsev, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Dieter Burger, OA
  • Dr. med. Wulf Euringer, OA
  • Dr.rer.nat. Ulrike Fasol
  • Dr. Ulrike Fasol, Gastwissenschaftler (m/w)
  • PhD Efstathios Hadjidemetriou, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • PhD Laura Harsan, Gastwissenschaftler (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Bernd Jung, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Lars Kemna, OA
  • Dr. Thomas Lange, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • PhD Pierre Levan, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • PD Dr. med. Christian Lohrmann
  • Dr.rer.nat. Ute Ariane Ludwig, Assistent / Gruppenleiter (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Gregor Pache
  • Dr.med. Wilfried Reichardt, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Ulrich Saueressig
  • Dr. med. Zoran Stankovic
  • Dr. Claudia Weidensteiner, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. med M. Windfuhr-Blum, OÄ
  • PD Dr. med. J.T. Winterer, OA
  • Dr. Jakob Assländer, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Jean-Paul Bartholomä
  • Dr. med Tobias Baumann
  • PhD Nicoleta Baxan, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Jelena Bock, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Waltraud Buchenberg, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Michael Burdumy, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Xueming Cao, Postdoc (m/w)
  • PhD Iulius Dragonu, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Elmar Fischer, Postdoc (m/w)
  • PD Dr. med. A. Frydrychowicz
  • PhD Daniel Gallichan
  • Dr. med. Julia Geiger
  • Dr.rer.nat. Martin Haas, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Michael Herbst, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Matthias Honal
  • Dr.rer.nat. Elias Kellner, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Denis Kokorin, Postdoc (m/w)
  • PhD Hsu-Lei Lee, Postdoc (m/w)
  • PhD Kuan J. Lee
  • Dr.rer.nat. Jochen Leupold, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Sebastian Littin, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Ing. Ramona Lorenz, Postdoc (m/w)
  • ME Crispin Lovell-Smith, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • PhD Julian Maclaren
  • Dr. Anna Mechling, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Mirko Meißner, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Marius Menza, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.Vet. Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • Dr. John Matthew Pavlina, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Marco Reisert, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Alexander Ruh, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Susanne Schnell
  • PhD Jeff Snyder, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Frederik Testud, Postdoc (m/w)
  • PhD Marco Vicari, Gastwissenschaftler (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Christian Voss
  • Dr. Hans Weber, Ehemalige Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • Dr. Claudia Weidensteiner, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.rer.nat. Matthias Weigel, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr. Ara Yeramian, Postdoc (m/w)
  • Dr.sc.hum. Stefan Zwick
  • Dipl.-Phys. Simon Bauer
  • Dipl.-Phys. Sandra Baumann
  • Dr. med. Philipp Blanke
  • Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jelena Bock, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dipl.-Phys. Stefanie Buchenau, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Waltraud B. Buchenberg, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Stefan Bulla
  • Dr. med. Jonas Bürk
  • Chris Cocosco, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Zoltan Csatari
  • Dipl.-Phys. Philipp Emerich, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Philipp Franke
  • Dr. med. Axel Gerstmair
  • Neele Hübner, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dipl.-Phys. Thimo Hugger
  • Dr. med. Achim Kircher
  • Dr. med. Tobias Krauß
  • Guobin Li, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Niklas Lützen
  • Dr. med. Lars Maruschke
  • Dr. med. Jörg Mauch
  • David Pilutti, Doktorand (m/w)
  • David Pilutti, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Esmeralda Ruij Pujadas, Ehemalige Mitarbeiter (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Olaf Saborowski
  • Dr. med. Carsten Scheuer
  • Dipl.-Phys. Gerrit Schultz, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Tina Severin-Selz
  • Henrik Skibbe, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dipl.Inform.Med. Daniel Nicolas Splitthoff, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Msc.App.Sc. Anna Masako Welz, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dr. med. Markus Wilhelm
  • Ara Yeramian, Doktorand (m/w)
  • Dipl.-Phys. Benjamin Zahneisen
  • Alexander J. Barker
  • Robert Borowiak, Diplomand (m/w)
  • Tamara Bragina
  • Philippe Dovi-Akué
  • Dr. med. Benjamin Fritz
  • Katharina Göbel, Diplomand (m/w)
  • Sebastian Gruhlke
  • Vera Ivanovas
  • Christine Lang
  • Philipp Lenz
  • Dr. med. Jakob Neubauer
  • Maximilian Russe
  • Rebecca Sostheim, Diplomand (m/w)
  • Dr. med Eva Maria Spira
Einträge in der Rubrik "Who is Who"

Wissenschaftliche Projekte und Forschungsvorhaben

  • BMBF: Mechanisms of brain reorganisation in the language network.
    • Projektleitung: Saur D, Hennig J, Kellmeyer P, Kümmerer D, Härle M, Schnell S, u.a.
    • Laufzeit: 01.04.2007 bis 31.03.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BMBF (DLR 01GQ0830): Verbundprojekt: Bernstein Fokus Neurotechnologie - Hybrid Brain - Teilprojekt B3: Improving microelectrodes for single cell recordings in the human brain.
    • Projektleitung: Hefft S, Elverfeldt D, Spreer J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Mattmüller R.
    • Laufzeit: 2009 bis 2014
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BMBF(DLR 01GW0730): MR-Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Projektes.
    • Projektleitung: Weiller C, Nikkhah G, Lieb K, Tüscher O, Ohlendorf S.
    • Laufzeit: 2009 bis 2011
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BMBF KZ: 01EV0706: "Kardiovaskuläre 7D MRT" im Rahmen der Nachwuchsgruppe bildgebende Verfahren.
  • BMBF KZ: SUA 08/020: Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildung und Forschung mit Südafrika zum Thema "Entwicklung neuer MRT Methoden zur Analyse des Flussverhaltens des cerebrospinalen Fluid".
    • Projektleitung: BMBF KZ: SUA 08/020: Internationale Zusammenarbeit in Bildung und Forschung mit Südafrika zum Thema "Entwicklung neuer MRT Methoden zur Analyse des Flussverhaltens des cerebrospinalen Fluid".
    • Laufzeit: 01.02.2009 bis 31.12.2011
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BMBF - Verbundprojekt INUMAC (Teil DLR): Bildgebung neurologischer Erkrankungen durch Erforschung innovativer Hochfeld-MR-Techniken und Kontrastophore (INUMAC) - Teilvorhaben: Grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Echtzeitkontrolle.
    • Projektleitung: Uni Freiburg (Hennig J.), IMTEK (Korvink J.), Uni Magdeburg (Speck O.), Siemens (Schmidt F, Krieg R, Siebert A.)
    • Laufzeit: 2007 bis 2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BMBF - Verbundprojekt INUMAC (Teil VDI): Bildgebung neurologischer Erkrankungen durch Erforschung innovativer Hochfeld-MR-Techniken und Kontrastophore (INUMAC) - Teilvorhaben: Grundlegende Untersuchungen zu innovativen Konzepte für Gradienten-, Transmitter- und Empfängerspulen.
    • Projektleitung: Uni Freiburg (Hennig J.), IMTEK (Korvink J.), Uni Magdeburg (Speck O.), Siemens (Schmidt F, Krieg R, Siebert A.)
    • Laufzeit: 01.11.2006 bis 31.10.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • BW-Stiftung: Eliteprogramm für Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden: Forschungsvorhaben "Ein globales Strukturmodell des Gehirns".
  • BW-Stiftung: Forschung Optische Technologien 2010: Forschungsprojekt "Adaptive Minioptiken für die Kernspintomographie (ADOPT-TOMO). Finanziert über Photonics BW e.V., 73447 Oberkochen
  • Collaboration with Asia: Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research, Beijing: New Concepts and Applications for the Examination of spatiotemporal Mechanisms of Brain Activity.
  • DAAD - Collaboration with Asia: Prof. Cheng-Wen Ko, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques including MR spectroscopy, fast imaging and functional MRI.
