Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen
- Allmann K.H., Uhl M., Walter O., Laubenberger J., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Biebow N., Langer M.: MR diagnosis of the anterior labrum and capsule: effect of field strengh on efficacy. Invest. Radiol., 1998; 33: 415-420.
- Allmann K.H., Uhrmeister P., Altehoefer C., Gufler H., Kotter E., Hauer M P., Schneider B., Langer M.: Direct sagittal CT of the calcaneus. Eur. J. Radiol., 1998; 27: 274-277.
- Allmann K H., Uhl M., Uhrmeister P., Neumann K., von Kempis J., Langer M.: Functional MR imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Radiologica, 1998; 39: 543-546.
- Altehoefer C.: LBBB: challenging our concept of metabolic heart imaging with fluorine-18-FDG and PET? J Nucl Med, 1998; 39 (2): 263-265.
- Altehoefer C., Blum U., Ebert D.: Cystic adventitial degeneration and entrapment syndrome of the popliteal artery as a differential diagnosis of popliteal stenosis or occlusion in the younger age group. Vasa, 1998; 27: 179-182.
- Altehöfer C.: CT und MRT in der Diagnostik des Mediastinums bei Mediastinaltumoren - Kriterien der Malignität. Int J Cancer Research Treatment, 1998; Sonderheft 1 zu Band 21 Januar: 47.
- Alt K.W., Götz H., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Duschner H., Schrenk F., Henke W.: REM und 3D-CT-Analysen der Hominidenzähne von RC 911 von Malema (Malawi / Afrika). HOMO, 1998; 49: 1.
- Bender B U., Altehoefer C., Hasse J., Neumann HPH.: The hypertensive lady with elevated plasma norepinephrine concentration and no demonstrable tumor- the search for pheochromocytoma. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 1998; 13: 1295-1296.
- Bertz H., Laubenberger J., Steinfurth G., Finke J.: Sinus venous thrombosis: unusual cause for neurologic symptoms after bone marrow transplantation under immunsuppresion. Transplantation, 1998; 66: 241-244.
- Blum U., Altehoefer C., Ebert D.: Cystic adventitial degeneration and entrapment syndrome of the popliteal artery as a differential diagnosis or occlusion in the younger age group. A Report on two cases. Vasa, 1998; 2.
- Bohnert M., Schmialek A., Faller-Marquardt M., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Pollak S.: Umwandlung des Gehirns und der Gesichtsweichteile in Leichenlipid - morphologische und radiologische Befunde. Rechtsmed, 1998; 8: 135-140.
- Büchert M.: Locating Mind with Magnetism. The BioMedNet Magazin, 1998: 44.
- Büchert M., Greenlee M. W., Kraemer F. M., Hennig J.: fMRI responses to dichoptically presented checkerboard stimuli: evidence for monocular and binocular processing in human visual cortex. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, suppl 1: 223.
- Büchert M., Speer J., Bloss H C., Schumacher M.: Diffusion-weighted EPI-sequencees in the diagnosis of intracranial epidermoid tumors. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 207.
- Buitrago-Téllez C H.: Imagerie CT en 3D des malformations craniofaciales avec pseudoexophtalmie. Radiologie Actuel, 1998; 6: 2-4.
- Buitrago-Téllez C H., Horch R., Allmann K.H., Stark G B., Langer M.: Ideas and Innovations: Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Reconstruction of the Carpal Tunnel and Carpal Bones. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 1998; April, 101: 1060-1064.
- Ebert D.: Überblick über die häufigsten klinischen Manifestationen der pAvk. Diagnostik und stadiumgerechte Therapie. Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung, 1998; 91: 525-531.
- Ehritt-Braun C.: Mammakarzinom - Mammographie und Kernspintomographie. Int J Cancer, 1998; Vol 1, Sonderheft 1: VI und 74: 69.
- Fischer H., Büchert M., Hennig J.: Neighbour Covariance for the Investigation of Dynamic MRI. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 357.
- Freitag P., Greenlee M W., Lacina T., Scheffler K., Radü E W.: Effect of eye movements on the magnitude of fMRI responses in extrastriate cortex during visual motion preception. Exp. Brain Res., 1998.
