Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen
- Allmann K.H., Horch R., Uhl M., Gufler H, Altehoefer C., Stark G.B., Langer M: The Wrist and Hand: A Diagnostic Update. MR imaging of the carpal tunnel. European Journal of Radiology, 1997; Vol 25: 141-145.
- Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Kotter E., Buitrago-Téllez CH., Biebow N., Schneider B., Altehoefer C., Langer M: 0,2 T-versus 1,0 T-Magnetresonanztomography (MRT) bei glenohumeralen Instabilitäten mit arthroskopischer Kontrolle. Akt Traumat, 1997; 27: 250-254.
- Allmann K.H., Uhl M., Biebow N., Hauer M., Kotter E., Reichelt A., Langer M: Cine-MR Imaging of the shoulder. Acta Radiologica, 1997; 38: 1043-1046.
- Allmann K.H., Uhl M., Kotter E., Gufler H., Peter HH., Langer M: Dynamische Funktions-MRT bei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis. RöFo 166, Suppl 1,, 1997; 166: 188.
- Allmann K.H., Uhl M., Laubenberger J., Kotter E., Horch R., Langer M: Dynamische Funktions-MRT des Karpaltunnels. RöFo, 1997; 166, Suppl 1: 43.
- Allmann K.H., Uhl M., Uhrmeister P., Kotter E., Hauer M P., Merz C., Peter H H., Langer M: Dynamic function MR imaging (MRI) of the cervical vertebral column in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Br J Radiol Suppl, 1997; Suppl 70: 2.
- Allmann K.H., Uhrmeister P., Uhl M., Hauer M P., Schneider B., Pawlik H., Seif El Nasr M., Langer M: Direct sagittal CT of the Calcaneus: Technical Approach. Br J Radiol Suppl 70,, 1997; 19.-21.05.1997: 88-89.
- Altehoefer C., Blum U., Bathmann J., Wüstenberg Ch., Uhrmeister P., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Schwarzkopf J., Moser E., Langer M: Comparativ diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging and immunoscintigraphy using TC-99M labelled monoclonal antibodies for detection of bone marrow involvement in patients with malignant lymphoma. J. Clin. Oncol., 1997; Vol. 15, No. 5: 1754-1760.
- Altehoefer C., Blum U., Bathmann J., Wüstenberg Ch., Uhrmeister P., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Schwarzkopf J., Moser E., Langer M: Comparativ diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging and immunoscintigraphy using TC-99M labelled monoclonal antibodies for detection of bone marrow involvement in patients with malignant lymphoma. J. Clin. Oncol., 1997; Vol. 15, No. 5: 1754-1760.
- Altehoefer C., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Kraus A., Allmann K H., Uhrmeister P., Langer M: Prospective evaluation of bone marrow signal changes on magnetic resonance tomography during high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients with breast cancer. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1997: 1007.
- Altehoefer C., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Kraus A., Allmann K H., Uhrmeister P., Langer M: Prospective evaluation of bone marrow signal changes on magnetic resonance tomography during high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol, 1997; 32: 613-620.
- Altehoefer C., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Kraus A., Allmann K H., Uhrmeister P., Langer M: Prospective evaluation of bone marrow signal changes on magnetic resonance tomography during high-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients with breast cancer. Investigative Radiology, 1997; 32: 613-634.
- Altehoefer C., Laubenberger J., Lange W., Kraus A., Uhrmeister P., Mertelsmann R., Langer M: Signalveränderungen des Knochenmarks in der MRT unter Hochdosischemotherapie und peripherer Stammzelltransplantation bei Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom. RöFo, 1997; 166: 127.
- Alt K.W., Jeunesse C., Buitrago-Téllez CH., Wächter R., Boes E., Pichler D. L: Evidence for stone age cranial surgery. Nature, 1997; Vol. 387 No. 6631: 360.
- Bayaraktarli R Y., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Horch R., Burger D., Kimmig M., Stark B., Langer M: 3D-CT des Handgelenks: Untersuchungstechnik, Normalanatomie und Indikationsgebiete. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir, 1997; 29: 42-43.
- Bender B U., Altehoefer C., Januszewicz A., Gärtner R., Schmidt H., Hoffmann M M., Heidemann P H., Neumann H: Functioning thoracic paraganglioma: Association with von-Hippel-Lindau syndrom. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1997; 82: 3356-3360.
