Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen
- Altehoefer C, Schmid A, Büchert M, Ghanem NA, Heinrich L, Langer M.: Characterization of hematopoietic bone marrow in male professional cyclists by magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2002; 16 (3): 284-288.
- Bilecen D, Hennig J, Schulte AC.: Rapid change in sound pressure and its cortical representation in the human brain: a block-design and event-related fMRI study. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1469.
- Bilecen D, Radue E, Schulte AC, Hennig J, Scheffler K, Seifritz E.: fMRI of the auditory cortex in patients with unilateral carotid artery steno-occlusive disease. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2002; 15 (6): 621-627.
- Bilecen D, Seifritz E, Scheffler K, Hennig J, Schulte AC.: Amplitopicity of the Human Auditory Cortex: a fMRI study. Neuroimage, 2002; 17: 710-718.
- Bley T, Burger D, Ghanem N, Thürl C, Saueressig U, Kotter E, Langer M.: Bildqualität von Papierausdrucken zur Befunddokumentation im Vergleich zu Laserfilmen bei MSCT-Untersuchungen. Rofo-fortschr Rontg, 2002; 174 (4): 423-425.
- Brink I, Schneider B, Hoegerle S.: Enormous bilateral adrenal uptake of F-18 FDG caused by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Clin Nucl Med, 2002; 27 (10): 739-740.
- Büchert M, Bilecen D, Winterer J, Schulte AC, Langer M, Hennig J.: Time resolved BOLD response in the muscle of patients with peripheral vascular occlusive disease. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 291.
- Büchert M, Greenlee MW, Rutschmann RM, Kraemer FM, Feng Luo, Hennig J.: fMRI Evidence for Binocular Interactions in Human Visual Cortex. Exp Brain Res, 2002; 145 (3): 334-339.
- Büchert M, Hennig J.: Neurochemical imaging (MR-spectroscopy) in neuropsychiatric disorders - perspectives and limitations. Eur Arch Psy Clin N, 2002; 1 Suppl. 1: 252.
- Cai Kui, Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Imaging of the Inner Ear using inner volume 3D-RARE. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1023.
- Chang L, Ernst T, Speck O, Patel H, DeSilva M, Leonido-Yee M, Miller EN.: Perfusion MRI and computerized cognitive test abnormalities in abstinent methamphetamine users. Psychiat Res, 2002; 114 (2): 65-79.
- Drevs J, Müller-Driver R, Wittig C, Fuxius S, Esser N, Hugenschmidt J, Konerding MA, Allegrini PR, Wood J, Hennig J, Unger C, Marmé D.: PTK787/ZK 222584, a specific Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Affects the anatomy of the Tumor Vascular Bed and the Functional Vascular Properties as detected by dynamic enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cancer Res, 2002; 62: 4015-4022.
- Fautz HP, Leupold J, Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Signal Behavior in continuously ramped 2D TrueFISP for Whole-Body Imaging. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (6): 1085-1090.
- Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Sliding Multi-Slice Acquisition for Whole Body Imaging. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 3: 1941.
- Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: TRIM: TR-independent Multi-Slice Imaging. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 3: 2384.
- Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: (ISMRM Young Investigator Award) Homogeneous Preparation Encoding (HOPE) in Multi-Slice Imaging. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 292.
- Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Homogenous Preparation Encoding (HoPE) in Multi-Slice Imaging. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (5): 745-752.
- Gareus I, Lacour M, Schulte AC, Hennig J.: Is there a BOLD response of the visual cortex on stimulation of the vision-related acupoint GB 37? J Magn Reson Imaging, 2002; 15 (3): 227-232.
- Ghanem N, Altehoefer C, Hogerle S, Schafer O, Winterer J, Moser E, Langer M.: Comparative diagnostic value and therapeutic relevance of magnetic resonance imaging and bone marrow scintigraphy in patients with metastatic solid tumors of the axial skeleton. Eur J Radiol, 2002; 43 (3): 256-261.