- Grimbacher B., Huber M., Kempis J v., Kalden P., Uhl M., Köhler G., Blum H E., Peter H H.: Successful Treatment of Gastrointestinal Vasculitis due to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Intravenous Pulse Cyclophosphamide. Br J Rheumatology, 1998; 37: 489-493.
- Grimm C., Schreiber A., Kristeva-Feige R., Mergner T., Hennig J., Lucking C H.: A comparison between electric source localization and fMRI during somatosensory stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol, 1998; Jan, 106(1): 22-29.
- Gufler H., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Nesbitt E., Hauenstein KH.: Mycotic aneurysm rupture of the descending aorta. Eur Radiol Suppl, 1998; 8: 295-297.
- Hauer M P., Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Zimmerhackl L B., Langer M.: Comparison of Turbo Inversion Recovery Magnitude (TIRM) with T2-weighted Turbo-spinecho and T1-weighted spinecho-MR imaging in the early diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis in children. Pediatr. Radiol., 1998; 28: 846-850.
- Hennel F., Girard F., Loenneker T., Alonzo A., Macher J P.: Silent MRI with soft gradient pulses. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 92.
- Hennig J.: Funktionelle MRT. Akt Neurol, 1998; 25: 227-287.
- Hennig J., Schneider B., Peschl S., Markl M., Krause T., Laubenberger J.: Analysis of myocardial motion based on velocity measurements with a black blood prepared segmented gradient-echo sequence: methodology and applications to normal volunteers and Patients. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998; Vol 8, Nr 4: 868-877.
- Hering M., Wakhloo A K., Zwicker C., Schumacher M.: Multiprojektionale Angiographie zur Darstellung zerebraler Aneurysmen. Akt Radiologie, 1998; 4: 169-175.
- Hilfiker P. R., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Schmidt M., Klotz H. P., Kacl G. M., Debatin J. F.: Intestinal and peritoneal bleeding: Detection with an intravascular contrast agent and fast three-dimensional MR imaging - preliminary experience from an experimental study. Radiology, 1998; 209, 3: 769-740.
- Hoegerle S., Jüngling F., Otte A., Altehoefer C., Moser E., Nitzsche E.: Combined FDG and [F-18]Fluoride whole body PET: A feasible two-in-one approach to cancer imaging? Radiology, 1998; 209: 253-258.
- Hummel S M., Arnold S M., Schreiber A., Lücking C H., Büchert M., Hennig J.: Cortical Representation of Handwriting with Functional MRI. HBM, 1998: 965.
- Hummel S M., Arnold S M., Schreiber A., Otte M., Lücking C H., Büchert M., Hennig J.: Activation of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Vibrotactile and Airpuff Stimulation: A functional MRI Study. 1998: 965.
- Hummel S M., Arnold S M., Schreiber M., Otte M., Lücking C H., Büchert M., Hennig J.: Activation of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Vibrotactile and Airpuff Stimulation: A functional MRI Study. MAGMA, 1998: 1550.
- Janz C., Speck O., Hennig J.: Time-Resolved Measurements of Brain Activation After a Short Visual Stimulus: New Results on the Physiological Mechanisms of the Cortical Response. NMR Biomed., 1998; 10: 222-229.
- Keevil S F., Barbiroli B., Brooks J C W., Cady R., Canese R., Calier P., Collins D J., Gilligan P., Goobi G., Hennig J., Kugel H., Leach M O., Metzler D., Mlynarik V., Moser E., Newbold M C., Payne G S., Ring P., Roberts J N., Rowald I J.: Absolute metabolite quantification by in vivo NMR spectroscopy: Results of a concerted research project of the european economic community. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 1998; Vol 9: 1085.
- Kempis J v., Kalden P., Gutfleisch J., Krause T H., Uhl M., Volk B., Ketelsen U., Vaith P., Peter H H.: Diagnosis of idiopathic myositis: value of 99m technetium pyrophosphate muscle scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging in targeted muscle biopsy. Rheumatol. Int., 1998; 17: 207-213.