- Blum U., Beyersdorf F: Infrarenal aortic aneurysms. New Engl J Medicine, 1997; 336: 1757.
- Blum U., Krumme B: Treatment of ostial renal artery setnoses with vascular endoprostheses. New Engl J Medicine, 1997; 337: 133.
- Blum U., Krumme B., Flügel P., Gabelmann A., Lehnert T., Buitrago-Téllez CH., Schollmeyer P.J., Langer M: Treatment of ostial renal-artery stenoses with vascular endoprostheses after unsuccessful baloon angioplasty. New Engl J Medicine, 1997; 336: 459-465.
- Blum U., Voshage G., Beyersdorf F., Töllner D., Spillner G., Nagel G., Langer M: Two center German experience with aortic endografting - two-year follow-up. J Endovasc Surg, 1997; 4: 137-146.
- Blum U., Voshage G., Lammer J., Beyersdorf F., Töllner D., Kretschmer G., Spillner G., Polterauer P., Nagel G., Hölzenbein T., Thurnher S., Langer M: Endoluminal stent-graft for Infrarenal abdominal artic aneurysms. New Engl J Medicine, 1997; 336: 13-20.
- Buitrago-Téllez CH., Bonnaire F., Schulze C., Gufler H., Hönninger A., Kuner E., Langer M: Quantitative CT des proximalen Femurs. Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Korrelation mit der Bruchlast bei Schenkelhalsfraktur. RöFo, 1997: 627-632.
- Buitrago-Téllez CH., Ehritt-Braun C., Mahl CH., Boos S., Krekeller G., Schilli 'W., Langer M: 3D Dental-CT zur präoperativen Planung sowie Verlaufskontrolle nach Augmentationsplastik des Oberkiefers (sinus lift). RöFo, 1997; 166, Suppl 1: 79-80.
- Buitrago-Téllez CH., Stark B., Stoll P., Schreiber A., Orszagh M., Van Velthoven V., Schumacher M., Langer M: 3D-CT/MR zur Therapieplanung komplexer craniofazialer Tumoren Dysplasien. RöFo, 1997; 166: 59-60.
- Buitrago-Téllez CH., Zollikofer C.P.E., Cantini J.L., Kimmig M., Stoll P., Langer M., Matter P: Preoperativ Planning of Complex Craniofacial Fractures. AO-Dialogue, 1997; 10: 18-19.
- Buitrago-Téllez C H., Zollikofer C.P.E., Gufler H., Cantini J.L., Kimmig M., Langer M: Complex cranio facial trauma: Spiral 3D-CT, 3D model manufacturing and virtual-reality prosthesis design for preoperative planning. 1997; 7 Suppl: 385.
- Ebert D., Speck O., König A., Berger M., Hennig J., Hohagen F: 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy in obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence for neuronal loss in the cingulate gyrus and the right striatum. Psychiatry Res; Neuroimaging Section 74, 1997; 74: 173-176.
- Gocke P., Gocke C., Neumann K., Henseke P., Raber H., Langer R: Prospective randomized study for an injection protocol for intravenous contrast media in abdominal and pelvic spitral CT. European Journal of Radiology, Suppl 7, 1997; Suppl 7: 94.
- Gocke P., Gocke C., Neumann K., Müller R D., Henseke P., Raber H., Langer R: Optimierte KM-Injektionsparameter zur Darstellung der Abdominal- und Beckengefäßen in der Spiral-CT von Abdomen und Becken. RöFo, 1997; 166, Suppl 1: 118.
- Grotz W.H., Mundinger A., Müller C.B., Rasenack J., Schulte-Mönting J., Langer M.F.J., Schollmeyer P.J: Trabecular bone architecure in female renal allograft recipients-assessed by computed tomography. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 1997; 12: 564-569.
- Gufler H., Laubenberger J., Gerling J., Nesbitt E., Kommerell G., Langer M: MRI of Lymphomas of the Orbits and the Paranasal Sinuses. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1997; Vol. 21, Nr. 6: 887-891.
- Hennig J., Janz C., Speck O., Ernst T: Is there a different type of MR-contrast in the early phase of functional activation ? Adv Exp Med Biol, 1997; 413: 35-42.
- Hennig J., Scheffler K., Laubenberger J., Strecker R: Time-Resolved Projection Angiography after Bolus Injektion of Contrast Agent. Magn Reson Med, 1997; 37 (3): 341-345.