- Ghanem N, Riede U, Uhrmeister P, Weigang E, Altehoefer C.: Epithelioid angiosarcoma of the aorta. Vasa-j Vascular Dis, 2002; 31 (4): 269-273.
- Ghanem NA, Altehoefer C, Büchert M, Langer M.: MRI of bone marrow in competitive athletes: Is there any correlation between hematological data and performance? P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 3: 1815.
- Günther S, Speck O, Bilecen D, Fischer H, Kiselev VG, Hennig J, Bellemann ME.: Eine nicht-invasive Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der zerebralen Perfusionsreserve mittels fMRT unter CO2-Inhalation. Rofo-fortschr Rontg, 2002; 174 Suppl. S1: 276.
- Haselhorst R, Dürsteler K, Scheffler K, Ladevig D, Müller-Spahn F, Stohler R, Seelig J, Seifritz E.: Frontocortical N-acetylaspartate reduction associated with long-term i.v. heroin use. Neurology, 2002; 58 (2): 305-307.
- Helmberger TK, Laubenberger J, Rummeny E, Jung G, Sievers K, Dohring W, Meurer K, Reiser MF.: MRI characteristics in focal hepatic disease before and after administration of MnDPDP: discriminant analysis as a diagnostic tool. Eur Radiol, 2002; 12 (1): 62-70.
- Hennig J, Kluge T, Scheffler K.: Multiecho Sequences with variable refocusing Flip Angles: Optimitzation of Signal Behavior using Smooth transitions between Pseudo Steady States (TRAPS). P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 3: 2356.
- Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Optimization of steady state free precession sequences by continuous transition into driven equilibrium (TIDE). P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 378.
- Hennig J, Schneider JFL, Il'yasov KA, Martin E.: Diffusion-weighted Tractology. Child Nerv Syst, 2002; 18 (1-2): 92.
- Hennig J, Schulte AC, Il´yasov KA, Speck O, Kiselev VG.: Hyperecho Diffusion Imaging: A New Look at Diffusion Mechanisms. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 433.
- Hennig J, Speck O, Scheffler K.: Optimization of the signal behavior in the transition to driven equilibrium in steady-state free precession sequences. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (5): 801-809.
- Hesslinger B, Tebartz van Elst L, Thiel T, Haegele K, Hennig J, Ebert D.: Frontoorbital volume reductions in adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurosci Lett, 2002; 328 (3): 319-321.
- Hoegerle S, Nitzsche E, Altehoefer C, Ghanem N, Manz T, Brink I, Reincke M, Moser E, Neumann HP.: Pheochromocytomas: Detection with 18F DOPA Whole-Body
PET?Initial Results1. Radiology, 2002; 222 (2): 507-512.
- Hohls M, Ghanem N, Wilhelm M, Stoelben E.: Tracheal stenosis caused by false aneurysm of the right subclavian artery. Eur J Cardio-thorac, 2002; 21 (5): 946-947.
- Horch RE, Springer O.: Minimally-invasive endoscopic correction of funnel chest deformity via an umbilical incision. Aesthet Plast Surg, 2002; 26: 295-298.
- Huang TY, Huang IJ, Chen CY, Scheffler K, Chung HW, Cheng HC.: Are TrueFISP images T2/T1-weighted? Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (4): 684-688.
- Huisman TA, Thiel T, Rumpel H, Zeilinger G, Steinmann B, Martin E.: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain of a neonate with nonketotic hyperglycinemia: in vivo-in vitro (ex vivo) correlation. Eur J Radiol, 2002; 12 (6): 1597.
- Il´yasov KA, Schneider JFL, Boltshauser E, Hennig J, Martin E.: Quantitative diffusion tensor imaging in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: an early indicator of cerebral white matter involvement? P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1283.
- Imgrund M, Rohrbach R, Oksuz MO, Grotz W.: Unusual course of nephrotic syndrome associated with atypical pneumonia. Nephrol Dial Transpl, 2002; 17: 1530-1532.