  • DAAD - Förderungsprogramm PPP Taiwan für das Projekt "Fluss-sensitive 4D MRT im rechtsseitigen kardiovaskulären System" (ID: 50751442).
  • DFG EL 534/2-1: Koimplantation autologer humaner Präadipozyten und endothelialer Progenitorzellen in Fibrin zur Verbesserung der Vaskularisierung von Fettgewebsäquivalenten im Tissue Engineering.
  • DFG HE 1875/19-1: Initiierung und Intensivierung einer bilateralen Kooperation mit der University of Madison, Wisconsin, USA im Bereich "Accelerated Medical Imaging".
    • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hennig, PD Dr. Michael Markl
    • Laufzeit: 01.05.2010 bis 30.04.2011
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG HE 1875/20-1: Initiierung und Intensivierung einer bilateralen Kooperation mit der National Sun Yat-sen University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, auf dem Gebiet "New Developments in Magnetic Resonance".
    • Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hennig, PD Dr. Michael Markl
    • Laufzeit: 15.11.2010 bis 14.11.2011
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG HÖ 4614/1-1: "Molekulare Bildgebung mit 13C-hyperplolarisierten Tracern zur Differenzierung von abnormalem Gewebe in vivo".
    • Projektleitung: Hövener, Jan-Bernd Dr.
    • Laufzeit: 01.12.2011 bis 01.10.2013
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG JU 2687/4-1: Entwicklung von parallelen Bildgebungs-Methoden für multi-dimensionale und multiparametrische MRT.
    • Projektleitung: Jung, Bernd PD Dr., Mader, Irina Prof. Dr.
    • Laufzeit: 01.04.2011 bis 31.03.2014
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG KI 1089/2-1: Quantitative MRI Measurement of Cerebral Perfusion by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast.
  • DFG KI 1089/3-1: Global Tracking of White Matter Fibres in the Human Brain.
  • DFG LU 1187/1-2: "Moving Table Time-Of-Flight(MoTOF) MR-Angiographie zur Darstellung peripherer Gefäße in der klinischen Routine".
    • Projektleitung: Ludwig U, Winterer J, Hennig J, Markl M.
    • Laufzeit: 01.04.2009 bis 31.03.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG MA 2383/5-1: "MRT basierte Charakterisierung der Flussphänomene bei Herzersatz-systemen (Ventricular Assist Devices)“ im Rahmen des Paketantrags (PAK 359) „Herzunterstützungssysteme für den Langzeiteinsatz bei Herzinsuffizienz – Sicherheit und Effektivität“.
    • Projektleitung: Markl M, Benk C, Beyersdorf F, Hennig J
    • Laufzeit: 01.05.2009 bis 31.10.2013
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG MA 2383/6-1: "Systemische Vaskulitis-Diagnostik mit Moving Table MRT".
    • Projektleitung: Markl PD Dr. Michael, Bley PD Dr. Thorsten
    • Laufzeit: 15.09.2011 bis 14.09.2013
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG RE 2897/1-1: "Therapeutic targets in Polycystic Kidney Disease: Therapeutic Approaches in Polycystic Kidney Disease" (Teilprojekt 09, Part C im Rahmen des DFG-Antrages für die Einrichtung der Klinischen Forschergruppe "Polycystic Kidney Disease - from Model Organisms to Novel Therapies").
    • Projektleitung: Reichardt, Wilfried Dr., Walz, Gerd Prof. Dr., u.a.
    • Laufzeit: 01.11.2008 bis 31.08.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • DFG ZE 872/1-1: "Tolerogenic function and trafficking of plasmacytoid dendritic cells following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation".
    • Projektleitung: Zeiser R, Reichardt W, Hennig J.
    • Laufzeit: 01.03.2009 bis 28.02.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • Ethikkommission 160/2000: Entwicklung neuer Messmethoden für die Kernspintomographie.
  • EU - EuroBioImaging (Research infrastructure for imaging technologies in biological and biomedical sciences) FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1 INFRA-2010-2.2.7 Grant Agreement No. 262023
  • EU - MIBISOC: Medical Imaging using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing (Grant agreement no. 238819)
    • Projektleitung: Hennig J, Hadjidemetriou E.
    • Laufzeit: 01.11.2009 bis 31.10.2013
    • Details zum Projekt
  • EU - OVOC: Ultra Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging using One-Voxel-One-Coil (Grant agreement no. 232908)
    • Projektleitung: Hennig Jürgen Prof. Dr.
    • Laufzeit: 01.09.2009 bis 31.08.2014
    • Details zum Projekt
  • EU - PANG: Finanziert über das BMBF (DLR 01QE1004D): Verbundsvorhaben PANG - Vorverstärker der nächsten Generation: MR-kompatibel und kabellos; Teilvorhaben: In-Vitro MR-EKG Simulationen und MRT Kompatibilität.
  • FBI-Studien: 1) Stress und Memory - 2) Insomnie und Narkolepsie - 3) Präoperative Darstellung der Sehstrahlung mit DTI - 4) Restless Leg Syndrome - 5) Psychogene Paresen bzw. Motor - 6) Frontalhim & Cerebellumspektroskopie bei Asperger Synbdrom - 7) Einzelfall Konversionsstörung - 8) Retinotopic Mapping - 9) EPI Verzerrungskorrektur - 10) Einspeichern und Wiedererkennen von Wortlisten bei Gesunden - 11) Raumgedächtnisbezogene mesiotemporale fMRT-Aktivierungsmuster bei Patienten mit TLE - u.a.
    • Projektleitung: FBI (Freiburg Brain Imaging): Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Abteilungen des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg: Neurologie, Röntgendiagnostik - Medizin Physik, Neuroradiologie, Psychiatrie, Neurochirurgie.
    • Laufzeit: seit 01.10.2005
    • Details zum Projekt
  • ISMRM Seed Grant on MR Biomarkers for Disease Assessment: Simultaneous assessment of the biomarkers vessel size index, relative blood volume, and perfusion using a multi spin echo multi gradient echo sequence.
  • Linksventrikuläre Geschwindigkeit: Phasenkontrst-MRT vs. Doppler-Echokardiographe bei KHK Patienten unter low dose Dobutamin-Stimulation.
  • NIH: Motion-compensated PC HYPR VIPR for Renal MR Angiography. Projekt no. 2 R01 HL072260-05A1
    • Projektleitung: Markl M (University Hospital Freiburg), Wieben O (University of Wisconsin, Madison), u.a.
    • Laufzeit: 01.07.2009 bis 30.06.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • NIH: Real-Time Motion Tracking and Correction for MR Imaging and Spectroscopy (Project no. RO1 DA021146.
    • Projektleitung: Speck O, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.
    • Laufzeit: 01.09.2007 bis 31.08.2012
    • Details zum Projekt
  • Projekt "EMIKA"
  • SFB 780 der DFG: "Synaptic Mechanisms of Neuronal Network Function". Teilprojekt C01: "Topographische Kareten und ihre synaptischen Schaltkreise im modular vs. nicht-modular (dis-)organisierten Barrel Kortex"
    • Projektleitung: Jonas Peter, Prof. Dr. (Sprecher SFB 780), Hennig Jürgen, Prof. Dr. (Teilprojektleiter)
    • Laufzeit: 2008 bis 2011
    • Details zum Projekt
  • SFB 850 der DFG "Control of Cell Motility in Morphogenesis, Cancer Invasion and Metastasis".
    • Projektleitung: Peters Christoph, Prof. Dr. (Koordinator SFB 850), von Elverfeldt Dominik, Dr. (Teilprojektleiter)
    • Laufzeit: 2010 bis 2021
    • Details zum Projekt
  • ZO III / Qualitätsoffensive für die Universitäten (PN 63.8)

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
Reviews/Übersichtsartikel in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Markl M, Kilner PJ, Ebbers T: Comprehensive 4D velocity mapping of the heart and great vessels by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. J Cardiovasc Magn R, 2011; 13 (1) (online): 7. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1532-429X-13-7
  • Pache G, Euringer W, Siepe M, Langer M, Blanke P: [CT Angiography for the pre- and postoperative evaluation of the thoracic aorta]. Rofo-fortschr Rontg, 2011; 183 (4): 334-346. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0029-1245905
  • Hennig, Jürgen, Speck, Oliver (Hrsg.), Hennig J, Speck O, Liebel H, Dietz P, Turner R, Ladd ME, Bock M, u.a.. High-Field MR Imaging., Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2011.
