| Konferenzbeiträge:
- Abu El-Khair I, Korvink J, Hennig J, Moenich G.: The shielding of RF MRI coils using double-sided EMI shield. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 105.
- Badilita V, Kratt K, Baxan N, Burger T, Meier R, Hennig J, Korvink JG, Wallrabe U.: Bio-MEMS platform with integrated microfluidics and 3D micro-coils for parallel MRI at microscale. MicroTAS Korea (01.-05.11 2009), 2009; 1.
- Bauer S, Markl M, Jung B.: Optimizing the Net Acceleration of GRAPPA and PEAK-GRAPPA. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2716.
- Baxan N, Dragonu I, Harsan LA, Zaitsev M, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D.: In-vivo Rat Brain Tissue Characterization by Susceptibility Weighted Imaging at 9.4 T. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Blanke P, Pache G, Heßler D, Saueressig U, Frydrychowicz A, Kotter E, Langer M: Kombinierte kardiale und thorakoabdominelle CT-Angiographie zur Evaluation von Patienten vor transfemoralem oder transapikalem Aortenklappenersatz. 2009 (Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2009, Berlin).
- Bley T, Geiger J, Jacobsen S, Wieben O, Markl M, Grist T, Langer M, Uhl M.: High-resolution MRI for assessment of intracranial involvement in giant cell arteritis. European Society of Radiology, 2009; 1: 550.
- Bley T, Reinhard M, Hauenstein C, Markl M, Warnatz K, Hetzel A, Uhl M, Langer M.: Comparison of duplex sonography and high-resolution MRI in giant cell (temporal) arteritis. European Society of Radiology, 2009; 1: 385.
- Bock J, Frydrychowicz A, Johnson K, Wieben O, Hennig J, Markl M.: Optimized data analysis for the assessment of aortic pressure difference maps. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1.
- Boegle R, Maclaren JR, Zaitsev M.: Prediction of susceptibility-induced artefacts for prospective motion correction. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3075.
- Buchenau S, Haas M, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: A comparison of local SAR using individual patient data and a patient template. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, 2009; 1: 4799.
- Dall'Armellina E, Barnes H, Neubauer S, Petersen S, Markl M, Schneider J, Jung B.: Of Mice and Men: A quantitative comparison of 3D cardiac motion in mice and humans. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, 2009; 1: 1811.
- Dall'Armellina E, Lygate C, Barnes H, Carnicer R, Neubauer S, Markl M, Jung B, Schneider J.: Does Surgical Intervention for Myocyte Transfection Impact on Cardiac Function in Mice? Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3804.
- Echternach M, Baumann T, Sundberg J, Richter B, Markl M.: Evaluation of the vocal tract with real time MRI and MRI volumetry in professional tenors. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 1323.
- Ella AL, Rick J, Hennig J.: Evaluation of Cyclic and Global Retrospective Corrections of Physiological Signals on Activated fMRI. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1583 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Fasol U, Fisch D, Hennig J, Palmowski M, Vogeler M, Schmelzeisen R, Gutwald R, Sauerbier S.: Using DCE-MRI as a Method for Sequential in Vivo Evaluation of New Angiogenesis After Sinus Lift Augmentation. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Fischer E, Peter A, Del Tin L, Hennig J, Korvink J, Zaitsev M.: Implementation of a four-channel phased-array coil for PatLoc imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2988.
- Foell D, Jung B, Schilli E, Staehle F, Bode C, Hennig J, Markl M.: Tissue phase mapping reveals profound alterations of segmental left ventricular performance in patients with cardiomyopathy and left bundle branch block. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3805.
- Foell D, Markl M, Schilli E, Staehle F, Bode C, Hennig J, Jung B.: Analysis of segmental diastolic asynchrony in patients with LV hypertrophy using tissue phase mapping. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3806.
- Frost A, Karrasch M, Lilla C, Buechert M, Arends J, Fiedler U, Marme D, Mross K, Fasol U:: Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) as a diagnostic tool for early response to anti-angiogenic treatment with cationic liposomal paclitaxel (Endo TAG-1) in patients suffering from secondary liver tumors Proc. 100th Ann Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2009; 1 (100th Ann Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Denver (18.-22.04.2009)).
