| Konferenzbeiträge:
- Behrens PF., Draeger J., Strohschein R., Lücking C H., Hennig J.: Increased Glutamate levels in the extracellular space of a rat glioma: A microdialysis study. Proc, 1999, Brain 99 (Hrsg).
- Bilecen D., Wetzel S., Scheffler K.: Functional Cerebral Time-of-Flight Angiography: Selective Saturation of Single Arteries with a small Surface Coil. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1912, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Bock M., Schoenberg S O., Flömer F., Grau A., Strecker R., Schad L R.: Arteriy-Vein Separation in 3D Contrast Enhanced Pulmonary MRA using Correlation Analysis. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 486, 7th Annual Meeting, ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Boos M., Scheffler K., Haselhorst R., Reese E., Huber P., Fröhlich J., Bongartz G.: Evaluation of arterial first pass contrast medium dynamics as a function of intravenous injection parameters. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1175, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Boos M., Scheffler K., Huber P., Reese E., Bongartz G.: Practical approach to peripheral CE MRA: Resolution requirements. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1223, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Büchert M., Greenlee M W., Krämer F M., Luo F., Hennig J.: fMRI Evidence for Monocular and Binocular Processing in Human Visual Cortex at 1.5 T. Neuroimage, 1999; Vol 9, No 6: S850.
- Büchert M., Greenlee M W., Krämer F M., Luo F., Hennig J.: fMRI Evidence for Monocular and Binocular Processing in Human Visual Cortex: Responses to Dichoptically Presented Checherboard Stimuli. Book of Abstract, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 756, ISMRM 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Chang L., Ernst T., Leonido-Yee M., Witt M., Speck O., Walot I., Miller E.: Reversal of Cerebral Metabolite Abnormalities with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Mild HIV-1 Dementia. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Chang L., Ernst T., Leonido-Yee M., Witt M., Speck O., Walot M., Miller E.: Reversal of Cerebral Metabolite Abnormalities with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Mild HIV-1 Dementia. 1999; 26.02.1999, University AIDS Research Program (UARP) Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Chang L., Speck O., Miller E., Braun J., Itti L., Ernst T.: Increased Usage of Brain Reserve Capacity in Patients with HIV. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Chang L., Speck O., Miller E., Leonido-Yee M., Patel H., Ernst T.: Cerebral Perfusion Abnormalities and Gender Effects in Abstinent Methamphetamine Users. 1999; 12.-18.06.1999, College of Problems in Drug Dependence, 61st Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Chan L., Speck O., Walot I., Ernst T.: Perfusion MRI Detects Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Abnormalities in Patients with Early Stages of HIV Dementia. 1999, 51st AAN (Hrsg).
- Einert A.: Untersuchung zur diagnostischen Wertigkeit von Selendetektor- und Monitorbefundung bei Patienten mit Lungenrundherden. RöFo, 1999; 170: 154.
- Ernst T., Chang L., Leonido-Yee M., Speck O.: Evidence for Long-Term Neurotoxicity Associated with Methamphetamine Use in Humans: A Proton MRS Study. Magn Reson Med, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Ernst T., Chang L., Leonido-Yee M., Speck O.: Evidence for Long-Term Neurotoxicity Associated with Methamphetamine Use in Humans: A Proton MRS Study. 1999; 12.-18.06.1999, College of Problems in Drug Dependence, 61st Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Ernst T., Speck O., Itti L., Chang L.: Simultaneous Correction for Interscan Patient Motion and Geometric Distortions in Echo Planar Imaging. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Fischer H., Egenter S., Hennig J.: Segmentation of the Breasts in MR-Mammography. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, Proc. ISMRM 7th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (Hrsg).
- Fischer H., Egenter S., Otte M., Hennig J.: Segmentierung der Brueste in der MR-Mammographie. Springer Verlag, 1999, Eds. Evers H, Glombitza G, Lehmann T. Meiner H P. (Hrsg).
- Fischer H., Hennig J.: Is Fuzziness usefull in fMRI Clustering? 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, Proc. ISMRM 7th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (Hrsg).
- Ghanem N., Altehoefer c., Högerle S., Moser E., Langer M.: Magnetresonanztomographie und Knochenszintigraphie in Detektion und Beurteilung von Knochenmetastasen bie Mammakarzinom. 1999; 12.-15.05.1999, 80. Deutscher Röntgenkongress (Hrsg).
- Haselhorst R., Dürsteler K., Scheffler K., Bilecen D., Seelig J., Ladewig D., Stohler R., Seifritz E.: Effect of Chronic Opioid Abuse on the NNA Concentration in the Human. Frontal Lobe as detected by 1H MRS. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1407, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Henke M., Thiel T., Tebartz van Elst L., Hennig J., Ebert D.: 1H spectroscopy in borderline patients. 1999; 9: 272, European Neuropsychopharmacology (Hrsg).