  • Bär,S: Liquid state hyperpolarisation using parahydrogen. 2011 (Seminar MR, Uniklinik Freiburg, Radiologische Klinik).
  • Bär, S.: Hyperpolarisation. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg (24.03.2011)).
  • Barker, AJ.: 4D Flow Sensitive MRI: Background & Clinical Research Applications. 2011 (Cardiovascular Surgery Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).
  • Barker, AJ.: Biofluid Kinematics: Intro to Wall Shear Stress. 2011 (University of Oxford - 4D Flow Workshop).
  • Barker, AJ.: Hemodynamics and the Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Structure and Function. 2011 (University of Oxford - 4D Flow Workshop).
  • Bock, J.: 4D Pressure Difference Mapping in the Aorta. 2011 (University of Oxford - 4D Flow Workshop).
  • Bock, J.: Post-processing of 4D Phase Contrast MRI data. 2011 (University of Oxford - 4D Flow Workshop).
  • Buechert, M.: DCE-MRI. 2011 (Radiologische Frühbesprechung, Fortbildung - Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Buechert M.: Klinische Studie Pieris001: MRT-Untersuchungen. 2011 (Mitarbeiterfortbildung Uniklinik Essen/Radiologie, Essen (08.02.2011)).
  • Buechert M.: The Application of New Developments in MR within Clinical Trials. 2011 (Taiwan-Germany Bilateral MRI Workshop, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (23.01.-03.02.2011)).
  • Dragonu, I.: Correction of EPI geometric distortions. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Gallichan, D.: 3 Years of life through a PatLoc lens. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Hadjidemetriou, S.: Restoration and Analysis of Brain MRI Data of Multiple Sclerosis Patients for White Matter Lesions. 2011 (Joint conference Max Planck Institute, Tübingen & Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Freiburg).
  • Hadjidemetriou, S.: Brain related processing. 2011 (MR Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen).
  • Hadjidemetriou S, Reichardt W, Hennig J, Buechert M.: Analysis of MRI Data of Patients with ADPKD for the Volume of the Kidneys and of the Enclosed Cysts. 2011 (IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’11), Chicago, USA (30.03.-02.04.2011)).
  • Harsan, LA.: Probing in-vivo mouse brain microstructure and connectivity with diffusion MRI. 2011 (Symposium on New Horizons in Preclinical MRI, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Freiburg).
  • Harsan, LA.: Brain imaging with diffusion MRI: from mice to human brain disorders. 2011 (Neurex workshop: What genetically modified rodents tell us about neurological and psychiatric disorders?, IGBMC Strasbourg, Frankreich).
  • Hennig, J: Introduction to the MR-Group in Freiburg. 2011 (German-Taiwan Bilateral MRI Workshop, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (23.-28.01.2011)).
  • Hennig, J: Will new technologies allow a jump in sensitivity? 2011 (ECR 2011, Vienna, Austria (03.-07.03.2011) - New Horizons Sessions: Quantum leaps in MRI: teslas, pulses, tracers.).
  • Hennig, J: EIBIR Updates. 2011 (ECR 2011, Vienna, Austria (03.-07.03.2011) - EIBIR Network Member Session: Euro-BioImaging takes shape.).
  • Hennig, J: Access to Innovative Technologies in Medical Imaging. 2011 (ECR 2011, Vienna, Austria (03.-07.03.2011) - EIBIR Network Member Session: Euro-BioImaging takes shape.).
  • Hennig, J: New development MRI methods: imaging: real-time magnetic resonance imaging. 2011 (11th International Congress of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics, Amsterdam, NL (24.-26.03.2011)).
  • Hennig, J: Investigation of Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics with MR-Encephalography (MREG). 2011 (Bernstein Seminar, Bernstein Center, Freiburg).
  • Hennig, J.: Ultrafast whole brain fMRI with MR-Encephalography. 2011 (Symposium on Chemical Process meets Medicine over MRI, The Rank Prize Funds, Grasmere, UK (28.-31.03.2011)).
  • Hennig, J.: Ultra High Field and experimental MR. 2011 (UHF User Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, USA (16.-18.10.2011)).
  • Hennig, J.: Innovationen in der MR. 2011 (Eröffnungssymposium für Skyra, Bremen).
  • Hennig, J.: Investigation of Brain Dynamics with Fast Functional MRI. 2011 (17th International Biophysics Congress (IUPAB ), Beijing, China).
  • Hennig, J.: Neues aus der MR-Tomographie. 2011 (172. Konstanzer Klin.-Radiol. Kolloquium, Institut für Röntgendiagnostik und Nuklearmedizin, Klinikum Konstanz).
  • Hennig, J.: Usage of RF Pulses in MR Sequences. 2011 (ESMRMB Lectures on MR, RF Pulses: Design and Applications, Essen, Germany).
  • Hennig J,, Zaitsev M,, Haas M.: Methods and Strategies for Highfield MR: MR-Encephalography, Parallel Transmission, Realtime Control. 2011 (MR Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen).
  • Honal M.: Spatio-Temporal MR Imaging Acceleration. 2011 (Taiwan-Germany Bilateral MRI Workshop, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (23.01.-03.02.2011)).
  • Honal M.: Accurate semi-automatic assessment of ligament length variations from MRI data. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (17.03.2011)).
  • Hövener, JB: 13C MR signal enhancement by parahydrogen hyperpolarization. 2011 (Black Forest Focus 6, Titisee, Germany).
  • Hövener, JB: Hyperpolarization - bringing color to MRI. 2011 (Advances in Biomedical Imaging, Krakow, Poland).
  • Hövener, JB.: Bildgebende Verfahren, Physikalische Grundlagen Röntgenstrahlen, CT, MRT. 2011 (Studentenkurs Strahlenphysik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Jung, B.: Myocardial phase-contrast velocity imaging: mind your VENC! 2011 (Annual Meeting of Society for Cardiovascular MR, Nice, France).
  • Jung, B.: Funktionelle Herz- und Gefäßuntersuchungen mit der MR-Tomographie. 2011 (Radiologisches Seminar, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen).
  • Jung, B.: Tissue Phase Mapping: the methods. 2011 (4D Flow Workshop, University of Oxford, UK).
  • Jung, B.: Myocardial mechanics: Tissue Phase Mapping. 2011 (Workshop on Functional MRI of Physiological Processes, Durban, South Africa).
  • Jung, B.: On the acceleration of time-resolved imaging using k-t-GRAPPA. 2011 (Siemens Project Meeting, Erlangen).
  • Jung, B.: K-t-accelerated methods. 2011 (28th Scientific Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Leipzig).
  • Jung, B.: Spatiotemporal acceleration and its applications to cardiovascular imaging. 2011 (Seminar, DKFZ Heidelberg).
  • Jung B.: Women's hearts beat different - all about Tissue Phase Mapping. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Kiselev, V.: Understanding diffusion MRI using simple estimates. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Lee, H-L.: Finding Resting-State Networks at Different Frequencies Using MR-Encephalography. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Lee, KJ.: Simulated annealing and bSSFP. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Leupold, J.: X-nuclei imaging in Freiburg. 2011 (X-nuclei meeting, Institut de Myologie, Paris, France).
  • Leupold, J.: Röntgen, CT und MR. 2011 (Studentenkurs Bildgebendeverfahren, Radiologie, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Leupold, J.: Röntgen, CT und MR. 2011 (Studentenkurs Bildgebendeverfahren, Radiologie, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Leupold, J.: Method development for small animal imaging. 2011 (MR Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen).