- Frydrychowicz A, Blanke P, Russe M, Bock J, Stalder A, Föll D, Arnold R, Kilner P, Markl M.: Whole Heart Flow Sensitive 4D MRI. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3939.
- Frydrychowicz A, Hirtler D, Arnold R, Berger A, Stalder A, Bock J, Harloff A, Langer M, Hennig J, Markl M.: Analysis of Aortic Hemodynamics after Treatment for Coarctation Using Flow-Sensitive 4D MRI at 3T. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 321.
- Frydrychowicz A, Markl M, Kilner P, Blanke P, Russe M, Hennig J, Langer M.: Durchführbakeit der in-vivo Ganzherz-Flussmessung mit fluss-sensitiver 4D-MRT an 3 Tesla. 90. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Berlin (20.5-23.5 2009), 2009; 1: 223.
- Geiger J, Bley T, Uhl M, Frydrychowicz A, Markl M, Langer M.: Diagnostische Wertigkeit T2-gewichteter MRT zur Detektion entzündlicher Veränderungen der superfiziellen Kopfarterien in Patienten mit Riesenzellarteriitis. 90. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Berlin (20.5-23.5 2009), 2009: 170.
- Giese D, Bongers A, Jenne J, Günther M, Jung B, Foell D, Zaitsev M, Hennig J, de Boer W, Markl M.: Hybrid US/MR System for Real-Time Compensation of Breathing Motion Artifacts in Cardiovascular MRI at 3 Tesla. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 750.
- Haas M, Kokorin D, Ullmann P, Schneider J, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: T2*-compensated Transmit SENSE RF pulses. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2589.
- Han Y, Huff S, Hennig J, Ludwig U.: Multi-station Multi-sequence approach for whole-body diffusion-weighted imaging. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 4059. : http://17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)
- Harloff A, Brendecke S, Assefa D, Simom J, Wallis W, Helbing T, Frydrychowicz A, Weber J, Weiller C, Hennig J, Markl M.: 3D Plaquedetektion in der Aorta von Schlaganfallpatienten mittels 3 Tesla MRT. 82. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Aktuelle Neurologie, Supplement 2, 2009; 1: 154.
- Harloff A, Brendecke S, Simon J, Wallis W, Assefa D, Helbing T, Frydrychowicz A, Weber J, Weiller C, Hennig J, Markl M.: Diagnostic Impact of Aortic MRI at 3Tesla in Acute Stroke Patients. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 29.
- Harloff A, Nußbaumer A, Bauer S, Stalder A, Frydrychowicz A, Weiller C, Hennig J, Markl M.: Three-dimensional Assessment of Wall Shear Stress Distribution in the Atherosclerotic Aorta. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3853.
- Harloff A, Simon J, Brendecke S, Wallis W, Assefa D, Frydrychowicz A, Weber J, Hennig J, Weiller C, Markl M.: Complex Plaques in the Descending Aorta as a Potential Source of Stroke – Visualization of Potential Retrograde Flow into the Supra-Aortic Arteries Using Multi-directional 4D Velocity Mapping at 3 Tesla. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 31.
- Harloff A, Zech T, Frydrychowicz A, Schumacher M, Schöllhorn J, Hennig J, Weiller C, Markl M.: Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Distensibility Measured by MRI at 3T Versus High-Resolution Ultrasound. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3484.
- Harsan LA, Baxan N, Sun Y, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D.: In-vivo Mouse Brain Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DT-MRI) Detects Gender and Region Specific Pathology Induced by Cuprizone. 26th Ann Scientific Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya (01.-03.10.2009), 2009; 1.
- Harsan LA, Baxan N, Sun Y., Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D.: In-vivo noninvasive assessment of region specific white matter pathology induced by cuprizone. Neuroscience Congress, Chicago, 2009; 1.
- Harsan LA, David C, Paul D, Schnell S, Hennig J, Staiger JF, von Elverfeldt D.: In Vivo Brain Phenotypes of the Reeler Mutant Mouse by using DT-MRI and MEMRI. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Harsan LA, Paul D, Schnell S, Kreher B, Hennig J, Staiger JF, von Elverfeldt D.: In Vivo Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fiber Tracking of the Mouse Brain. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Hennemuth A, Bock J, Friman O, Wieben O, Markl M, Kontad O.: Four-dimensional Phase Contrast MR Flow Imaging: Advanced Visualization and Exploration Methods. Proc. Radiological Society of North America (RSA), Chicago, 2009; 1.