- Hennig J., Thiel T., Speck O: Improved Sensitivity to Overlapping Multiplet Signals vivo Pronto Spectroscopy Using a Multiecho Volume Selective (CPRESS-). Exp Magn Reson Med, 1997; 37: 816-820.
- Hennig J., Thiel T., Speck O: Improved Sensitivity to Overlapping Multiplet Signals vivo Pronto Spectroscopy Using a Multiecho Volume Selective (CPRESS-). Magn Reson Med, 1997; 37: 816-820.
- Hoegerle S., Nitzsche E., Einert A., Jüngling F., Imdahl A., Otte A., Moser E: Improved whole body cancer imaging by combination of F-18 DG and F-18ion PET. Eur. J. Nucl. Med., 1997; 994: 24.
- Horch R.E., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Langer M., Stark G B: Median Nerve Compression Can Be Detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Carpal Tunnel. Neurosurgery, 1997; Vol. 41, No. 1: 76-82.
- Il´yasov K A., Hennig J: An Improvement of a Single Shot Diffusion Weighted RARE Sequence: Reduction of the Artifacts and the Sensitivity to Background Gradients. MAGMA, 1997; Suppl, Vol V (2): 32.
- Il´yasov K A., Hennig J: Real Time Temperature Monitoring during Hyperthermia Session with the Single Shot Diffusion Weighted RARE Sequence. 1997: 48.
- Il´yasov K A., Hennig J: Real Time Temperature Monitoring during Hyperthermia Session with the Single Shot Diffusion Weighted RARE Sequence. 1997; 7: 1171.
- Il´yasov K A., Nesbitt E., Weber H M., Schmialek A., Schmidt-Trucksäss A., Huonker M., Laubenberger J., Hennig J: Quantification of Arterial blood flow Changes in arteriosclerotic vessels with the Fast Fourier Flow Method. Magn Reson Med, 1997: 115.
- Il´yasov K A., Nesbitt E., Weber H M., Schmialek A., Schmidt-Trucksäss A., Huonker M., Laubenberger J., Hennig J: Quantification of Arterial blood flow Changes in arteriosclerotic vessels with the Fast Fourier Flow Method. Magn Reson Med, 1997: 115.
- Il´yasov K A., Nesbitt E., Weber H M., Schmialek A., Schmidt-Trucksäss A., Huonker M., Laubenberger J., Hennig J: Quantification of Arterial blood flow Changes in arteriosclerotic vessels with the Fast Fourier Flow Method. MAGMA, 1997; Suppl Vol V, II: 79.
- Il´yasov K A., Speck O., Hennig J: Single shot DW MRI of Human Brain on a Conventional Clinical Instrument: DW RARE. MAGMA, 1997; Suppl Vol V (2): 161.
- Imdahl A., Sontheimer J., Henke M., Fetscher S., Engelhardt R., Boos S., Ruf G., Farthmann E H.: Impact of Clinical Staging for Neoadjuvant Therapy of Esophageal Cancer. Digestive Surgery, 1997; 14: 500-505.
- Janz C., Speck O., Hennig J: Time-Resolved Measurements of Brain Activation After a Short Cisual Stimulus: New Results on the Physiological Mechanisms of the Cortical Response. NMR Biomed., 1997; 10: 222-229.
- Janz C., Speck O., Hennig J: Further Elucidation of the Physiological Mechanisms of the Cortical Response after a Short Visual Stimulus. Neuro Image, 1997; Vol 5 (4, part 2): 357.
- Klein M., Menneking H., Neumann K., Hell B., Bier J: Computed tomography study of bone availability for facial prosthesis-bearing endosteal implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1997; 26: 268-271.
- Kotter E: Large Screen Image Presentation Integradet in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: First Experiences. Br J Radiol, 1997; Suppl 70: 76.
- Kotter E., Einert A., Merz C., Winterer J., Hauer M P., Altehoefer C., Buitrago-Téllez C H., Langer M: Softcopy, digital hardcopy and conventional film reading of chest images: A ROC study using simulated nodules. Comput Assist Radiol, 1997: 46-49.
- Kotter E., Pelikan E., Allmann K H., Merz C., Kimmig M., Schrader U., Schneider B., Langer M: Information Systems Supporting the Workflow in Radiology. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1997: 465-468.
- Kotter E., Schrader U., Allmann K.H., Einert A., Schneider B., Langer M: Integration of HIS, RIS, Modalities and a large-scale PACS. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Elsevier Science, Berlin,, 1997: 538-543.