- Kern S., Uhl M., Niemeyer C., Merz C., Laubenberger J.: MRT von Hämangiomen, vaskulären Malformationen und Lymphangiomen in der Kindheit. Ist eine Differenzierung möglich? Der Radiologe, 1998; 38: 790-791.
- Kern S., Uhrmeister P., Allmann K H., Wertzel K., Altehoefer C., Hasse J., Langer M.: Thoraxwandinfiltration des peripheren Bronchialkarzinoms: Wertigkeit der Dünnschicht CT. RöFo, 1998; 168: 83-84.
- Kimmig M., Markl M., Neumann K., Laubenberger J., Fautz H P., Kotter E., Hennig J., Langer M.: Zeitaufgelöste 3D-MRT der Myokardmotilität. RöFo, 1998; 168: 83-84.
- König A., Thiel T., Ebert D., Overmeier S., Henke M., Berger M., Hennig J., Hohagen F.: 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Right Striatum in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: the Role of the Basal Ganglia. German J Psychatr, 1998; Vol 1 Issue 2: 53-61.
- Kotter E., Langer M.: Integrating HIS-RIS-PACS: The Freiburger Experience. Eur. J. Radiol., 1998; 8: 1707-1718.
- Kuner E., Schlickewei W., Huber-Lang M., Schaefer D J., Laubenberger J.: Über die Verwendung autokoalierter Spongiosa. Unfallchirurg, 1998; 101 (11): 870-876.
- Kurtz C., Czapp W., Klose K J.: Dosis-Monitoring als Qualitätssicherungsinstrument in der digitalen Radiographie. RöFo, 1998; 169, 5: 465-470.
- Ladd M. E., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Mc Kinnon G. C., v Schulthess G. K., Dumoulin C. L., Darrow R. D., Hofmann E., Debatin J. F.: Visualization of vascular guidewires using MR tracking. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998; 8: 251-253.
- Ladd M. E., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Quick H. H., Debatin J. F., Boesiger P., v Schulthess G. K., Mc Kinnon G. C.: Active MR visualization of a vascular guidewire in vivo. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998; 8: 220-226.
- Langer M.: Radiologische Diagnostik gastrointestinaler Tumoren. Int J Cancer, 1998; Sonderheft 1 zu Band 21 Januar: 1.
- Laubenberger J., Bayer S., Thiel T., Hennig J., Langer M.: Klinische Anwendung der Protonen-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie des Gehirns. RöFo, 1998; 168 (6): 539-549.
- Leung D. A., Pelkonen P., Hany T. F., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Pfammatter T., Debatin J. F.: Value of image subtraction in 3D Gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography of the renal arteries. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998; 8: 598-602.
- Loenneker T., Hennel F., Ludwig U., Il´yasov K A., Hennig J.: High-Resolution Fuctional MRI at Zero Scanner Noice. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1.
- Loenneker T., Il´yasov K A., Hennig J.: Estimation of true T2* in high resolution mullti-echo BOLD imaging. Neuro Image, 1998; Vol 7, Nr 4: 544.
- Markl M., Strecker R., Oesterle C., Kraemer F M., Hennig J.: Spiral Imaging with Next Neighbour Regridding on a Standard MR-System. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 390.
- Müller R D., Vogel K., Neumann K., Hirche H., Barkhausen J., Stöblen F., Henrich H., Langer R.: MRT mit superparamagnetischen Eisenpartikeln versus Doppelspiral-CT bei Nachweis maligner Leberläsionen. RöFo 168, 1998: 436-443.
- Neumann HPH., Bender B U., Berger DP., Laubenberger J., Schultze-Seemann W., Wetterauer U., Ferstl F J., Herbst E W., Schwarzkopf G., Hes F J., Lips C J., Lamiell J M., Masek O., Riegler P., Müller B., Glavac D., Brauch H.: Prevalence, morphology and biology of renal cell carcinoma in von Hippel-Lindau disease compared to sporadic renal cell carcinoma. J Urol, 1998; 160: 1248-1254.