- Hennig J, Grotz T, Zahneisen B, Ella A, Zaitsev M, Mader I, Harloff A.: Real-Time Observation of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Arterial Pulsatility with MR-Encephalography. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 1585.
- Hennig J.: New Methods for Gradient Encoding. Proc. ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", Sedona, AZ, USA (25.-28.01.2009)).
- Honal M, Huff S.: Efficient parallel imaging strategies for Time-of-Flight venography with continuously moving table. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 2735 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Honal M, Leupold J, Ludwig U.: Accelerated free breathing MRI with continously moving table using compressed sensing. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 2821 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Honal M, Ludwig U, Baumann T.: Artifact reduction for multi-breath-hold acquisitions in MRI with continuously moving table. 26th Ann Scientific Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya (01.-03.10.2009), 2009; 1.
- Honal M, Ludwig U, Leupold J.: Time efficient parallel imaging for 2D multi-slice MRI with continuously moving table. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 2731 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Hövener JB, Chekmenev E, Roberston L, Harris W, Perman W, Ross B, Bhattacharya P.: PASADENA hyperpolarization: Instrumentation and preparation of tracers for in vivo application. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Hövener JB, Zwick S, Leupold J, von Elverfeldt D, Hennig J.: My First Hyperpolarization Lab - a roadmap. ISMRM-D, 2009; 1.
- Huff S, Honal M, Baumann T, Hennig J, Markl M, Ludwig U.: Continuously Moving Table Time-of-Flight Angiography of the Peripheral Veins. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 1879 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Huff S, Honal M, Markl M, Ludwig U.: View Sharing in slice direction for continuously moving table acquisitions: Application to TOF venography. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 1865 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Jia F, Liu Z, Welz A, Zaitsev M, Korvink J, Hennig J.: High order stream function method to automatically design MRI gradient coil. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3061.
- Johnson K, Markl M.: Improved SNR in Phase Contrast Velocimetry with 5-Point Balanced Flow Encoding. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3799.
- Jung B, Bauer S, Markl M.: Extending GRAPPA kernels to 4D: application on time-resolved 3D phase contrast imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4561.
- Jung B, Bauer S, Markl M.: On the optimal acceleration of time-resolved 3D imaging using GRAPPA. Proc. ISMRM Workshop, 'Cardiovascular, Flow, Function, Tissue Mechanics, Sintra, Portugal, 2009; 1.
- Jung B, Kozerke S.: Comparison of kt-SENSE and kt-GRAPPA applied to Cardiac Cine and Phase Contrast Imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4559.
- Kiselev VG.: Quantum mechanical and semi-classical equations for spin dynamics. Proc. 17th Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Kjoelby BF, Mikkelsen IK, Pedersen M, Oestergaard L, Kiselev VG.: Analysis of Partial Volume Effects on Arterial Input Functions Using Gradient Echo: A Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting ISMRM, Honolulu (19.-23.05.2009), 2009; 1.
- Lange T, Buechert M, Zaitsev M.: Correction of Frequency Drifts Induced by Gradient Heating in 1H Spectra Using Interleaved Reference Spectroscopy. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1: 4322.
- Leupold J.: On the performance of RARE, TRAPS and bSSFP in imaging of hyperpolarized compounds. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Lin F, Witzel T, Polimeni J, Hennig J, Schultz G, Belliveau J, Wald L.: Parallel imaging technique using localized gradients (PatLoc) reconstruction using orthogonal mode decomposition. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4557.
- Lorenz R, Bock J, Stalder A, Benk C, Hennig J, Markl M.: 3D flow characteristics in a patient specific aortic aneurysm vessel model: comparison with in-vivo results. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3855.
- Lorenz R.: 4D flow sensitive MRI in realistic aortic in-vitro models using a novel MR compatible pulsatile pump system based on a ventricular assist device. Proc. ISMRM Workshop Cardiovascular Flow, Function & Tissue Mechanics, Sintra, Portugal (11.09.2009), 2009; 1.