- Kotter E., Schrader U., Pelikan E., Allmann K H., Sedat J., Klar R., Timmermann U., Langer M: The Freiburger Large-Scale PACS. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Elsevier Science, B. V., Berlin,, 1997: 465-468.
- Krumme B., Blum U: Renal artery aneurysm and fibromuscular dysplasia. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 1997; 12: 1067-1069.
- Laubenberger J: Magnetic resonance; a multimodal approach to the brain ? J Neural Transm, 1997; 50: 3-8.
- Laubenberger J., Büchert M., Hennig J., Langer M: Anwendung von Single-shot RARE in der Magnetresonanz für Cholangio- Pankreatikographie. Electromedica, 1997; 65: 2-4.
- Laubenberger J., Häussinger D., Bayer S., Gufler H., Hennig J., Langer M: Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Brain in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients With Liver Cirrhosis. Gastroenterology, 1997; Vol. 112, No.5: 1610-1616.
- Laubenberger J., Häussinger D., Bayer S., Gufler H., Hennig J., Langer M: NMR Spectroscopy in Portal-Systemic Encephalopathy: Are We There Yet ? Gastroenterology, 1997; Vol. 112, No.5: 1759-1761.
- Laubenberger J., Häussinger D., Bayer S., Gufler H., Hennig J., Langer M: Demonstration of cerebral metabolic abnormalities in asymptomatic patients with liver cirrhosis by Proton MR spectroscopy. Gastroenterology, 1997; 112: 1610-1618.
- Laubenberger J., Hennig J., Scheffler K., Schneider B., Langer M: Ultrafast MR projection angiography (MR-DSA) of the thoracic vessels: first clinical results. Magn Reson Imaging, 1997.
- Lemke A J., Hosten N., Neumann K., Müller B., Neuhaus P., Felix R., Langer M: CT-Volumetrie der Leber vor Transplantation. RöFo, 1997; Suppl 166: 18-23.
- Müller R D., Vogel K., Neumann K., Stöblen F., Henrich H., Langer R: MRI with superparamagnetic contrast agents versus souble-spiral-CT in detecting malignant liver lesions. European Journal of Radiology,, 1997; Suppl 7: 71.
- Neumann K., Langer R: Bildgebende Verfahren zur Diagnostik des Phäochromozytoms. Zentralbl Chir, 1997; 122: 438-442.
- Neumann K., Moegelin A., Temminghoff N., Radlanski R J., Langford A., Unger M., Langer R., Bier J: 3D-Computed Tomography. A new Method for the Evaluation of Fetal Cranial Morphology. J Cran Genet Dev Bio, 1997; 17: 9-22.
- Neumann K., Stöblen F., Langer R: Optimal spiral CT reconstruction parameters for the detection of pulmonary nodules. Eur J Radiol, 1997; Suppl 7: 122.
- Nitzsche E., Simon G., Laubenberger J., Einert A., Moser E: PET Imaging of recurrent medullary thyroid cancer - there is more behind than just looking at a 18FDG-PET-whole body scintigram. Nuklearmedizin, 1997; 36: 156-157.
- Pelikan E., Ganser A., Kotter E., Schrader U., Timmermann U: Experience with PACS in an ATM/Ethernet switched network encironment . Comput Assist Radiol, 1997.
- Schlensack C., Blum U., Spillner G., Beyersdorf F: Chirurgische Intervention nach endoluminaler Therapie bei infrarenalem Bauchaortenaneurysma (BAA). Z Herz-, Thorax-, Gefäßchir, 1997; 11: 249-252.
- Schneider B., Laubenberger J., Allmann K H., Hennig J., Langer M: Sequential projection angiography using contrast enhancement (SPACE): first clinical experiences with a new MR angiography technique. Br J Radiol, 1997; Suppl 70: 44.
- Schneider B., Laubenberger J., Jemlich S., Weber H M., Langer M: Measurement of femoral anteversion and tibial torsion by magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol, 1997; 70, Mai: 575-579.
- Schneider B., Laubenberger J., Kommoss F., Madjar H., Gröne K., Langer M: Multiple giant fibroadenomas - clinical presentation and radiological findings. Gynecol Obstet Invest, 1997; 43 (4): 278-280.
- Schneider B., Peschl S., Markl M., Winterer J., Laubenberger J., Hennig J., Langer M: Kernspintomographische Messung der Herzwandbewegung mittels eines Phasenkontrastverfahrens. RöFo, 1997: 441-442.
