Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen
- Altehoefer C, Bertz H, Ghanem N, Langer M.: Extent and Course of Morphological Changes of Bone Marrow Induced by Granuloyte Colony-Stimulating Factor as Assessed by Magnetic Imaging of Healthy Blood Stem Cell Donors. Jmri-j Magn Reson Im, 2001; 14: 141-145.
- Altehoefer C, Ghanem N, Furtwängler A, Schneider B, Langer M.: Breathhold unenhanced and gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance tomography and magnetic resonance cholangiography in hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Int J Colorectal Dis, 2001; 13 (3): 188-192.
- Altehoefer C, Ghanem N, Högerle S, Moser E, Langer M.: Comparative detectability of bone metastases and impact on therapy of magnetic resonance imaging and bone scintigraphy in patients with breast cancer. Eur J Radiol, 2001; 40: 16-23.
- Bender BU, Eng C, Olschewski M, Berger DP, Laubenberger J, Altehoefer C, Kirste G, Orzagh M, van Velthoven V, MIosczka H, Schmidt D, Neumann HPH.: VHL c.505 T>C mutation confers a high age related penetrance but no increased overall mortality. J Med Genet, 2001; 38: 508-514.
- Berthold P, Elverfeldt D, Fiedler W, Hennig J, Kaatz M, Querner U.: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and spectroscopy of seasonal patterns of body composition: methodological pilot study in white storks. J Ornithol, 2001; 134: 63-72.
- Boos M, Scheffler K, Haselhorst R, Reese E, Frohlich J, Bongartz GM.: Arterial first pass gadolinium-CM dynamics as a function of several intravenous saline flush and Gd volumes. Jmri-j Magn Reson Im, 2001; 13 (4): 568-576.
- Bremerich J, Colet JM, Giovenzana GB, Aime S, Scheffler K, Laurent S, Bongartz G, Muller RN.: Slow Clearance Gadolinium based extracellular and intravascular contrast media for 3D MR angiography. Jmri-j Magn Reson Im, 2001; 13 (4): 588-593.
- Bringk I, Reinhardt MJ, Hoegerle S, Altehoefer C, Moser E, Nitzsche EU.: Increased metabolic activity in the thymus gland studied with 18F-FDG PET: age dependency and frequency after chemotherapy. J Nucl Med, 2001; 42: 591-595.
- Büchert M, Altehoefer C, Fischer K, Bartelt S, Henke M.: MR Spectroscopy of the Spinal Cord of Professional Cyclists and Controls. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1006.
- Büchert M, O´Neill J, Vermathen P, Maudsley AA.: In Vivo Brain pH mapping using 19x19 voxels 1H MR spectroscopic imaging of the down field region. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1701.
- Buchmann I, Reinhardt M, Elsner K, Bunjes D, Altehoefer C, Finke J, Moser E, Glatting G, Kotzerke J, Guhlmann CA, Schirrmeister H, Reske SN.: 2-(fluorine-18)fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography in the detection and staging of malignant lymphoma. A bicenter trial. Cancer, 2001; 91: 889-899.
- Chang L, Speck O, Miller EN, Braun J, Jovicich J, Koch C, Itti L, Ernst T.: Neural correlates of attention and working memory deficits in HIV patients. Neurology, 2001; 57 (6): 1001-1007.
- Chung TS, Strecker R, Hennig J.: Evaluation of brain-tumor interface on post-embolized intracranial meningiomas using time-resolved MRA: comparison with DAS. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1388.
- Di Salle F, Formisano E, Seifritz E, Linden DE, Scheffler K, Saulino C, Tedeschi G, Zanella FE, Pepino A, Goebel R, Marciano E.: Functional fields in human auditory cortex revealed by time-resolved fMRI without interference of EPI noise. Neuroimage, 2001; 13 (2): 328-338.
- Elverfeldt D, Heinze J, Hennig J.: Electrophoretic CSI using Deuterated Acetonitrile. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1705.