- Ludwig U, Pache G, Baumann T, Hennig J, Schäfer O.: Staging of ovarian cancer with continuously moving table MR acquisitions: A comparison to Computed Tomography. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 1: 84 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Maclaren JR, Andrews-Shigaki B, Armstrong B, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: Head motion quantification and modeling for prospective motion correction. Proceedings Congress 2009, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 2009; 1.
- Maclaren JR, Boegle R, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: Prospective motion correction in MRI using optical tracking tape. Proceedings Congress 2009, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 2009; 1.
- Maclaren JR, Lee KJ, Luengviriya C, Hennig J, Speck O, Zaitsev M.: Correction of residual errors after prospective motion correction. Proc. ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", Sedona, AZ, USA (25.-28.01.2009)).
- Maclaren JR, Speck O, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: A Kalman filtering framework for prospective motion correction. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4602.
- Mager D, Loeffelman U, Peter A, Del Tin L, Fischer E, Smith P, Hennig J, Korvink J.: Operational inkjet-printed metal-on-kapton MRI receiver coil. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 504.
- Mao Q, Zhou K, Sprenger A, Ohlendorf S.: Spatial optic flow position and activation location in MT+. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francisco (June 18 - 23, 2009 ), 2009; 1.
- Markl M, Bauer S, Bock J, Stalder A, Frydrychowicz A, Harloff A.: Wall Shear Stress in Normal & Atherosclerotic Carotid Arteries. Proceeding 21st Annual International Conference on MR Angiography, Lansing, USA, 2009; 1: 68.
- Markl M, Wallis W, Brendecke S, Simon J, Frydrychowicz A, Weiller C, Hennig J, Harloff A.: Optimized Estimation of Global and Regional Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3941.
- Markl M, Wegent F, Bauer S, Stalder A, Frydrychowicz A, Weiller C, Schumacher M, Harloff A.: Three-dimensional Assessment of Wall Shear Stress Distribution in the Carotid Bifurcation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 323.
- Markl M, Wegent F, Zech T, Bauer S, Stalder A, Spehl T, Frydrychowicz A, Schumacher M, Weiller C, Hennig J, Harloff,A.: 3D Analyse der Wandschubspannung der Karotisbifurkation mittels 3 Tesla MRT. 82. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Aktuelle Neurologie, Supplement 2, 2009; 1: 156.
- Markl M.: 4D Flow Imaging: Applications, Quantification & Flow Visualization. ISMRM Workshop "Cardiovascular, Flow, Function, Tissue Mechanics" Sintra, Portugal (September 2009), 2009; 1.
- Markl M.: Functional Cardiovascular MRI: Assessment, Visualization and Quantification of 3D Blood Flow Characteristics. AAPM 51st annual meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2009; 1.
- Merkle A, Harloff A, Brendecke S, Simon J, Hennig J, Markl M.: Evaluation of aortic plaques in stroke patients using MRI. European Society of Radiology, 2009; 1: 215.
- Mohammadzadeh M.: Design of a new dual-Helix loop coil for intravascular MR imaging. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Odéen H, Markl M, Spottiswoode B.: Assessing cerebrospinal fluid flow in the brain using 3D phase contrast velocity encoded MRI. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 1340.
- Ohlendorf S, Sprenger A, Speck O, Kimmig H.: Encoding of smooth pursuit eye movement velocity takes place in a complete cortical network. 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, San Francicso (June 18 - 23, 2009 ), 2009; 1. : http://file://L%3A%2FKongresse%2FHBM_2009_SanFrancisco%2FfMRIHBM2009AbstractSO.pdf
- Ohrel S, Lehr H, Schultz G, Berberich M, Schinko D, Schneider JT, Welz AM, Hennig J., Post, H., Ullmann, P.: PatLoc imaging in small animals - First in vivo results. Proceedings Congress 2009, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 2009; 1.
- Peng H, Bauer S, Chung H, Hennig J, Jung B, Markl M.: Optimized Parallel Imaging for Dynamic PC-MRI with Multi-Directional Velocity Encoding. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4560.