- Oesterle C., Hennig J.: Improvement of spatial resolution of keyhole effect images. Magn. Reson. Med., 1998; Feb 39 (2): 244-250.
- Orszagh M., Schulte D M., Korinthenberg R., Schumacher M.: Analysis of Hemodynamics by MR-Angio and Embolization of Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome: Five years follow-up. 1998.
- Orzagh M., Strohschein R., Hennig J., Schumacher M.: Validation of Mir-perfusion in temporary ballon-test occlusion of the internal cerebral artery (ICA). MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 227.
- Pawlik H., Laubenberger J., Gufler H., Langer M.: RARE-Urographie bei Beckentumoren: Diagnostische Wertigkeit und Vergleich mit der Ausscheidungsurographie. RöFo, 1998; 168,4: 337-343.
- Pelikan E., Ganser A., Kotter E., Schrader U., Timmermann U.: Experience with PACS in an ATM/Ethernet switched network environment. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 1998; Vol 2, No 1: 26-29.
- Peper M., von Elverfeldt D., Rennwald K., Schulte A., Valerius G., Hennig J.: Activation of the temporal lobe during fear acquistion in humans: fMRI correlates of autonomic conditioning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1998; Vol 24, Part 1: 935.
- Scheffler K., Hennig J.: Reduced circular field-of-view imaging. Magn. Reson. Med., 1998; Sep, 40 (3): 474-480.
- Schneider B., Markl M., Peschl S., Winterer J., Laubenberger J., Hennig J., Langer M.: Messungen der Herzwandbewegung mittels einer Phasenkontrast-Gradientenechosequenz bei gesunden Probanden und Patienten mit umschriebenen Bewegungsstörungen der Herzwand. Magn Reson Med, 1998: 9-12.
- Smith A T., Greenlee M. W., Singh K D., Kraemer F M., Hennig J.: The processing of first- and second-order motion in human visual cortex assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). J. Neurosci., 1998; May 15, 18 (10): 3816-3830.
- Sontheimer J., Gabelamann A.: Palliative chirurgische Therapie : Interventionelle Therapie des malignen Verschlußikterus. Int J Cancer, 1998; Sonderheft 1 zu Band 21 Januar: 4.
- Speck O., Hennig J.: Functional Imaging by IO- and T2*-parameter mapping using multi-image EPI. Magn. Reson. Med., 1998; Vol 40, Nr. 2: 243-248.
- Steiner P., Botnar R., Dubno B., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Gazelle G. S., Debatin J. F.: Radiofrequency induced thermotherapy: monitoring with T1 and proton frequency shift techniques in an interventional 0.5-T environment. Radiology, 1998; 206, 3: 803-810.
- Strecker E P., Goettmann D., Boos I B., Vetter S.: Low-molecular-weight heparin (reviparin) reduces the incidence of femoropopliteal in-stent stenosis: preliminary results of an ongoing study. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 1998; 21 (5): 375-379.
- Strecker R., Hennig J., Winterer J., Weber H M., Laubenberger J.: Comparison of Subsecond MR DSA with 3D MRA for Determination of Aorto Coronary Bypass Graft Patency. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 121.
- Strey C., Elverfeldt D., Hennig J., Kirste G.: Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie im 2-Spulenbetrieb: Ein neues Instrument zur Bewertung ischämischer Leber- und Nierenschöden vor Transplantation. Magn Reson Med, 1998: 9-12.
- Thiel T., Marcar V., Joeri P., Hennig J., Martin E.: Negative BOLD-effect on sedated adult volunteers on sedated adult volunteers upon visual stimulation using a combination of functional spectroscopy and functional imaging. MAGMA, 1998; Vol 6, Suppl 1: 349.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Ihling Ch., Hauer M P., Conca W., Langer M.: Cartilage destruction in small joints by rheumatoid arthritis. Skeletal. Radiol., 1998; 27: 677-682.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Tauer U., Ihling Ch., Adler C P., Langer M.: Osteoarthritis and cartilage destruction of the knee-comparison of available MR-sequences in vitro. Br J Radiol, 1998; 71: 291-296.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Tauer U., Ihling Ch., Adler C P., Langer M.: Human articular carticular cartilage: In vitro correlation of high-resolution MRI and histologic findings. Eur. J. Radiol., 1998; 8: 1123-1129.