- Ensenauer R, Thiel T, Schwab KO, Lehnert W.: Presence of muscle creatine in a patient with Guanidinoacetatemetuhyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency. J Inherit Metab Dis, 2001; 23 Suppl. 1: 212.
- Fautz HP, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Continous 2D "Whole Body" scan with TrueFisp using z-ramped phase encoding (PE). P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 233.
- Fischer H, Reichenbach J, Otte M, Hennig J.: Evaluation of Automatic Elastic Motion Correction in MR-Mammography. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 294.
- Gareus I, Schulte AC, Hu KM, Lacour M, Hennig J.: Cortical effects of acupuncture using fMRI: results of a randomized double-blinded study. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1327.
- Grotz W, Nagel C, Poeschel D, Cybulla M, Petersen KG, Uhl M, Strey C, Kirste G, Olschewski M, Reichelt A, Rump LC.: Effect of ibandronate on bone loss and renal function after kidney transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2001; 12 (7): 1530-1537.
- Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Hyperechoes. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 46 (1): 6-12.
- Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Hyperechoes in RARE (TSE,FSE) -sequences. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1769.
- Hennig J, Scheffler K.: Hyperechoes - Basic principles and applications. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 437.
- Hesslinger B, Thiel T, Tebartz van Elst L, Hennig J, Ebert D.: Attention-deficit disorder in adults with or without hyperactivity: where is the difference? A study in human using short echo 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Neurosci Lett, 2001; 304 (1/2): 117-119.
- Hoegerle S, Altehoefer C, Ghanem N, Brink I, Moser E, Nitzsche E.: 18F-DOPA positron emission tomography for tumour detection in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and elevated calcitonin levels. Eur J Nucl Med, 2001; 28: 64-71.
- Hoegerle S, Altehoefer C, Ghanem N, Koehler G, Waller CF, Scheruebl H, Moser E, Nitzsche E.: Whole-body 18F dopa PET for detection of gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors. Radiology, 2001; 220: 373-380.
- Hruz P, Zechner S, Heimberg D, Hobi V, Schönenberger G, Scheffler K, Müller-Spahn F, Seifritz E.: Intranasal administration of delta sleep-inducing peptide increases P300. J Clin Psychopharm, 2001; 21 (6): 626-628.
- Il´yasov KA, Bjornerud A, Rogstad A, Wiggen UN, Henriksen I, Eissner B, Hennig J, Fossheim SL.: Paramagnetic liposomes as thermosensitive probes for MRI-guided thermal ablation: feasibility study on the perfused porcine kidney. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 324.
- Il´yasov KA, Bruggmoser G, Steberl R, Kiselev VG, Hennig J.: Optimization of the LITT protocol for hyperthermia treatment of prostate by means of simulations and MR-thermometry. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 2207.
- Imgrund M, Warnatz K, Uhl M, Feuerhake F, Peter H.: EMO syndrome as a late explanation for pretibial swelling. Rheumatology, 2001; 40: 357-358.
- Issakhanian M, Chang L, Cornford M, Witt M, Speck O, Goldberg M, Ernst T.: HIV-2 Infection with Cerebral Toxoplasmosis and Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis. J Neuroimaging, 2001; 11: 212-216.
- Janz C, Heinrich S, Kornmayer J, Bach M, Hennig J.: Combination of fMRI and VEP recording: the BOLD response is not a linear transform of the average neuronal activity. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 283.
- Janz C, Heinrich SP, Kornmayer J, Bach M, Hennig J.: Coupling of neuronal activity and BOLD fMRI response: new insights by combination of fMRI and VEP experiments in transition from single events to continuous stimulation. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 46 (3): 482-486.
- Janz C, Schmitt C, Kornmayer J, Speck O, Hennig J.: Decoupling of the Short-Term Hemodynamic Response and the Blood Oxygen Concentration. Nmr Biomed, 2001; 14 (7/8): 402-407.