- Reisert M, Kiselev VG.: Global Reconstruction of Neuronal Fibres. MICCAI Workshop on Diffusion Modelling, London, 2009; 1.
- Rick J, Speck O, Dössel O, Hennig, Zaitsev M.: Comparison of template and individual-based gradient compensated EPI in regions affected by local susceptibility-induced signal loss. Proc. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, 2009; 18 (17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009)).
- Rigotti Dan, Hövener JB, Amann M, Bachert P, Gass A, Gonen O.: Whole-Brain N-Acetylaspartate Quantification: Performance Comparison of NAA Versus Lipid Nulling. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Santini F, Markl M, Scheffler K.: On optimal encoding of flow in three-directional phase-contrast sequences. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4537.
- Saueressig U, Blanke P, Pache G, Frydrychowicz A, Kotter E, Langer M: Einfluss der Herzfrequenz auf die Strahlendosis bei der Dual-Source-CT des Herzens mit EKG-gesteuerter Dosismodulation. 2009 (Deutscher Röntgenkongress 2009, Berlin).
- Schnakenburg von C., Feldkötter M, Pisarski P, Buechert M, Pohl M, Hoppe B.: Akzidentell transplantierte Zystennieren:Langzeitverlauf bei 2 Jugendlichen. 105. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 2009; 1.
- Schneider J, Haas M, Hennig J, Junge S, Ruhm W, Ullmann P.: In-Vivo Flow-Artifact Suppression Using Parallel Spatially Selective Excitation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4606.
- Schneider J, Haas M, Hennig J, Junge S, Ruhm W, Ullmann P.: Enhanced Image Resolution and Reduced Measurement Time Using Inner Volume Imaging and Parallel Excitation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2601.
- Schneider J, Haas M, Hennig J, Junge S, Ruhm W, Ullmann P.: Coping with Off-Resonance Effects and Gradient Imperfections in Parallel Transmission Experiments. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 172.
- Schnell S, Mader I, Saur D, Mouridsen K, Umarova R, Kümmerer D, Burkhardt H, Kiselev VG.: Estimation of Tissue at Risk of Infarction using a Support Vector Machine on multimodal Stroke MRI Data. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting ISMRM, Honolulu (19.-23.05.2009), 2009; 1.
- Schultz G, Zaitsev M, Hennig J.: Truncation Artifacts in Cartesian PatLoc Reconstruction. Proc. ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", Sedona, AZ, USA (25.-28.01.2009)).
- Schultz G, Zaitsev M, Hennig J.: Effects of Discrete and Finite Sampling in PatLoc Imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 563.
- Schultz G, Zaitsev M, Ullmann P, Lehr H, Hennig J.: Noise Behavior of Cartesian PatLoc Reconstruction. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 762.
- Shih YY, Huang CJ, Buechert M, Chung HW, Liu YJ.: INS-PRESS for Functional MRS: Simultaneous With- And Without-Water Suppression Spectral Acquisition on Visual Cortex of Human Brains at 3T. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1: 2379.
- Simon J, Markl M, Brendecke S, Wallis W, Assefa D, Weber J, Helbing T, Frydrychowicz A, Hennig J, Weiller C, Harloff A.: Komplexe Plaques der Aorta descendens als neue Ursache von Schlaganfällen. 82. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Aktuelle Neurologie, Supplement 2, 2009; 1: 97.
- Skibbe H, Reisert M, Ronneberger O, Burkhardt H.: Increasing the Dimension of Creativity in Rotation Invariant Feature Design using 3D Tensorial Harmonics. DAGM Symposium, Jena (2009), 2009; 1.
- Skibbe H, Reisert M, Wang Q, Ronneberger O, Burkhardt H.: Fast Computation of 3D Spherical Fourier Harmonic Descriptors- A Complete Orthonormal Basis for a Rotational Invariant Representation of Three-dimensional Objects. 3DIM 2009 , Proceedings of the ICCV, 2009; 1.
- Splitthoff DN, Zaitsev M.: On dephasing effects in complex projection data: implications for rapid B0 estimation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2792.
- Splitthoff DN, Zaitsev M.: Sense Shimming (SSH), first in-vivo results. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 573.