  • Levan, P.: MR-Encephalography (MREG): ultra-high temporal resolution functional MRI. 2011 (2011 International Workshop on Biomedical and Astronomical Signal Processing (BASP) Frontiers, Villars).
  • Levan P.: Towards MREG/EEG Integration. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Lorenz, R.: 4D flow MRI and applications. 2011 (Taiwan-Germany Bilateral MRI Workshop - New Developments in MR & Tsungming Tu Award Ceremony, Kaohsiung, Taiwan).
  • Lorenz, R.: Distribution of blood flow helicity in the healthy aorta and in patients with aortic valve disease. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Ludwig, UA.: Ganzkörper MRT. 2011 (Radiologische Frühbesprechung, Fortbildung - Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Meißner, M, Hugger, T, Reisert, M, Hennig, J., Leupold, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: Chemical Shift Artifact Correction with Deconvolution using Delta Peak Model Spectra applied to 19F MRI. 2011 (ENCITE Hot Toppic Workshop "19F in vivo MRI", Cologne).
  • Pilutti D.: An overview of methods used for the automated analysis of abdominal DCE-MRI. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg (14.04.2011)).
  • Reichardt, W.: MR Imaging using 19F: future prospects and pitfalls. 2011 (Encite Scientific Workshop, Tel Aviv, Israel).
  • Reichardt, W.: Röntgen, CT und MR. 2011 (Studentenkurs Bildgebendeverfahren, Radiologie, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Reichardt, W.: MR Imaging of novel Theraoies in Glioblastomas. 2011 (Symposium on New Horizons in Preclinical MRI, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Ruiz Pujadas, E.: Normalized Cuts for Cardiac Image Segmentation. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Medizin Physik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • Schnell, S.: DTI und Fibertracking. 2011 (Radiologische Fortbildung, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Schnell S.: Statistical Learning; SVM and Others: An Application to Diffusion MRI Data. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg (10.02.2011)).
  • von Elverfeldt, D.: Rodent MRi from Head to Tail. 2011 (Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia).
  • von Elverfeldt, D.: Research Diversity in MRI. 2011 (Student Post Conference, 61st Nobel Meeting, Freiburg).
  • von Elverfeldt, D.: Röntgen, CT und MR. 2011 (Studentenkurs Bildgebendeverfahren, Radiologie, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • von Elverfeldt, D.: Bildgebende Verfahren, Physikalische Grundlagen Röntgenstrahlen, CT, MRT. 2011 (Studentenkurs Strahlenphysik, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
  • von Elverfeldt, D.: AMIR. 2011 (Symposium on New Horizons in Preclinical MRI, Uniklinik Freiburg).
  • Weber H.: MR Imaging Beyond Planar Slices. 2011 (Seminar MR, Radiologische Klinik, Uniklinik Freiburg (16.06.2011)).
  • Weidensteiner, C.: New MRI techniques for oncology imaging and their practical applicability in multicenter studies. 2011 (EORTC-Imaging Group Meeting 2011, Freiburg).
  • Weigel, M.: Gradient Echo Imaging. 2011 (MR 2011 compact, Bamberg, Germany).
  • Weigel, M.: Signal Formation in Rapid Spin Echo Sequences. 2011 (ESMRMB Lectures on MR, Rapid Imaging Workshop, Tübingen, Germany).
  • Weigel M.: Röntgen, CT und MR. 2011 (Studentenkurs Bildgebendeverfahren, Radiologie, Uniklinik Freiburg (20.01.2011)).
  • Weigel M.: Diffusion & Perfusion. 2011 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Weigel M.: Novel Types of TSE (Turbo Spin Echo) Sequences. 2011 (Wochenseminar der Biophysik, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Würzburg (26.01.2011)).
  • Weigel M.: What is (tissue) diffusion and how to measure it ? 2011 (SORSA – RSSA 2011 Imaging Congress, Durban, South Africa (03.03.-05.03.2011)).
  • Weigel M.: Spin Phase Graphs & the Analysis of Echo Formation & Signal Contrast. 2011 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Welz AM.: Human PatLoc Imaging. 2011 (Symposium on Chemical Process meets Medicine over MRI, The Rank Prize Funds, Grasmere, UK (28.-31.03.2011)).
  • Alexander R. Guimaraes,, Sandeep N. Gupta,, Mark A. Rosen,, Edward Ashton,, Gregory S. Karczmar,, Jeffrey L. Evelhoch,, Daniel Barboriak,, Martin Buechert,, Mitchell Schnall,, Michael H. Buonocore,, David E. Purdy,, Marko K. Ivancevic,, Orest Boyko,, Andrew Buckler,, Daniel Sullivan,, Edward F. Jackson, Gudrun Zahlmann: QIBA DCE-MRI Technical Committee: DCE-MRI Profile v. 1.0 RSNA 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, 2011; 1: 1.
  • Assländer,J, Blaimer, M, Breuer, FA, Zaitsev, M., Jakob, PM: Combination of arbitrary gradient encoding fields using SPACE RIP for reconstruction (COGNAC) Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1.
  • Assländer,J, Blaimer, M, Breuer, FA, Zaitsev, M., Jakob, PM: Temporal reconstruction by combination of arbitrary gradient encoding fields using SPACE RIP (t-COGNAC) Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Badilita, V., Kratt, K., Baxan, N., Anders, J., von Elverfeldt, D., Boero, G., Hennig, J., Korvink, JG., Wallrabe, U.: 3D Solenoidal Microcoil Arrays with CMOS integrated amplifiers for parallel MR imaging and Spectroscopy Proc. IEEE 24th International Conference on MEMS, Cancun, Mexico (23.-27.01.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Barker, A. J., Bauer, S., Bock, J., Stalder, A.F., Frydrychowicz, A, Harloff A., Markl, M: WSS in Normal and Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries: Structure & Hemodynamic Function Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 2011; 1.
  • Barker, A. J., Bock, J., Markl, M: Stenosis Flow: Comparison of a Generalized Navier-Stokes Model and Phase Contrast MRI. Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2958.
  • Barker, A. J., Markl, M, Bürk, J., Lorenz, R., Bock, J., Bauer, S., Schulz-Menger, J., Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F.: Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Structure-Function Relationship Between Morphology & Aortic Hemodynamics. Proc. 23nd Annual International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, 2011; 1.
  • Barker, A. J., Staehle, F., Bock, J., Jung, B, Markl, M: Analysis of Complex Cardiovascular Flow using Three-Component Acceleration-Encoded MRI. Proc, 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3515.
  • Bauer, S., Jung, B, Samsonov, A., Honal, M., Markl, M: Improved parallel imaging with GRAPPA with large virtual coil arrays for time-resolved applications. Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Bauer, S., Markl, M, Jung, B: k-t GRAPPA accelerated Phase Contrast MRI: Improved assessment of blood flow and 3-directional myocardial motion during breath-hold. Proc. 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Baumann S, Markl M, Ludwig U.: Continuously Moving Table Vessel Scout Imaging using Variable Flip Angles & Autocorrelation Analysis. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1285 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Baxan, N., Kahlert, U., Hennig, J., von Elverfeldt, D.: Cellular level MR Phase Contrast Microscopy and MEMRI of MnCl2 labeled tumor cells with direct optical correlation. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Baxan, N., Kahlert, U., Nikkhah, G., Hennig, J., von Elverfeldt, D.: Microcoil-based MR Phase Imaging and Manganese Enhanced Microscopy of Glial Tumor Neurospheres. Black Forest Focus on Soft Matter 6 "Magnetic Resonance Microsystems", Saig/Titisee, Germany (26.-29.07.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Bock, J., Burkhardt, H., Markl, M: A New Approach for Time-resolved 3D Phase-Contrast MRA. 23nd Annual International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, 2011; 1.