- Jung BA, Haase A, Jakob PM.: Navigation of the Heart with single-shot images. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 753.
- Kern S, Uhl M, Berner R, Schwoerer T, Langer M.: Respiratory syncytial virus infection of the lower respiratory tract: radiological findings in 108 children. Eur Radiol, 2001; 11: 2581-2584.
- Kerst G, Niemeyer C, Hildebrandt F, Foldi E, Uhl M, Brandis M, Horch RG.: Use of a myocutaneous flap after resection of a large lymphangioma. Eur J Pediatr Surg, 2001; 11: 139-141.
- Kiselev VG, Novikov DS.: Theory of MR relaxation caused by Mesoscopic Impurities: a possibility to monitor the red blood cell shape. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 891.
- Kiselev VG.: Effect of Magnetic Field gradients induced by microvasculature on NMR measurements of diffusion coefficient. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1511.
- Kiselev VG.: On the theoretical basis of perfusion measurements by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 107.
- Kiselev VG.: On the Theoretical Basis of Perfusion Measurements by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 46 (6): 1113-1122.
- Klisch J, Juengling F, Spreer J, Koch D, Thiel T, Büchert M, Arnold S, Feuerhake F, Schumacher M.: Lhermitte-Duclos disease: assessment with MR imaging, positron emission tomography, single-photon emission CT, and MR spectroscopy. Am J Neuroradiol, 2001; 22 (5): 824-830.
- Loenneker T, Hennel F, Ludwig U, Hennig J.: Silent BOLD imaging. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2001; 13 (2): 76-81.
- Markl M, Hennig J.: Phase Contrast MRI with High Temporal resolution by view sharing. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1972.
- Markl M, Hennig J.: Phase Contrast MRI with Improved Temporal Resolution by View Sharing: k-Space related Velocity Mapping Properties. Magn Reson Imaging, 2001; 19 (5): 669-676.
- Martin E, Capone A, Schneider J, Hennig J, Thiel T.: Absence of N-Acetyl-Aspartate (NAA) in the Human brain: Impact on Neurospectroscopy? Ann Neurol, 2001; 49 (4): 518-521.
- Neuburger M, Kaiser H, Uhl M.: Biometric data on risk of pneumothorax from vertical infraclavicular brachial plexus block. A magnetic resonance imaging study. Anaesthesist, 2001; 50 (7): 511-516.
- Oesterle C, Hennel F, Hennig J.: Quiet imaging with interleaved spiral read-out. Magn Reson Imaging, 2001; 19 (10): 1333-1337.
- Orszagh M, Hennig J, Kaech D, Allmann KH, Schulte DM, Hudec J, Zentner J.: Limitation of Functional MRI of the Cervical Spine in Supine Position. Riv Neuroradiol, 2001; 14: 45-54.
- Pelikan E, Kotter E, Timmermann U.: Networks in the radiology department and the hospital. Eur Radiol, 2001; 11 (2): 337-345.
- Petschner F, Walker UA, Schmitt-Graff A, Uhl M, Peter HH.: "Catastrophic systemic lupus erythematosus" with Rosai-Dorfman sinus histiocytosis. Successful treatment with anti-CD20/rutuximab. Deut Med Wochenschr, 2001; 14 (126): 998-1001.
- Posse S, Binkofski F, Schneider F, Gembris D, Frings W, Habel U, Salloum JB, Mathiak K, Wiese S, Kiselev V, Graf T, Elghahwagi B, Grosse-Ruyken ML, Eickermann T.: A new approach to measure single-event related brain activity using real-time fMRI: feasibility of sensory, motor, and higher cognitive tasks. Hum Brain Mapp, 2001; 12 (1): 25-41.
- Posse S, Kemna LJ, Elghahwagi B, Wiese S, Kiselev VG.: Effect of graded hypo- and hypercapnia on fMRI contrast in visual cortex: Quantification of T(*)(2) changes by multiecho EPI. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 46 (2): 264-271.
