| Konferenzbeiträge:
- Barke A, Il'yasov KA, Kiselev VG, Bruggmoser G, Roehner F, Buechert M, Hennig J.: Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced MR Imaging for Radiation Therapy Monitoring in Prostate Cancer patients. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1463 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Bilecen D, Schulte AC, Aschwanden M, Jäger K, Bongartz G.: Infragenual Compression for Optimized CE-MRA of the Crural Arteries. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 85 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Bley T.A., Uhl M., Geml B., Ghanem N.A., Saueressig U., Springer O.S., Langer M.: Diagnostic accuracy of MRI for preoperative staging of pancreatic carcinoma: Tendency of understaging. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Büchert M, Hennig J.: CPRESS with variable refocusing flip angles. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 519 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Elsner K, Oesterle C, Bellemann EM, Hennig J.: Predictability of acoustic gradient noise in MR imaging. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 460 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Elverfeldt D, Niekisch M, El Saman A, Hopt UT, Hennig J.: Temporal Behaviour of PME/Pi in Pigs' Kidneys during the Cold Ischemic Time. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 43 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ernst T, Zhong K, Tomasi D, Hennig J.: Fast T2-Weighted MRI at 4 Tesla Using a TRAPS Sequence. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 957 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ghanem N.A., Altehoefer C., Högerle S., Bley T. A., Kelly T., Winterer J. T., Ghanem-Wiesel C., Langer M.: Whole body-MRI in detection of skeletal metastastases in comparison with whole body skeletal scintigraphy and whole-body FDG-PET. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Ghanem N.A., Uhl M., Walker U., Springer O.S., Bley T.A., Kotter E., Langer M.: MRI in hand and foot involvement of psoriatic arthritis. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Ghanem NA, Fautz HP, Weigel M, Speck O, Hennig J, Bley T, Langer M.: Whole Body-MR imaging with a continuously moving table platform in detection of metastatic disease in cancer patients: First Results of a feasibility study. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1333 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ghanem NA, Speck O, Hennig J, Bley T, Langer M.: Detection of Skeletal metastasis by Whole Body MRI. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 115 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ghanem NA, Speck O, Hennig J, Bley T, Langer M.: Whole Body-MRI for the Detection of Bone and Bone Marrow Abnormalities. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 696 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Hennig J, Scheffler K.: TIDE (transition into driven equilibrium)-Sequences for Brain Imaging with Improved Signal and Contrast Behaviour. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 973 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Hennig J, Weigel M.: Quantitation of T2-Effects in TSE-Sequences with Low Refocusing Flip Angles. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1093 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Hennig J, Weigel M.: Calculation of Refocusing Flip angles for CPMG-Echotrains with predefined amplitudes: Basic Principles and Applications for Hyperecho- and TRAPS-TSE. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 118 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Hennig J.: A New Approach for the Design of Composite Pulses Based on the Extended Phase Graph (EPG)-Algorithm. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 967 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Hennig J.: Calculation of Refocusing Flip angles for CPMG-Echotrains with a Given amplitude Envelope: Basic Principles and Applications to Hyperecho-TSE. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 201 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Il'yasov KA, Zhilkin P.: On Correction of Eddy Current induced Distortions in diffusion weighted Echo Planar Images with a Calibration on a reference Phantom. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 2116 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Jung B, Jahnke C, Föll D, Hennig J.: Comparison between delayed enhancement and myocardial function with phase contrast velocity mapping. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1614 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Kiselev VG, Strecker R, Speck O, Ziyeh S, Klisch J, Hennig J.: Quantitative Vessel Size Imaging in Humans. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 2192 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ko CW, Kreher B, Buechert M.: GUI for automatic post processing and display of 2D-SI data sets with LCModel. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1157 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Kotter E., Roesner A., Winterer J.T., Ghanem N., Einert A., Jaeger D., Uhrmeister P., Langer M.: Evaluation of three different algorithms for lossy data compression of chest X-rays. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Kreher BW, Schneider JFL, Martin E, Hennig J, Il'yasov KA.: Solving of a problem of Fiber Crossing with a multi-tensor approach. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 241 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Lehnhardt S., Öksüz M.Ö., Ghanem N.A., Scheffler K., Langer M.: Hydro-MRT in patients with Crohn's disease using a 3D TRUFI sequence. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Leupold J, Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Frequency selective balanced SSFP imaging with randomised TR. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 986 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Lu A, Wieben O, Grist TM, Block WF.: Vastly Undersampled Isotropic Projection Reconstruction Imaging with Multi-Half-Echo (VIPR ME). P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 210 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ludwig U, Peucke A, Rennenberg H, Hennig J.: Flow measurements in the Xylem of Populus tremula x. P. alba: First Results. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 996 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ludwig U, Weigel M, Fautz HP, Ghanem N, Speck O, Hennig J.: Continuous moving table acquisition using HyperHASTE. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 121 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Paul D, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Verbessertes Off-Resonanz-Verhalten bei TrueFISP-Sequenzen durch variable Flipwinkel (TIDE). Proc. Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM, 2003 (6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM e.V., Heidelberg, Germany), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Eddy current optimized phase encoding schemes to reduce artifacts in balanced SSFP imaging. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 294 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Scheffler K.: Correction and calculation of T1 and T2 maps based on IR balanced SSFP using an analytical expression of the transient SSFP response. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 552 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Schneider JF, Il'yasov KA, Hennig J, Martin E.: Quantitative Diffusion Tensor Imaging During Maturation of the Brain's White Matter. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 393 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Shah NJ, Zaitsev M.: Dual-Contrast Echo Planar Imaging with Keyhole for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced applications. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 990 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Speck O, Ziyeh S, Reinhard M, Hetzel A, Rick J, Guenther S, Hennig J.: Measurement of the Perfusion Reserve Capacity using Doppler Sonography and Quantitative BOLD MRI in Patients with Neurovascular disease. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 2244 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Speck O, Ziyeh S, Rick J, Hetzel A, Hennig J.: Quantitative measurements of the perfusion reserve using transcranial Doppler ultrasound and phase contrast and Bold MRI. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 347 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Speck O.: Quantitative fMRI with Graded visual and working Memory Paradigms reveals subtle differences in the Increase for Primary and Higher Cognitive Functions. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1724 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Weigel M, Ghanem NA, Speck O, Hennig J.: Adaptation of HASTE for continuous moving table acquisition. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 992 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Weigel M, Hennig J.: Establishing important clinical contrasts and high resolutions in Hyperecho-TSE's. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 444 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Weigel M, Hennig J.: Contrast behavior of conventional and hyperecho-TSE's at 1.5T and 3T: comparing relaxation effects. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 216 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Weigel M, Hennig J.: Evaluation of magnetization transfer effects at 1.5T and 3T: a comparison between conventional and Hyperecho-TSE's. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 417 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Weigel M, Ziyeh S, Weber J, Speck O, Hennig J.: Neuroradiological applications of Hyperecho-TSE's at 3T: first clinical results. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2003: 223 (20th Ann Meeting ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Wieben O, Brodsky E, Mistretta CA, Block WF.: Correction of Trajectory Errors in Radial Acquisitions. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 298 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Wieben O, Schirmer S, Buschmann E, Jung B, Buschmann I, Hennig J.: MR Flow Measurements During Reactive Hyperemia: A Pilot Study. Proc. 15th Ann Workshop International MR Angio Club, 2003 (15th Ann Workshop International MR Angio Club, Dublin, Ireland).
- Winterer J.T., Strecker R., Ghanem N., Schaefer O., Bley T.A., Lohrmann C., Kotter E., Langer M.: Background suppression using magnetization preparation for contrast-enhanced 3D MR angiography of the pelvic and lower leg arteries. OASIS - Online Abstract Submission and Invitation System™, 2003; 1: 1 (ECR, European Kongress Of Radiology).
- Zaitsev M, Hennig J, Speck O.: Automated Online EPI distortion correction for fMRI Applications. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1042 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Zaitsev M, Steinhoff S, Shah NJ.: Parameter optimisation of TAPIR method for fast T1 mapping. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2003: 1086 (11th Ann Meeting ISMRM, Toronto, Canada), ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Ziyeh S, Rick J, Weber J, Reinhard M, Hetzel A, Speck O.: Pathologische zerebrovaskuläre Reservekapazität bei hochgradigen Carotisstenosen: Diagnose mittels CO2-BOLD-MRI. Proc. Klinische Neuroradiologie, 2003; 13: 147-148 (38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie), Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie (Hrsg).