  • Bock, J., Lorenz, R., Harloff, A., Markl, M: 4D Aortic pressure difference mapping: an approach for the detection of pressure wave changes associated with atherosclerosis? Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Buchenau, S., Haas, M., Splitthoff, D.N., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: B1-based local SAR estimation for a parallel transmit system at 3T: A simulation study. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3852.
  • Buchenau, S., Haas, M., Splitthoff, D.N., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Quality assessment of B1-based local SAR estimation as a function of position within a parallel transmit coil at 3T. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 493.
  • Buchenberg, W., Markl, M., Bauer, S., Bock, J., Lorenz, R., Jung, B.: Dual VENC Phase Contrast MRI for Simultaneous Assessment of Blood Flow and Cardiac Motion. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Buechert, M.: The Application of New Developments in MR within Clinical Trials. Proc. Taiwan-Germany Bilateral MRI Workshop, 2011; 1: F2 (Taiwan-Germany Bilateral MRI Workshop, Kaohsiung).
  • Buechert M, Mross K.: Quantitative perfusion measurement of liver metastasis using DCE-MRI: Comparing a 3D-Flash vs. a IR-trueFISP protocol within a clinical phase II study. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2049 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Buerk, J., Stankovic, Z., Frydrychowicz, A., Langer, M., Markl, M.: Evaluation of 3D Blood Flow Changes in the Normal and Dilated Thoracic Aorta using flow-sensitive 4D MRI. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Cocosco, C.A., Gallichan, D., Dewdney, A.J., Schultz, G., Welz, A.M., Witschey, W.R., Weber, H., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: First In-vivo Results with a PatLoc Gradient Insert Coil for Human Head Imaging. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 714.
  • Csatari, Z., Stankovic, Z., Deibert, P., Euringer, W., Geiger, J., Kreisel, W., Langer, M., Markl, M.: Evaluation of Normal and Altered Hepatic Arterial und Portal Venous 4D Hemodynamics in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis before and after Treatment with TIPS. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Dragonu, I., Lange, T., Baxan, N., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Accelerated Point Spread Function Mapping Using Signal Modelling for Accurate EPI Geometric Distortion Correction. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 287.
  • Dragonu, I., Splitthoff, D. N., Baxan, N., Freitag, P., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Shim navigators for Accurate Detection of B0 Magnetic Field Inhomogeneities Using Reference MGE Images. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2690.
  • Drexl, J.B., Friman, O., Hennemuth, A., Bock, J., Markl, M, Hahn, H.K.: Phase Unwrapping of PCMRI data. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1184.
  • Echternach, M., Traser, L., Richter, B., Markl, M.: Evaluation of the vocal tract with real time MRI in professional male altos. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Fasol U, Frost A, Buechert M, Mross K, Arends J.: Comparison of parameters of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE-)MRI and Contrast Enhanced UltraSound (CEUS) applied in a clinical pharmacological study. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3124 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Fasol U, Mross K, Frost A, Buechert M, Kiselev V, Hennig J.: The effect of Gd-DTPA on the determination of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in liver metastases and healthy liver tissue. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2988 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Fischer, E., Peter, A., Sonner, D., Massler, H., Korvink, J., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Miniaturized two-stage preamplifiers for receive-array coils at 400 MHz. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1862.
  • Fischer, E., Raghad Aal-Braij, Peter, A., Hennig, J., Korvink, J., Zaitsev, M.: A customized coil arrangement for PatLoc imaging inside a 9.4 T MRI spectrometer. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1824.
  • Foell, D., Taeger, S., Jung, B., Markl, M.: Age-Related Differences of 3D Blood Flow in the Left Heart. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Foell, D., Wengenmayer, T., Jung, B., Schilli, E., Stroh, A., Bode, C., Hennig, J., Markl, M.: Analysis of segmental myocardial performance in patients after heart transplantation. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Frydrychowicz, A., Markl, M., Niespodzany, E., Schlensak, C., Schiebler, M., François, CJ.: 4-dimensional magnetic resonance velocity mapping of blood flow patterns in chronic aortic dissections at 3T. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Geiger, J., Arnold, R., Csatari, Z., Langer, M., Markl, M.: Whole Heart 4D Hemodynamics in Patients with Transposition of the Great Arteries after Switch Procedure. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Geiger, J., Arnold, R., Stiller, B., Langer, M., Markl, M.: Whole heart flow-sensitive 4D MRI in patients after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Göbel, K., Baxan, N., Mohammadzadeh, M., Badilita, V., Gluschke, OG., Weber, H., Kahlert, U., Wallrabe, U., Korvink, JG., Hennig, J., von Elverfeldt, D.: MR Microscopy using on chip microcoils: characterization overview. Black Forest Focus on Soft Matter 6 "Magnetic Resonance Microsystems", Saig/Titisee, Germany (26.-29.07.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Gruschke, OG., Clad, L., Badilita, V., Kratt, K., Mohammadzadeh, M., Baxan, N., von Elverfeldt, D., Peter. A, Hennig, J., Wallrabe, U., Korvink, JG.: Multilayer Micro Coil phased Array for MRI. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Gruschke, OG., Clad, L., Baxan, N., Kratt, K., Mohammadzadeh, M., von Elverfeldt, D., Peter. A,, Hennig, J., Badilita, V., Wallrabe, U., Korvink, JG.: Multilayer phased microcoil array for magnetic resonance imaging. Proc IEEE 16th International Conference on Transducers, Beijing, China (05.-09.06.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Haas, M., Snyder, J., Schneider, J. T., Ullmann, P., Kokorin, D., Fautz, H-P., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Selective Excitation of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Targets on a Human MR System using Parallel Transmit. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4433.
  • Haas, M., Snyder, J., Ullmann, P., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Large Tip Angle Segmented RF Design for Multi-Dimensionally Selective Imaging and Spectroscopy with Parallel Transmit. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4436.
  • Hadjidemetriou, S., Reichardt, W., Hennig, J., Buechert, M.: Analysis of MRI data of patients with ADPKD for the volume of the kidneys and of the enclosed cysts. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI’11), 2011; 1: 861 - 864 . : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5872540&tag=1
  • Hadjidemetriou S, Reichardt W, Hennig J, Buechert M.: Automated Analysis of MRI Data of Patients with ADPKD for the Volume of the Kidneys and of the Enclosed Cysts. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2597 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Han Y, Huff S, Park HW, Ludwig U.: ADC Quantification of Continuously Moving Table Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 835 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Harsan, LA, Dávid, C, Reisert, M, Schnell, S, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D, Staiger, JF.: Imaging with diffusion tractography the living mouse brain “connectome” in wild type and reeler mutant animals. Bernstein Conference; Computational Neuroscience / Neurotechnology and Neurex Annual Meeting, Freiburg (04.-06.10.2011), 2011; 1: 69.
  • Harsan, LA, Parlog, A, Hübner, N, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: Gender Specific Response to the Thyroid Hormone Remyelinating Treatment: in-vivo mouse brain MRI. Proc. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, 2011; 1.
  • Harsan, LA, Parlog, A, Hübner, N, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: In-Vivo Mouse Brain DT-MRI: Assessment of Gender Specific Response to the Thyroid Hormone Remyelinating Treatment. Bernstein Conference; Computational Neuroscience / Neurotechnology and Neurex Annual Meeting, Freiburg (04.-06.10.2011), 2011; 1: 42.
  • Herbst, M., Maclaren, J., Weigel, M., Korvink, J., Zaitsev, M.: Preventing Signal Dropouts in DWI Using Continous Prospective Motion Correction Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 170.
  • Herbst, M., Maclaren, J., Weigel, M., Korvink, J., Zaitsev, M.: A Practical Tracking System to Avoid Motion Artifacts. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2683.