- Randelzhofer P, de la Barrera JM, Spielberg M, Kurtz C, Strub JR.: Three-dimensional navigation in oral implantology: a preliminary investigation. Int J Periodont Rest, 2001; 21 (6): 617-626.
- Rauch D, Bohnemann L, Kurtz C, Drescher P, Kleb B, Klose KJ, Wagner HJ.: Vascular response to gadolinium-containing contrast media in an ex vivo rabbit arterial model. Invest Radiol, 2001; 36 (10): 389-396.
- Rauch D, Kotter E, Kurtz C, Schafer O, Ehritt-Braun C, Burger D, Schaper J, Uhrmeister P.: Quality assessment using AGIR: results and experience. Rofo-fortschr Rontg, 2001; 173 (2): 147-155.
- Scheffler K, Heid O, Hennig J.: Magnetization preparation during the steady state: fat-saturated 3D TrueFISP. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 45 (6): 1075-1080.
- Scheffler K, Heid O, Hennig J.: Magnetization preparation during the Steady State: fat saturated 3D TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 440.
- Scheffler K, Hennig J.: T1 Quantification with Inversion Recovery TrueFISP. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 45 (4): 720-723.
- Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Quantitative T1 imaging with inversion recovery TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 521.
- Scheffler K, Hennig J.: New applications of TrueFISP in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging: three-dimensional TrueFISP and inversion recovery TrueFISP. Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2001; 12 (1): 62.
- Scheffler K, Seifritz E, Bilecen D, Venkatesan R, Hennig J, Deimling M, Haacke EM.: Detection of BOLD changes by means of frequency-sensitive trueFISP technique: preliminary results. Nmr Biomed, 2001; 14 (7/8): 490-496.
- Scheffler K.: Fast Volume coverange using Sliding, Nonuniform angular sampling: the spiral CT approach with projection FLASH and TrusFISP sequences. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1774.
- Scheffler K.: 3D Cardiac Cine imaging in a single Breathhold using elliptically reordered 3D TrueFISP. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 113.
- Schimming R, Juengling FD, Altehofer C, Schmelzeisen R.: Diagnostik fraglicher Unterkieferinfiltrationen durch Plattenepithelkarzinome 3-D-99mTc-DPD-SPECT-Rekonstruktion und [18F]-Fluorid-PET-Untersuchung: diagnostischer Vorteil oder übertriebener Aufwand? Hno, 2001; 49: 355-360.
- Schlensak C, Doenst T, Hauer M, Bitu-Moreno J, Uhrmeister P, Spillner G, Beyersdorf F.: Serious complications that require surgical interventions after endoluminal stent-graft placement for the treatment of infrarenal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg, 2001; 34 (2): 198-203.
- Schnabel M, Alfke H, Kurtz C, Walthers EM, Gotzen L.: A holder for standardized radiological detection of ulnar capsule-ligament lesions of the thumb base joint Unfallchirurg, 2001; 104 (2): 143-149.
- Schneider B, Markl M, Geiges C, Winterer JT, Thuerl C, Laubenberger J, Hennig J, Langer M.: Cardiac phase contrast gradient echo MRI: characterization of abnormal left ventricular wall motion in patients with ischemic heart disease. J Comput Assist Tomo, 2001; 25 (4): 550-557.
- Schneider B, Markl M, Saurbier B, Geibel A, Gehrig V, Volz A, Hennig J, Langer M.: Measurement of Left ventricular velocities: MR-phase contrast velocity mapping versus Doppler-Ultrasound in healthy volunteers. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 1867.
- Schulte AC, Speck O, Hennig J.: Correlation between functional delta-SNR and activation area size. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1256.
- Schulte AC, Speck O, Oesterle C, Hennig J.: Separation and Quantification of Perfusion- and BOLD-Effects by Simultaneous Acquisition of Functional I0- and T2*-Parameter Maps. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 45 (5): 811-816.