- Staehle F, Bauer S, Jung B, Hennig J, Markl M.: 3-Directional Fast Acceleration Encoding. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2665.
- Stalder A, Frydrychowicz A, Russe M, Korvink J, Hennig J, Markl M.: Blood Flow in the Healthy Aorta: Turbulent or not? Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3851.
- Stankovic Z, Frydrychowicz A, Stalder AF, Bock J, Panther E, Russe M, Hennig J, Langer M, Markl M: Visualization and Quantification of 3D Flow Characteristics in the Portal Venous System. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, 2009; 1 (Kongress ISMRM 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii).
- Stankovic Z, Markl M, Panther E, Stalder AF, Bock J, Russe M, Langer M, Frydrychowicz A.: Visualisierung und Quantifizierung von 3 D Flusscharakteristika im portalvenösen System mittels einer flussensitiven 4 D MRT Messung. 90. Deutscher Röntgenkongress, Berlin, Germany (20.5-23.5 2008), 2009; 1: 185.
- Stucht D, Schulze P, Zaitsev M, Danishad K, Kadashevich I, Speck O.: Prospective Motion Correction with Stereoscopic Optical Tracking at 7T. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 4607.
- Testud F, Zaitsev M.: B0 Field Monitoring by Air-Matched Phantoms. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2791.
- Ullmann P, Schneider J, Haas M, Wissmann R, Ruhm W.: Single- and Multi-Voxel MR-Spectroscopy Using Parallel Excitation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2602.
- von Elverfeldt D, Stangwald K, Emerich P, Paul D.: Relaxation Time dependency of FC84 on pO2. 26th Ann Scientific Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya (01.-03.10.2009), 2009; 1: 256.
- Weber H, Paul D, Zaitsev M, Hennig J, von Elverfeldt D.: Extended Multi-Flip-Angle approach: a 3D B1unit+ mapping method for inhomogeneous fields. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 370.
- Weidensteiner C, Reichardt W, Weber H, Paul D, Siedentopf O, Schaechtele C, von Elverfeldt D.: Analysis of Vascular Function by DCE-MRI in a Human Endothelial Cell Derived Angiogenesis Model in Mice. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (20.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1: 2282.
- Welz AM, Cocosco C, Dewney A, Schmidt H, Jia F, Korvink J, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: PatLoc gradient insert coil for human imaging at 3 T. Proceedings Congress 2009, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 2009; 1.
- Welz AM, Schmidt H, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: Optimization of encoding fields for PatLoc imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3052.
- Welz AM, Zaitsev M, Jia F, Liu Z, Korvink J, Schmidt H, Lehr H, Post H, Dewney A, Hennig J.: Development of a non-shielded PatLoc gradient insert for human head imaging. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 3073.
- Wozniak G, Skórka T, Jasinski K, Banasik T, Mohammadzadeh M, von Elverfeldt D, Hennig J, Weglarz WP.: Uniplanar Magnetic Field Gradient Coils for 3D MR Microscopy. 26th Ann Scientific Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, Antalya (01.-03.10.2009), 2009; 1: 318.
- Zahneisen B, Grotz T, Hennig J.: MR-encephalography: Fast Volumetric Imaging of Brain Physiology using Rosette Trajectories. 17th Ann Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu (18.-24.04.2009), 2009; 1.
- Zaitsev M, Hennig J.: Reference-Free parallel Imaging with Phase Scrambling (PIPS). Proc. ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop "Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction", Sedona, AZ, USA (25.-28.01.2009)).
- Zaitsev M, Schultz G, Hennig J.: Extended Anti-Aliasing Reconstruction for Phase-Scrambled MRI with Quadratic Phase Modulation. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2859.
- Zaitsev M.: New Methods for Gradient Encoding. Proc. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling, Sedona, USA, 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling, Sedona, USA).
- Zaitsev M.: Parallel Imaging with Non-Linear Non-Bijective Gradients. Proc. ISMRM Workshop on Parallel Imaging, 2009; 1 (ISMRM Workshop on Parallel Imaging, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (23.-26.10.2009)).
- Zhou K, Bao S, Hennig J, Zaitsev M.: Coil Combination Method for Multiple-Echo Sequences and PSF Mapping. Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009; 1: 2777.
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