  • Honal M, Baumann T.: Respiratory Gating with Measurement Time Constraints Applied to MRI with Continuously Moving Table. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2675 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Honal M, Vicari M, Weitzel E, Izadpanah K.: Assessment of Length Variations of the Coracoclavicular Ligaments During Arm Movement from MRI Data. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3184 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Hövener, JB, Dahmen, U, Merkel, B, Dirsch, O., Hennig, J., von Elverfeldt, D.: 1H MRS methodology, dietary effects and impact of surgical stress on hepatic lipids in NAFLD animal models. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Hübner, N, Harsan, LA, Parlog, A, Baxan, N, Hennig, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: In-vivo mouse brain diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) reveals gender specific pathology induced by cuprizone. 9thGöttingen Meeting o the German Neuroscience Society , Göttingen (23.-27.10.2009), 2011; 1: 136.
  • Hugger, T., Zahneisen, B., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Fast Functional Imaging Using Interleaved Data Acquisition and Compressed Sensing. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4381.
  • Izadpanah, K., Jaeger, M., Maier, D., Ogon, P., Weigel, M., Vicari, M., Honal, M., Südkamp, NP.: Eine kinematische Untersuchung drei verschiedener Fixierungsverfahren für den Ersatz der korakoklavikulären Bänder mittels autologer Sehnentransplantate. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 2011, Berlin, Germany (25.-28.10.2011), 2011; 1: 1144.
  • Jung, B., Bauer, S., Bock, J., Markl, M.: K-t-GRAPPA accelerated flow measurements. In Proceedings: 23nd Annual International Conference on MR Angiography, Banff, Canada, 2011; 1.
  • Jung, B., Beetz, N., Markl, M., Merkle, A., Hein, L., v.Elverfeldt, D.: MR imaging of Hypertrophy and Cardiac Recovery in the Mouse Aorta and Heart. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Jung, B., Dall'Armellina, E., Neubauer, S., Markl, M., Schneider, J.: A comprehensive quantitative comparison of regional cardiac motion in mice and humans. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Kokorin, D., Haas, M., Testud, F., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Multi Slice Localized Parallel Excitation for Abdominal and Pelvic EPI Applications in Humans. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3933.
  • Lange, T., Splitthoff, D.N., Zaitsev, M., Maclaren, J.: Characterisation of Motion-Induced Field Distortions in Spectroscopic Imaging with Prospective Motion Correction. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2682.
  • Lee,H-L, Zahneisen, B, Hugger, T, LeVan, P, Hennig, J: Resting-State Networks at Higher Frequencies: a Preliminary Study Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Lee,H-L, Zahneisen, B, Hugger, T, LeVan, P, Hennig, J: Tracking Dynamic Resting-State Networks with High Temporal Resolution fMRI. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Lee, H-L, Zahneisen, B, Hugger, T, Hennig, J: Resting-State Networks at Higher Frequencies using MR-Encephalography. Proc 17th Annual Meeting, Organization on Human Brain Mapping (26.06.-30.06.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Leupold, J., Meise, F., Finnerty, M., Zheng, T., Hennig, J., Bock, M.: Abdominal Imaging at 7T with a 32-channel Body Array Coil - Initial Results. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1.
  • LeVan,P, Zahneisen,B, Hugger,T, Hennig, J: A simultaneous EEG and high temporal resolution fMRI study of trial-by-trial fluctuations in visual evoked potentials. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • LeVan,P, Zahneisen,B, Hugger,T, Hennig, J: Hemodynamic response variability measured by high temporal resolution fMRI. Proc 17th Annual Meeting, Organization on Human Brain Mapping (26.06.-30.06.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Lingnau, A,, Hoffmann, S., Weidensteiner, C., Reichardt, W., Kording, F., Esser, N., Niedermann, G., Schaechtele, Ch.: Characterisation of an orthotopic glioblastoma in vivo mouse model with fire fly luciferase expressing human U87 cells using in vivo bioluminescence imaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ACR - NCI - EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets in Cancer Therapeutics, USA - San Francisco (12.-16. 11. 2011), 2011; 1.
  • Littin, S., Welz, A. M., Gallichan, D., Schultz, G., Cocosco, C. A., Hennig, J., de Boer, W., Zaitsev, M.: Planar gradient system for imaging with non-linear gradients. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1837.
  • Lorenz, R., Bock, J., Barker, A. J., Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Korvink, J. G., Markl, M: Distribution of blood flow helicity in the healthy aorta and in patients with aortic valve disease. 23nd Annual International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, 2011; 1.
  • Lorenz, R., Bock, J., Korvink, J.G., Markl, M.: Normal distribution on blood flow helicity in the healthy aorta. 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3412.
  • Ma, L., Reisert, M., Wirth, C., Hunte, C., Ronneberger, O., Burkhardt, H.: Alpha helix prediction based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 2011; 1: 1943 - 1949 .
  • Maclaren, J., Lee, K., Luengviriya, C., Herbst, M., Speck, O., Zaitsev, M.: Combined prospective-retrospective motion correction for high-resolution brain imaging. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4598.
  • Maclaren, J., Schneider, F., Herbst, M., Aksoy, M., Kopeinigg, D., Hennig, J., Bammer, R., Zaitsev, M., Wallrabe, U.: An adaptive MR-compatible lens. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1812.
  • Maclaren, J., Speck, O., Zaitsev, M.: Prospective motion correction: the benefits and the challenges. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4685.
  • Mangual, J., Föll, D., Jung, B., Pedrizzetti, G., Kheradvar, A.: Radial Viscoelastic Behavior of Myocardium is Not Affected by Aging. Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Orlando, USA, 2011; 1.
  • Markl, M., Geiger, J., Herzer, L., Stiller, B., Arnold, R.: 3D Aortic Blood Flow in Patients with Marfan Syndrome: Changes in Hemodynamics and Correlation with Aortic Geometry. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Mauch, J., Markl, M., Haller, C., Stankovic, Z., Langer, M., Geiger, J.: Aorto-Iliac Flow-Sensitive 4D MRI: Normal and Altered Flow Characteristics in Abdominal Aneurysms. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Meißner, M, Dürschmied, D, Neudorfer, I, von zur Mühlen, C, von Elverfeldt, D.: Molecular MRI Allows the Detection of Activated Platelets in a New Mouse Model of Coronary Artery Thrombosis. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition ISMRM 2011, Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1: 1378.
  • Meißner, M, Hugger, T, Hennig, J., Leupold, J, von Elverfeldt, D.: Chemical shift artefact correction with deconvolution using delta peak model spectra applied to 19F MRI. 28th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2011, Leipzig (06.-08.10.2011), 2011; 1: 491.
  • Mross K,, Fischer R,, Richly H,, Scharr D,, Büchert M,, Stern A,, Hoth D,, Gille H,, Audoly L,, Scheulen ME.: First in Human Phase I study of PRS-050 (Angiocal), a VEGF-A targeting Anticalin, in patients with advanced solid tumors: results of a dose escalation study. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, 2011; 1: A212.
  • Odening, K., Jung, B., Ziupa, D., Franke, G., Perez-Feliz, S., Brunner, M., Koren, G., Zehender, M., Bode, C., Markl, M., Foell, D.: Correlation between Spatial Differences in Action Potential Duration and Diastolic Dysfunction in Transgenic LQT2 Rabbits. Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Orlando, USA, 2011; 1.
  • Pellegretti, P., Dellepiane, S., Vicari, M., Zani, M., Weigel, M., Saueressig, U., Kotter, E., Langer, M.: A Clinical Experience of a Prototype Automated Breast Ultrasound System Combining Transmission and Reflection 3D Imaging. 2011 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA (18.-21.10.2011), 2011; 1: P3Ab-4.
  • Picquot, A., Santini, F., Bock, J., Reymond, P., Fonari, E., Martin, B.A., Stergiopulos, N.: An In Vivo MRI & Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Hydrodynamics in the Third Ventricle. 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3292.
  • Pilutti D, Weidensteiner C, Buechert M, Fasol U, Hadjidemetriou S.: An Overview of Registration Methods used for the Automatic Analysis of Abdominal DCE-MRI. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4687 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Reisert, M., Skibbe, H.: Steerable Deconvolution - Feature Detection as an Inverse Problem. Proc. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011; 6835: 326-335.