- Hubbe U., Schreiber A., Klisch J., Hennig J., Zentner J.: Functional MRI of the Motor Cortex: Influence of Edema of Intra- and Extraaxial Tumors. 1999; 24.-29.06.1999, , American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Hubbe U., Schreiber A., Klisch J., Pechstein U., Zentner J.: Localization of the Primary Moror Cortex in Brain Tumor Patients using fMRI: Influence of Effect and Edema on Stability of BOLD Contrast. 1999; 05.-09.06.1999, 50. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (Hrsg).
- Hubbe U., Schreiber A., Klisch J., Scheufler K M., Zentner J.: Functional MRI of the Primary Motor Cortex: a Tool for Differentiation of Glioma and Extraaxial Tumors? 1999; 05.-09.06.1999, 50. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (Hrsg).
- Husstedt H W., Klisch J., Wietelmann D., Einert A., Schumacher M.: Intra-arterial CTA versus intra-arterial DSA: which is the appropriate method for determination of intracranial aneurysms before coiling? ECR book of abstracts, 1999; 07.-12.03.1999: 213, European Congress of Radiology (Hrsg).
- Janz C., Kornmayer J., Hennig J.: Investigation of Linear vs. Non-Linear BOLD Effects in the Transition from Single Event to Continuous Stimulation. Book of Abstracts, 1999: 1773, ISMRM, 7th Scientific Meeting (Hrsg).
- Klisch J., Strecker R., Hennig J., Schumacher M: Dynamic MRA: Imaging of intracranial vascular malformations before and after endovascular treatment - preliminary results. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 208, Proc 7th Annual Meeting, ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Krämer F., Österle C., Markl M., Strecker R., Hennig J.: Next neighbor regridding: comparison with standard spiral reconstruction methods. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 2207, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Krämer F M., Hennig J.: K-space Algorithm for Motion Correction of Time Series. 1999, Universitiy of Freiburg (Hrsg).
- Krämer F M., Österle C., Markl M., Strecker R., Hennig J.: Next Neighbour Regridding: Comparison with Standard Spiral Reconstruction Methods. 1999, University of Freiburg (Hrsg).
- Krämer F M., Österle C., Markl M., Strecker R., Hennig J.: Next Neighbour Regridding: Comparison with Standard Spiral Reconstruction Methods. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 2207, ISMRM 7th Scientific Meeting (Hrsg).
- Laubenberger J., Lehnhardt S., Winterer J T., Strecker R., Hennig J., Langer M.: First pass perfusion measurement of lung parenchyma with an ultrafast time resolved 2D-Projection Angiography in patients with pulmonary arterial obstruction. Magn Reson Med, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 13, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Ludwig U.: Getting rid of Acoustic Noise: Functional MRI with Silent simultaneous Multislice Excitation Gradientenecho (SIMEX)Sequences. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Markl M., Hennig J.: Fast velocity mapping of myocardial motion with k-space segmented black blood echo planar and gradient imaging. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 394, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Markl M., Schneider B., Hennig J.: Assessment of left ventricular wall motion and cardiac function with fast phase contrast black blood gradient echo imaging. 1999; 16.-19.09.1999, ESMRMB'99 (Hrsg).
- Oesterle C., Hennel F., Hennig J.: Silent spiral imaging. 1999; 16.-19.09.1999: Nr. 479, ESMRM, 16th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Oesterle C., Thiel T., Hennig J.: Measurement of k-space Trajectories Using Excitation of Single Voxels. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 1624, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Oesterle C., Thiel T., Hennig J.: Measurement of k-space trajectories using exitation of single voxels. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 2207, ISMRM 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Peper M., Herpers M., van Elverfeldt D., Schulte A C., Zentner J., Hennig J.: fMRI-Correlates of Automatic Responses during Aversive Conditioning. 1999, HBM' 99 (Hrsg).
- Rauch D., Bohnemann L., Drescher P., Wagner H J., Klose K J.: Evaluierung eines Perfusionsmodells zur Untersuchung isolierter Arteriensegmente unter dem besonderen Aspekt der Durchführbarkeit rdilogisch interventioneller Techniken. 1999; 12.-15.05.1999, 80. Deutscher Röntgenkongreß (Hrsg).
- Schäfer O., Allmann K H., Hauer K H., Uhl M., Reichelt A., Langer M.: MRT der Atrophie des M. supraspinatus prä- und postoperativ im Vergleich zur Rupturgröße. Abstractband 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie (DVSE), 1999.
- Schäfer O., Thürl C., Reichelt A., Langer M.: Korrelation von magnetresonanztomographischem Befund und klinischem Verlauf nach operativer Rekonstruktion der Rotatorenmanschette. Abstractband 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie (DVSE), 1999.
- Schneider B., Markl M., Peschl S., Winterer J T., Schäfer O., Laubenberger J., Hennig J., Langer M.: Analysis of myocardial motion using a black blood prepared segmented gradient echo sequence: findings in healthy volunteers and patients suffering from disturbances of myocardial motion. Eur Radiol, 1999; Vol 9, Suppl 1: 26.