- Uhl M., Hauer H P., Allmann K H., Gufler H., Laubenberger J., Hennig J.: Recent developments and applications of MRI sequence technique. Turbo spin echo, turbo inversion recovery, turbo gradient echo, turbo gradient spine sequences, HASTE. Akt Radiol, 1998; 8: 4-10.
- Uhl M., Hauer M P., Allmann K.H., Gufler H., Laubenberger J., Hennig J.: Neuere Entwicklungen in der MR- Pulssequenztechnik: Teil I: Turbospinecho, HASTE, Turbo-Inversion-Recovery, Turbo-Gradientenecho, Turbo-Gradienten-Spinechosequenzen. Aktuelle Radiol, 1998; 8: 4-10.
- Uhl M., Laubenberger J., Korinthenberg R., Darge K., Langer M.: MR findings in pontocerebellar hypoplasia. Pediatr. Radiol., 1998; 28: 547-551.
- Uhrmeister P., Kotter E., Winterer J., Hauer M., Kern S., Streng W., Langer M.: Intraindividueller Vergleich der Bildqualität von Beckenübersichtsaufnahmen: Film-Folien-System versus digitaler Detektor. RöFo, 1998; 168: 24.
- Walker U., Weiner S., Uhl M., Peter H.: Aortitis in Relapsing Polychondritis. Br J Radiol, 1998; 37: 1359-1361.
- Wildermuth S., Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Debatin J. F.: Vascular applications of interventional MRI. Radiologe, 1998; 38, 3: 210-217.
- Willeke F., Hauer M., Buchcik R., Gebert J., Hahn M., Fitze G., Mechtersheimer G., Moller P., Saeger H., Herfarth C., Schackert H.: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2-associated RET proto-oncogene mutations do not contribute to the pathogenesis of sporadic parathyroid tumors. Surgery, 1998; 124, Nr 3: 484-490.
- Winterer J., Laubenberger J., Berger W., Horch R., Stark G B., Volk B., Langer M.: Radiologic Findings in Lymphangioma of the Posterior Tibial Nerve. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1998; 22(1): 28-30.
- Winterer J., Neumann K., Gimpel S ., Kotter E., Einert A., Langer M.: Evaluierung der diagnostischen Bildqualität des Selen-Röntgendetektors in der Skelettdiagnostik im Vergleich zur konventionellen Radiographie. RöFo, 1998; 168, vol 5: 78.
- Winterer J., Neumann K., Schneider B., Laubenberger J., Langer M.: MRT der Herzmorphologie - Vergleich neuer Seqenzen. RöFo, 1998; 169: 566.
- Winterer J T., Windfuhr M., Volk B A., Langer M.: Recurrent leiomyoma of the gastroduodenal ligament. Eur. J. Radiol., 1998; 28: 129-132.
- Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Ladd M., Pfammatter T., Hilfiker P. R., Quick H. H., Debatin J. F.: MR vs. fluoroscopic guidance of a chatheter/guidewire system: in vitro comparison of steerability. J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998; 8, 5: 117-1181.
- Zimmermann-Paul G. G., Leung D. A., Hofmann U., Pelkonen P., Debatin J. F.: Characterization of renal artery stenoses based on magnetic resonance renal flow and volume measurements. Radiology, 1998; Suppl. 209: 174.
- Zimmermann-Paul G G., Quick H H., Vogt P., v Schulthess G K., Debatin J F.: Hich resolution intravascular MR imaging Monitoring of plaque in heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits. Rdiology, 1998; Suppl, 209: 882.
- Zwicker C., Hering M., Brecht J., Björnsgard M., Kuhne-Velte H J., Kern A.: Radiotherapy of humero-scapular periarthritis using ultra-hard photons. Evaluation by MRI findings. Radiologe, 1998; Sep, 38(9): 774-778.