  • Reisert M, Weigel M, Eyal E, Grobgeld D, Degani H, Hennig J.: Diffusion Tensor Based Reconstruction of the Ductal Tree. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1011 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Rick, J., Speck, O., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: Effects of a slice-dependent template-based gradient compensation method on the BOLD sensitivity. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3613.
  • Ruiz Pujadas E, Buechert M, Weiner M, Hadjidemetriou S.: Normalized cuts method for biomedical MRI segmentation. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1: 4693 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Santini, F., Markl, M., Scheffler, K.: Scan time reduction for three-directional phase contrast sequences: a signal processing approach. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Schneider, JT., Haas, M., Ohrel, S., Lehr, H., Ruhm, W., Post, H., Hennig, J., Ullmann, P.: Parallel Spatially Selective Excitation Using Nonlinear Non-Bijective PatLoc Encoding Fields: Experimental Realization and First Results. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 211.
  • Schneider, JT., Haas, M., Ruhm, W., Hennig, J., Ullmann, P.: Exploiting Phase Encoding Capabilities of Parallel Excitation for Improved Spatial Selectivity in Inner Volume Imaging. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 204.
  • Schneider, JT., Haas, M., Ruhm, W., Hennig, J., Ullmann, P.: Relaxation-Enhanced Multiple Inner-Volume Imaging Using Parallel 3D Spatially Selective Excitation. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 4432.
  • Skibbe, H., Reisert, M., Ronneberger, O., Burkhardt, H.: Spherical Bessel Filter for 3D Object Detection. Proc. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 2011; 1: 728 - 733 .
  • Splitthoff, DN., Zaitsev, M.: Frequency Filtered SENSE Shimming for B0 inhomogeneity detection. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2688.
  • Splitthoff, DN., Zaitsev, M.: First in vivo results using decoupled projection based shimming. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2697.
  • Splitthoff, DN., Zaitsev, M.: Theoretical basis of projection based shim estimation. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 285.
  • Spottiswoode, B., Markl, M.: Imaging CSF Flow using Spin Echo Phase Contrast Velocity Encoded MRI at 3T. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Stalder, AF., Dong, ZY., Qi, Y., Bock, J., Hennig, J., Markl, M., Li, KC.: 4D flow-sensitive MRI of the thoracic aorta using 12- and 32-channel coils. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Stalder, AF., Frydrychowicz, A., Russe, M., Korvink, J., Hennig, J., Li, KC., Markl, M.: Analysis of Reynolds, Strouhal and Womersley numbers in the healthy thoracic aorta. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Stankovic, Z., Csatari, Z., Deibert, P., Euringer, W., Eggerking, S., Blanke, P., Zadeh, Z., Langer, M., Markl, M.: Time-resolved Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Normal and Altered 3D Portal Venous Hemodynamics in Liver Cirrhosis Patients. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Stucht, D., Markl, M., Gasteiger, R., Speck, O.: Image Based Correction Of Phasewraps In 4d Pc-Mri Data Using Fast Reference Scans Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011.
  • Testud, F., Barmet, C., Haas, M., Kokorin, D., Hennig, J., Pruessmann, KP., Zaitsev, M.: Transmit K-Space Calibration Using Magnetic Field Probes. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1847.
  • Ullmann, P., Snyder, J., Haas, M., Schneider, J. T., Ruhm, W.: Localized MR-Spectroscopy in Arbitrarily Shaped Voxels using Parallel Excitation Pulses with Large Spectral Bandwidth. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2903.
  • Vicari, M., Winterer, JT., Izadpanah, K., Weigel, M., Leupold, J., Bartelt, D., Balbi, L., Greco, D., Langer, M.: Improving water selective MRI for cartilage diagnostics at 0.25T: a clinical knee joint study. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (06.-08.10.2011), 2011; 1: 648.
  • Vicari M, Izadpanah K, Suedkamp N, Weigel M, Honal M, Weitzel E, Kotter E, Langer M, Winterer JT.: Stress MRI of Ligamentous Stabilizers in Acute and Chronic Acromioclavicular Joint Instabilities. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3183 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Weber, J., Gallichan, D., Schultz, G., Witschey, W., Welz, A., Cocosco, C., Hennig, J., Zaitsev, M.: ExLoc: Excitation and Encoding of Curved Slices. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 2806.
  • Weidensteiner C, Ordikhani-Seyedlar M, Werres A, Osterberg N, Weyerbrock A, Reichardt R.: DCE-MRI in rat gliomas under therapy with temozolomide and a nitric oxide donor. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3129 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Weidensteiner C, Reichardt R, Siedentopf O, Graeser R, Weber H.: Analysis of vascular function by DCE-MRI in a human endothelial cell derived angiogenesis model in mice under anti- and pro-angiogenic treatment. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 3168 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Weigel, M.: On the Diffusion Sensitivity of 3D-Turbo Spin Echo Sequences Using Varying Flip Angles 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (06.-08.10.2011), 2011: 325.
  • Weigel, M., Homagk, AK., Bock, M., Gerigk, L., Hennig, J., Leupold, J.: Direct comparison of TSE images acquired at 1.5T, 3T and 7T. 28th Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), Leipzig, Germany (06.-08.10.2011), 2011; 1: 696.
  • Weigel M, Hennig J.: On the Diffusion Sensitivity of 2D- and 3D-Turbo Spin Echo Sequences. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1967 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
  • Welz, AM., Gallichan, D., Dewdney, A. J., Witschey, WR., Cocosco, CA., Weber, H., Hennig, J., Korvink, JG., Zaitsev, M.: Eddy current compensation for a PatLoc gradient coil. Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 1844.
  • Zahneisen, B, Hugger, T, Zaitsev, M., Hennig, J.: Ultra Fast Volumetric Functional Imaging using Single Shot Concentric Shells Trajectories. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Zahneisen, B, Hugger, T, Zaitsev, M., Hennig, J.: Dynamic fieldmap estimation for respiration correction based on single shot 3D images. Proc 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1.
  • Zwick, S, Hövener, JB, Leupold, J, Schellenberger, F, von Elverfeldt, D.: Towards dental MRI: Zero TE imaging of compromised horse teeth. 19th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of ISMRM, Montréal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011), 2011; 1.
  • Zwick S, Reichardt R, Weidensteiner C, von Elverfeldt D.: Development of a spin echo gradient echo sequence for simultaneous assessment of the biomarkers vessel size index, relative blood volume, and perfusion. 19th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011; 1: 971 (19th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Montreal, Canada (07.-13.05.2011)).
Sonstige Publikationen:

Besondere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten

Preise / Ehrungen:
  • Büchert, Martin Dr.: Medal of Honor Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, 29.01.2011.
  • Canstein C.: Erfassung und Analyse von Strömungsverhältnissen in realistischen Rapid-Prototyping-Gefäßmodellen mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT)., Deutsche Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (DS-ISMRM) e.V. - Verleihung 3. Platz des Gorter-Preises 2006 (Prämerierung für die 3. beste Arbeit des Jahres., 12.10.2006.
  • Dr. Alexander Barker: ISMRM Poster Award, Category: Cardiovascular MRI, 1st place, for "Analysis of Complex Cardiovascular Flow with Three Component Acceleration Encoded MRI"., 12.05.2011.
  • Dr. Matthias Weigel: Outstanding Teacher Award, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 08.07.2011.
  • Dr. med. A. Frydrychowicz: 1. Preis Rudolf-Stich-Preis 2008, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, 01.01.2008.
  • Dr. med. A. Frydrychowicz: W.-Proctor-Harvey-Preis 2009 der Stifung Just, Nachwuchsförderung, 01.01.2009.
  • Dr. med. Julia Geiger: Wissenschaftspreis der GPR für 2010/11 Analyse der Hämodynamik bei komplexen angeborenen Herzfehlern mit "whole heart" fluss-sensitiver 4D-MRT., 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Radiologie (GPR) am 17.09.2010 in Graz., 17.09.2010.