- Schneider B., Peschl S., Winterer J., Markl M., Hennig J., Langer M: Kernspintomographische Messung der Herzwandbewegung mittels einer segmentierten Phasenkontrast-Gradientenechosequenz mit Black-Blood-Flußsättigung. Akt Radiologie, 7,, 1997: 367-368.
- Schrader U., Kotter E., Pelikan E., Zaiß A., Timmermann U., Klar R: Critical Success Factors for a Hostpital-wide PACS. J AmMed Infor Assoc, 1997; Symposioum Suppl.
- Schulte A., Görler A., Antz C., Neidig K., Halbitzer H: Use of global Symmetries in Automated Signal Class Recognition by a Bayesian Method. Magn Reson Imag, 1997; 129: 165-172.
- Speck O: Methoden und Möglichkeiten der 1H-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie. MTA, 1997; 11: 816-823.
- Stöblen F., Eberhardt W., Neumann K., Scholz A., Seeber S., Langer R: Computed tomography angiography of the pulmonary arteries in patients with bronchial carcinoma. Lung Cancer, 1997; Suppl 1, 18: 217.
- Stöblen F., Kremmer S., Neumann K., Bontke N C., Temminghoff N., Effert R., Streuhl K P., Langer R: Spiral CT of the orbita and the skull base in patients with normal tension Glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1997; 38: 1069.
- Stöblen F., Neumann K., Eberhardt W., Langer R., Müller R D., Scholz A., Stamatis G., Konietzko N., Stuschke M., Seeber S: CT-Angiographie der Pulmonalarterie bei Patienten mit Bronchialcarcinom. Langenbecks Arch Chir Suppl II, 1997: 1277-1279.
- Stöblen F., Neumann K., Hermann R., Langer R: Image qualitiy and lesion detection in 3D-CT of bone phantom. Eur Radiol, 1997; Suppl 7: 40.
- Stöblen F., Neumann K., Scholz A., Eberhardt W., Seeber S., Langer R: Computed tomography of the pulmonary arteries in patients with bronchialcacinoma. European Radiology, 1997; Suppl 7: 143.
- Strecker E P., Boos I B., Goettmann D.: Femoropopliteal artery stent placement: evaluation of long-term success. Radiology, 1997; 205(2): 375-383.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Hauer M., Laubenberger J., von Kempis J., Langer M: Magnetresonanztomographie in der Frühdiagnostik der rheumatoiden Arthritis. (Magnetic resonance tomography in early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.). Röntgenpraxis, 1997; 50 (6): 130-134.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Kotter E., Horch R., Langer M: Frühdiagnostik der Reflexdystrophie mittels MRT: Beobachtungen an 24 Patienten. Lymph Forsch, 1997; Dezember, 2: 72-75.
- Uhl M., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Tauer U., Ihling Ch., Adler C P., Langer M: Human articular cartilage: The correlation of high resolution MRI and histologic findings. European Radiology, 1997; 7: 389.
- Uhl M., Altehoefer C., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Reichelt A., Langer M: Radiologische Diagnostik von Skelettmetastasen - Neue Aspekte. Krankenhausarzt, 1997; 70: 430-434.
- Uhl M., Altehoefer C., Allmann K.H., Laubenberger J., Reichelt A., Langer M: Radiologische Diagnostik von Skelettmetastasen - Neue Aspekte. Krankenhausarzt, 1997; 70: 430-434.
- Uhl M., Hauer M P., Laubenberger J., Zimmerhackl L B., Langer M: Turbo-Inversion-Recovery Magnitude (TIRM) zur Frühdiagnose kindlicher Osteomyelitiden: Prospektiver Vergleich mit Standard-MRT-Sequenzen. Radiologe, 1997; 37: 681.
- Uhl M., Ihling Ch., Allmann K H., Laubenberger J., Adler C P., Langer M: Human articular cartilage: In vitro correlation of MR imaging and histoloc findings. Radiology, 1997; 205: 640.
- Uhl M., Sutor A H: Diagnoses of thrombembolic diseases during infancy childhood. Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 1997; 23: 237-246.
- Uhl M., Zimmerhackl L B., Laubenberger J., Frankenschmidt A., Brandis M., Langer M: Kryptorchismus: Lokalisationsdiagnostik mittels MRT. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 1997; 12: 616-820.