- Janz C, Heinrich SP, Hennig J.: The Effect of Contrast Adaptation on BOLD Signal Changes. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1328.
- Jung B, Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Single-Breathhold 3D-TrueFISP cine cardiac imaging. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (5): 921-925.
- Kiselev V, Strecker R, Speck O, Ziyeh S, Klisch J, Arnold S, Löw R, Hennig J.: Assessment of microvessel anatomy in tumor patients with a combined GE/SE EPI sequence. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1088.
- Kiselev V.: Calculation of diffusion effect for arbitrary pulse sequences. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1109.
- Kiselev VG, Novikov DS.: Transverse NMR relaxation as a probe of mesoscopic structure. Phys Rev Lett, 2002; 89 (27): 278101_1-278101_4.
- Kotter E., Langer M.: Digital radiography with large-area flat-panel detectors. Eur Radiol, 2002; 12 (10): 2562-2570.
- La Noce A, Stoelben S, Scheffler K, Hennig J, Maier-Lenz H, La Ferla R, Lorusso V, Maggioni F, Cavagna F.: B22956/1, a New Intravascular Contrast Agent for MRI. First Administration to Humans: Preliminary Results. Acad Radiol, 2002; 9 Suppl. 2: 404-406.
- Lehnhardt S, Winterer J, Strecker R, Hogerle S, Herget G, Geens V, Laubenberger J, Uhrmeister P.: Assessment of Pulmonary Perfusion With Ultrafast Projection Magnetic Resonance Angiography in Comparison With Lung Perfusion Scintigraphy in Patients With Malignant Stenosis. Invest Radiol, 2002; 37 (11): 594-599.
- Lehnhardt S, Winterer J T, Uhrmeister P, Herget G, Laubenberger J: Pulmonary sequestration: Demonstratin of blood supply with 2D and 3D MR Angiography. Eur J Radiol, 2002; 44 (1): 28-32.
- Leupold J, Hennig J, Scheffler K.: 3D Time-of-flight MRA using inversion recovery TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 138.
- Li J, Schwimmbeck PL, Tschope C, Leschka S, Husmann L, Rutschow S, Reichenbach F, Noutsias M, Kobalz U, Poller W, Spillmann F, Zeichhardt H, Schultheiss HP, Pauschinger M: Collagen degradation in a murine myocarditis model: relevance of matrix metalloproteinase in association with inflammatory induction. Cardiovasc Res, 2002; 56 (2): 235-247.
- Lilje C, Heinen F, Laubenberger J, Krug I, Brandis M.: Benign course of central pontine myelinolysis in a patient with anorexia nervosa. Pediatr Neurol, 2002; 27 (2): 132-135.
- Ludwig U, Loenneker T, Martin E, Hennig J.: Influence of Scanner Noise induced by Echo-Planar Imaging on Acoustic fMRI. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1375.
- Lutter G, Kuklinski D, Berg G, Von Samson P, Martin J, Handke M, Uhrmeister P, Beyersdorf F.: Percutaneous aortic valve replacement: an experimental study. I. Studies on implantation. J Thorac Cardiov Sur, 2002; 123 (4): 768-776.
- Markl M, Schneider B, Hennig J.: Fast Phase contrast cardiac MRI: improved assessment and analysis of left ventricular wall motion. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2002; 15 (6): 642-653.
- Michna G, Ghanem N, Laubenberger J, Schneider B, Kromeier J, Langer M.: Stellenwert der Magnetresonanztomographie in der Diagnositk und Nachsorge maligner Lymphome beim Erwachsenen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lymphknotenstagings. Radiologe, 2002; 42 (1): 993-999.
- Muller CI, Engelhardt M, Laubenberger J, Kunzmann R, Engelhardt R, Lubbert M.: Myelodysplastic syndrome in transformation to acute myeloid leukemia presenting with diabetes insipidus: due to pituitary infiltration association with abnormalities of chromosomes 3 and 7. Eur J Haematol, 2002; 69 (2): 115-119.