- Schneider B. H., Markl M., Peschl S., Winterer J T., Hennig J., Langer M.: Analysis of myocardial motion using a black blood prepared segmented gradient echo sequence: findings in normal volunteers and patients with localized disturbances of myocardial motion. Radiology, 1999; Suppl.: 135.
- Schreiber A., Hubbe A., Ziyeh U., Zentner S., Hennig J., Luecking J.: Less BOLD-Contrast Near Gliomas, Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain 1999: 704, 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (Hrsg).
- Schreiber A., Hubbe A., Ziyeh U., Zentner S., Hennig J., Luecking J.: Less BOLD-Contrast Near Gliomas, Fifth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain 1999: 704, 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (Hrsg).
- Schulte A C.: Contrast-modified SE- and CPMG-SE-Sequences to investigate the BOLD-effect contribution of CSF. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Schulte A C., Gareus I., Lacour M., Hennig J.: Does acupuncture produce a BOLD-signal? 1999, HBM '99 (Hrsg).
- Schwarz R., Künnecke B., Scheffler K., Haselhorst R., Seelig J.: Gastrointestinal Transit of Pharmaceutical Capsules Observed with 19F-MR Projection Imaging in Man. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1165, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Speck O., Chang L., Braun J., Miller E., Ernst T.: Gender Differences in lateralization of Activated Brain Areas during Working memory Tasks measured with fMRI. Magn Reson Med, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Speck O., Chang L., Itti L., Ernst T.: Comparison of Static and Dynamic MRI Techniques for the Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Volume. Magn Reson Med, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Speck O., Chang L., Itti L., Itti E., Ernst T.: Comparison of Static and Dynamic MRI Techniques for the Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Volume. Magn Reson Med, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 1264-1268, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Speck O., Chang L., Leonido-Yee M., Ernst T.: Cerebral Perfusion Abnormalities in Abstinent Cocaine Users with HIV. 1999; 12.-18.06.1999, College of Problems in Drug Dependence, 61st Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Strecker R., Hennig J.: Fast Functional MRA using 2D MR DSA and Correlation Analysis. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 16.-19.09.1999: 96, Proc 16th Annual Meeting, ESMRMB (Hrsg).
- Strecker R., Lehnhardt S., Klisch J., Hennig J.: Functional MRA combining 2D MR DSA and Correlation Analysis. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 484, Proc 7th Annual Meeting ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Strecker R., Scheffler K., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Klisch J., Winterer J., Lehnhardt S., Laubenberger J., Hennig J.: Funktionelle MRA mit Hilfe schneller zeitauflösender Prjektions MR Angiographie und Korrelationsanalyse. 1999; 26.10.1999: 11, Proc 2. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM (Hrsg).
- Strecker R., Scheffler K., Zimmermann-Paul G G., Klisch J., Winterer J T., Lehnhardt S., Laubenberger J., Hennig J.: New developments in subsecond functional MR angiography. 1999; 22.09.1999, Proc 11th International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography (Hrsg).
- Strohschein R., Markl M., Hennig J., Klisch J., Orsagh M.: Dynamic first pass perfusion measurement with a combined double contrast GS/SE EPI sequence. 1999; 16.-19.09.1999, ESMRMB 16th scientific meeting (Hrsg).
- Strohschein R., Markl M., Hennig J., Klisch J., Orsagh M.: Dynamic first pass perfusion measurement with a combined double contrast GS/SE EPI sequence. MAGMA, 1999; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 96.
- Strohschein R., Markl M., Hennig J., Klisch J., Orsagh M.: Dynamic first pass perfusion measurement with a combined double contrast GS/SE EPI sequence. Lund, 1999: 31, Proc 11th International Workshop on Magneti Resonance Angiography (Hrsg).
- Thiel T., Panow c., Hennig J., Martin E.: Metabolic Asymmetries as an Early Indicator for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Children: A Comparison with EEG and High Resolution MRI. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 1473, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Thürl C., Otte M., Schneider B., Rump L., Laubenberger J.: Neurovaskulärer Kontakt der ventrolateralen Medulla bei Hypertonikern und Normotonikern: MR-Befunde und klinische Signifikanz. RÖFO, 1999; 170: 167, Deutscher Röntgenkongreß (Hrsg).
- von Elverfeldt D.: New Results of Experimental MRI Examination on Seasonal Fat Deposition in the White Stork. 1999; 16.-19.9.1999, ESMRMB, 16th Annual Scientific Meeting (Hrsg).
- Wetzel S., Bilecen D., Haselhorst R., Radue E W., Bongartz G., Scheffler K.: Time-resolved Projection MR Angiography of the Cerebral Vasculature after Bolus Injection of Contrast Agent. 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: Nr. 1900, ISMRM, 7th Annual Meeting (Hrsg).
- Zimmermann-Paul G G., Strecker R., Scheffler K., Hering M., Uhrmeister P., Langer M., Hennig J.: Dynamic Catheter Visualization for MR Guided Selective Procedures Using Real Time Projection Constrast Enhanced MRA. Book of Abstracts, 1999; 22.-28.05.1999: 1950, Proc 7th Annual Meeting, ISMRM (Hrsg).