- Seifritz E, Di Salle F, Bilecen D, Radü EW, Scheffler K.: Auditory system: Functional MR imaging. Neuroimag Clin N Am, 2001; 11 (2): 275-296.
- Speck O, Ernst T, Chang L.: Biexponential modeling of multigradient-echo MRI data of the brain. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 45 (6): 1116-1121.
- Speck O, Hennig J.: Motion correction of Single-Shot multi-echo fMRI data. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 750.
- Speck O, Hennig J.: Motion Correction of Parametric fMRI Data from Multi-Slice Single-Shot Multi-Echo Acquisitions. Magnet Reson Med, 2001; 46 (5): 1023-1027.
- Speck O, Kiselev V, Hennig J.: Measurement of BOLD, rCBV, and Blood Oxygen Saturation in a Single Shot. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 2: 1215.
- Spyridonidis A, Vaith P, Thurl C, Hasler C, Kleinschmidt M, Digel W.: [66-year-old patient with anemia, thrombocytopenia and changes in plasma coagulation after surgery of femoral neck fracture]. Internist, 2001; 42 (1): 124-129.
- Strecker R, Arnold S, Scheffler K, Hennig J.: Multiple slab MR projection angiography with subsecond temporal resolution. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 301.
- Strecker R, Paul GG, Scheffler K, Hering M, Laubenberger J, Hennig J.: Catheter tracking for MR guided selective procedures using real time projection contrast enhanced MRA: first in vivo results in a patient. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 3: 2177.
- Technau-Ihling K, Ihling C, Kromeier J, Brandner G.: Influenza A virus infection of mice induces nuclear accumulation of the tumorsuppressor protein p53 in the lung. Arch Virol, 2001; 146 (9): 1655-1666.
- Thiel T, Czisch M, Elbel GK, Hennig J.: Phase coherent averaging in magnetic resonance spectroscopy using interleaved reference scans: compensation of motion artifacts and magnetic field instabilities. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 619.
- Thiel T, Ensenauer R, Hennig J, Lehnert W.: In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a patient with Creatine deficiency syndrome: new aspects on mechanism of creatine uptake in brain and muscle. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 582.
- Thiel T, van Elst T, Ebert D, Hennig J.: Evidence of Subtle prefrontal neuropathology in patients with borderline personality disorder. A pilot proton Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy study. P Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, 2001; 1: 381.
- Thuerl C, Rump L C, Otto M, Winterer J T, Schneider B, Funk L, Laubenberger J.: Neurovascular Contact of the Brain Stem in Hypertensive Subjects: MR Findings and Clinical Significance. Am J Neuroradiol, 2001; 22 (3): 476-480.
- Uhl M, Herget G, Altehoefer C.: Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels. Arthroscopy, 2001; 14: 109-113.
- Uhl M, Krauss M, Kern S, Herget G, Hauer MP, Altehoefer C, Darge K, Berner R, Langer M: The knee joint in early juvenile idiopathic arthritis. An ROC study for evaluating the diagnotic accuracy of contrast-enhanced MR imaging. Acta Radiol, 2001; 42 (1): 6-9.
- van Elst LT, Thiel T, Hesslinger B, Lieb K, Bohus M, Hennig J, Ebert D.: Subtle prefrontal neuropathology in a pilot magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in patients with borderline personality disorder. J Neuropsych Clin N, 2001; 13 (4): 511-514.
- Wetzel SG, Haselhorst R, Bilecen D, Lyrer PA, Seifritz E, Bongartz G, Radue EW, Scheffler K.: Preliminary experience with dynamic MR projection angiography in the evaluation of cervicocranial steno-occlusive disease. Eur Radiol, 2001; 11 (2): 295-302.
- Winterer JT, Ennker J, Scheffler K, Rosendahl U, Schäfer O, Wanner M, Laubenberger J, Langer M.: Gadolinium-enhanced elliptically reordered 3D MR angiography in the Assessment of Hand Vascularisation before radial artery harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting: first experience. Invest Radiol, 2001; 36 (9): 501-508.