- Neumann HP, Bausch B, McWhinney SR, Bender BU, Gimm O, Franke G, Schipper J, Klisch J, Altehoefer C, Zerres K, Januszewicz A, Eng C, Smith WM, Munk R, Manz T, Glaesker S, Apel TW, Treier M, Reineke M, Walz MK, Hoang-Vu C, Brauckhoff M, Klein-Franke A, Klose, Schmidt H, Maier-Woelfle M, Peczkowska M, Szmigielski C, Eng C; The Freiburg-Warsaw-Columbus Pheochromocytoma Study Group.: Germ-line mutations in nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma. New Engl J Med, 2002; 346 (19): 1459-1466.
- Niekisch M, Elverfeldt D, El Saman A, Kirste G, Hopt UT, Langer M, Hennig J.: Pretransplant Assessment of Renal Viability: Clinical Results correlated with 31P-MRS and -CSI. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 814.
- Oeksuez M Ö, Altehoefer C, Wintere J T, Windfuhr-Blum M, Kleinschmidt M, von Weizsäcker F, Ochs A, Langer M.: Pancreatico-mediastinal Fistual With a Mediastinal Mass Lesion Demonstrated by MR Imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2002; 16: 746-750.
- Orszagh M, Büchert M, Schulte DM, Krauss JK, Schumacher M, Hennig J.: Clinical Validity of the MoSeSS RARE-Sequence at CSF Flow Disturbances. Riv Neuroradiol, 2002; 15: 661-678.
- Schaefer O, Lohrmann C, Herling M, Uhrmeister P, Langer M.: Combined radiofrequency thermal ablation and percutaneous cementoplasty treatment of a pathologic
fracture. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2002; 13 (10): 1047-1050.
- Schaefer O, Winterer J, Lohrmann C, Laubenberger J, Reichelt A, Langer M.: Magnetic resonance imaging for supraspinatus muscle atrophy after cuff repair. Clin Orthop Relat R, 2002; 403: 93-99.
- Schäfer O, Winterer J T, Lohrmann C, Laubenberger J, Langer M.: Indirekte Magnetresonanz-Fistulographie: Neuer Goldstandard in der Diagnostik perianaler Fisteln? Ein Sequenzvergleich. Clin Orthop Relat R, 2002; 41: 153-160.
- Scheffler K, Thiel T, Thesen S.: Assessment of perfusion with arterial spin labeling and TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 628.
- Scheffler K, Winterer J, Langer M, Hennig J.: Contrast-enhanced Angiography using T1-weighted TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 139.
- Scheffler K.: Superresolution in MRI? Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48: 408.
- Schilling F, Kessler S, Müntefering H, Baars J, Uhl M, Adler C P, Reichelt A, Michels H.: Primary chronic osteomyelitis of the clavicle. Osteologie, 2002; 11: 103-123.
- Schilling F, Uhl M.: SAPHO syndrome and transient hemiparesis in a child: coincidence or new association? J Rheumatol, 2002; 29 (9): 2019-2021.
- Schmal H, Klemt C, Uhrmeister P, Sarai K, Suedkamp NP.: Pelvic injuries in Combination with Vascular Lesions of Branches from the Iliac Artery. Outcome- Incidence - Treatment Strategy. Akt Traumatol, 2002; 32: 251-257.
- Schulte AC, Seifritz E, Hennig J, Scheffler K, Bilecen D.: Ampliotopic Organization of the Human Auditory Cortex. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 479.
- Seifritz E, Esposito F, Hennel F, Mustovic H, Neuhoff JG, Bilecen D, Tedeschi G, Scheffler K, Di Salle F.: Spatiotemporal Pattern of Neural Processing in the Human Auditory Cortex. Science, 2002; 297: 1706-1708.
- Seifritz E, Neuhoff JG, Bilecen D, Scheffler K, Mustovic H, Schachinger H, Elefante R, Di Salle F.: Neural processing of auditory looming in the human brain. Curr Biol, 2002; 12 (24): 2147-2151.