  • Fautz Hans-Peter, Dipl.-Phys.: I.I. Rabi Award (ISMRM), 10th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA., 25.05.2002.
  • Friederike Kanefendt, Andreas Lindauer, Martina Kinzig, Dirk Strumberg, Max Scheulen, Klaus Mross, Richard Fischer, Martin Büchert, Berta Moritz, Fritz Sörgel, Ulrich Jaehde: CESAR Best Abstract Price for "Modeling Biomarker Response in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving Sunitinib"., 17.06.2011.
  • Frydrychowicz, A: Coolidge Award, Förderpreis deutscher Radiologen, 87. Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2006 Berlin, GE Healthcare Deutschland, 27.05.2006.
  • Frydrychowicz A.: EPOS Exhibit ESMRMB 2005, Basel., Certificate of Merit Award (EPOS-Posterpreis) for the Poster entitled "4D phase contrast imaging for assessment of morphology and haemodynamics in peripheral arteries: feasibility results from a 3T MR system" (Frydrychowicz A, Winterer J, Hennig J, Langer M, Markl M)., 15.09.2005.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: European Magnetic Resonance Award, Locarno., 17.10.1992.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Verleihung des "Kernspintomographiepreises 1993"., 5. Internationale Kernspintomographie Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 31.01.1993.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Max-Planck-Forschungspreis 2003, 26.11.2003.
  • Honal M.: z-GRAPPA: Parallele Bildgebung unter Verwendung von Information aus Nachbarscheiben., Deutsche Sektion der International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine e.V., 12.10.2006.
  • Jung BA.: Gorter Award 2005, Second Winner, ISMRM German Section Annual Meeting, Münster, Germany., 08.09.2005.
  • Ola Friman, Anja Hennemuth, Andreas Harloff, Jelena Bock, Michael Markl, Heinz-Otto Peitgen: MICCAI Best Paper Award for "Probabilistic 4D blood flow tracking and uncertainty estimation", 21.09.2011.
  • Ramona Lorenz: MR Angioclub Poster Award, 1st place, for "Distribution of blood flow helicity in the healthy aorta and in patients with aortic valve disease"., 28.09.2011.
  • Weigel M.: Entwicklung, Optimierung und klinische Erprobung von T2-gewichteten Meßverfahren mit reduzierter Hochfrequenzleistung (Hyperecho-TSE) für die Kernspintomographie., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP) e.V. - Verleihung des Toshiba-Award 2006 (Prämerierung für die beste wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsarbeit im Bereich der Schnittbildverfahren)., 22.09.2006.
  • Weigel M.: Entwicklung, Optimierung und klinische Erprobung von T2-gewichteten Turbo Spin Echo Sequenzen mit variablen Flipwinkeln (Hyperecho-TSE)., Deutsche Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (DS-ISMRM) e.V. - Verleihung des Gorter-Preises 2006 (Prämerierung für die beste Arbeit des Jahres)., 13.10.2006.
  • Weigel Matthias.: "Outstanding Teacher Award 2011"., MR Physics for Physicists course of the ISMRM, Montreal, Canada., 07.05.2011.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Verleihung der Goldmedaille der Society for Magnetic Resonance., seit 1994.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Verleihung der Albers-Schönberg-Medaille für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen und besondere Verdienste um die radiologische Forschung in Deutschland., Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft, Gesellschaft für medizinische Radiologie E.V., seit 24.05.2006.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Tsungming Tu Award, National Science Council, Taipei, Taiwan, seit 2010.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Medal of Honor Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, seit 29.01.2011.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 2010, seit 03.11.2011.
Vorsitze und Sprechertätigkeiten:
  • Büchert, Dr. M.: Mitglied des German Chapter der ISMRM., seit 2002.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Director of the MRC-Unit for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Dunhill-Chair of Neuroimaging, University of Oxford., seit 01.05.2002.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Kooptiertes Mitglied der Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Univerität Freiburg., seit 14.11.2002.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Chairman des "Academic Committee for the new National MRI Brain Mapping Center" in Beijing, China., seit 2003.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Ruf auf C4 für "Radiologische Forschung" der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, seit 01.02.2004.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Direktor des Projektbereichs "Medical Technologies", Zentrum für Angewandte Biowissenschaften (ZAB), Freiburg, seit 01.07.2004.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Mitglied der Forschungskommission der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, seit 2006.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: 'Scientific Director' von EIBIR European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research, Vienna, Austria., seit 2007.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Vorsitzender der Forschungskommission, Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg., 02.10.2008 bis 01.10.2012.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Kurator, Frauenhofer-Institut für Bildgestützte Medizin (MEVIS), München, 04.06.2009 bis 30.06.2012.
  • Hennig, Prof. Dr. Jürgen: Mitglied der German Academy of Science "Leopoldina", seit 2011.


  • Bauer, Simon: Entwicklung und Analyse von Beschleunigungsmethoden für die funktionelle Untersuchung des kardiovaskulären Systems mit Magnetresonanztomographie. (Erstgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.
  • Baumann, Sandra: Time-of-flight-Magnetresonanztomographie mit kontinuierlich bewegtem Patiententisch. (Erstgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.
  • Hugger, Thimo: Mehrkanal-Bildrekonstruktion bei Unterabtastung in der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie. (Erstgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.
  • Zahneisen, Benjamin: Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie mit stark unterabgetasteten Trajektorien. (Erstgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr. , Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.
  • Buchenberg, Waltraud: Entwicklung eines hybriden US-MR Ssytems zur Beurteilung der Herzfunktion während freier Atmung. (Erstgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.
  • Ruh, Alexander: Modellierung & Messung des H2O-NMR Spektrums von Blut vor dem Hintergrund der "Effective-Medium" Theorie. (Erstgutachter/in Kiselev, Valerij Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik, Zweitgutachter/in Hennig, Jürgen Prof. Dr., Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Radiologie, Medizin Physik), 2011.


  • Alexander Jonathan Barker, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, Cardiovascular MRI., 12.10.2009 bis 30.09.2011
  • Dr. Isabel Dregely, Dr. Shelley Zhang, Dr. Stephan Nekolla, TU München, Physik Dept., Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinikc, München, Deutschland, Simultaneous Whole-Body MR/PET: First Experiences and Applications., 07.12.2011 bis 08.12.2011
  • Hsu-Hsia Peng, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Cardiovascular MRI., 27.07.2011 bis 20.08.2011
  • Marco Vicari, PhD, Esaote S.p.A., R&S MRI division, Genova, Italy, Implementation and optimization of new MRI sequences and protocols for the dedicated MRI scanner "ESAOTE Gscan". He also acts as the direct representative for the ESAOTE - Medical Physics Freiburg - collaboration from the ESAOTE side., 12.01.2009 bis 31.08.2014
  • Olga Dyakova, Leningrad, Russia, Aufnahme und Bearbeitung der Diffusionsgewichteteten MRT Daten sowie Optimierung der neuen Methode zur globalen Rekonstruktion der neuronalen Fasern (im Rahmen eines DAAD Stipendiums)., 01.10.2010 bis 31.07.2011
  • Prof. Cheng-Wen Ko, National Sun Yat-sen University, Tainan, Taiwan, MR spectroscopy imaging and phase contrast MRI., 27.07.2011 bis 31.08.2011
  • Prof. Dr. Dmitriy Yablonskiy, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, USA, In vivo lung morphometry with hyperpolarized 3He diffusion MRI., 18.01.2011 bis 20.01.2011
  • Prof. Dr. Janez Stepisnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ljubljana, Slovenija, NMR Gradient Spin Echo: Analytical Tool for Constrained Molecular Motion., 02.03.2011 bis 04.03.2011
  • Sara Dellepiane, University of Genoa, Dept. of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering, Italy, Implementation of a dedicated viewer for the imaging provided by a prototype ultrasound computed tomography scanner., 13.12.2010 bis 04.02.2011