- Shim YW, Chung TS, Kang WS, Joo JY, Strecker R, Hennig J.: Non-invasive follow-up evaluation of post-embolized AVMwith timer-esolved MRA: a case report. Korean J Radiol, 2002; 3 (4): 271-275.
- Slanina J, Laubenberger J.: CT-based study on potential mediastinal lymph node spread of patients with lung cancer. Contribution to 3-D treatment planning for adjuvant radiotherapy of the mediastinum. Strahlenther Onkol, 2002; 178 (4): 199-208.
- Sonnet S, Buitrago-Téllez CH, Scheffler K, Strecker R, Bongartz G, Bremerich J.: Dynamic time-resolved contrast-enhanced 2D MR projection angiography of the pulmonary circulation: Standard technique and clinical applications. Am J Roentgenol, 2002; 179 (1): 159-165.
- Speck O, Günther S, Kiselev V, Bilecen D, Bellemann ME, Hennig J.: Quantitative Determination of the Perfusion Reserve Capacity using Single Shot T2* Mapping during CO2 Challenge. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 1: 264.
- Speck O, Kiselev V, Hennig J.: Single Shot Measurement of BOLD, rCBV, and Oxygenation: A complete Model including Intra- and Extra-Vascular signals. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1377.
- Speck O, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Fast 31P Chemical Shift Imaging using SSFP Methods. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 792.
- Speck O, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Fast 31P Chemical Shift Imaging using SSFP Methods. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 48 (4): 633-639.
- Speck O, Thiel T, Kluge T, Hennig J.: Quantitative Single Shot T2* Mapping during functional Activation at 1.5 and 3T. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2002; 2: 1322.
- Thiel T, Czisch M, Elbel GK, Hennig J.: Phase Coherent Averaging in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy using Interleaved Navigator Scans: compensation of Motion Artifacts and Magnetic Field Instabilities. Magnet Reson Med, 2002; 47 (6): 1077-1082.
- Thürl C, Altehoefer C, Spyridonidis A, Laubenberger J.: Imaging findings in the rare catastrophic variant of the primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Eur Radiol, 2002; 12 (3): 545-548.
- Uhl M, Altehoefer C, Kontny U, Il'yasov KA, Büchert M, Langer M.: MRI-diffusion imaging of neuroblastomas: first results and correlation to histology. Eur Radiol, 2002; 12 (9): 2335-2338.
- Uhl M, Zimmerhackl L B.: Rdiologische Diagnostik von metabolischen Osteopathien im Kindesalter. Radiologe, 2002; 42: 916-931.
- van Elst LT, Ensenauer R, Hennig J, Martin E.: On the role of quantitative brain imaging in the differential diagnosis of speech disorders. Psychiat Clin Neuros, 2002; 56 (1): 111-115.
- van Elst LT, Jüngling FD, Kassubek J, Schmidtke K, Thiel T, Ebert D, Dykierek P, Hüll M.: On the role of quantitative brain imaging in the differential diagnosis of speech disorders. Psychiat Clin Neuros, 2002; 56 (1): 111-115.
- Winterer JT, Ghanem N, Roth M, Schaefer O, Lehnhardt S, Thurl C, Horch RE, Laubenberger J.: Diagnosis of the hypothenar hammer syndrome by high-resolution contrast-enhanced MR angiography. Eur Radiol, 2002; 12 (10): 2457-2462.
- Winterer JT, Schaefer O, Uhrmeister P, Zimmermann-Paul G, Lehnhardt S, Altehoefer C, Laubenberger J.: Contrast enhanced MR angiography in the assessment of relevant stenoses in occlusive disease of the pelvic and lower limb arteries: diagnostic value of a two-step examination protocol in comparison to conventional DSA. Eur J Radiol, 2002; 41 (2): 153-160.
- Ziyeh S, Thiel T, Spreer J, Klisch J, Schumacher M.: Valproate-induced encephalopathy: assessment with MR imaging and 1H MR-spectroscopy. Epilepsia, 2002; 43 (9): 1101-1105.