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 Forschungsbericht für das Jahr 2005

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Dudda J.C., Lembo A., Bachtanian E., Huehn J., Siewert C., Hamann A., Kremmer E., Förster R., Martin S.F.: Dendritic cells govern induction and reprogramming of polarized tissue-selective homing receptor pattern of T cells: Important role for soluble factors and tissue microenvironment. Eur J Immunol, 2005; 35: 1056-1065.
  • Renkl A.C., Wussler J., Ahrens T., Thoma K., Kon S., Uede T., Martin S.F., Simon J.C., Weiss J.M.: Osteopontin functionally activates dendritic cells and induces their differentiation towards a Th1 polarizing phenotype. Blood, 2005; 106: 946-955.
Reviews/Übersichtsartikel in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Aumailley M,, Bruckner-Tuderman L,, Carter WG,, Deutzmann R,, Edgar D,, Ekblom P,, Engel J,, Engvall E,, Hohenester E,, Jones JC,, Kleinmann HK,, Marinkovich MP,, Martin GR,, Mayer U,, Meneguzzi G,, Miner JH,, Miyazaki K,, Patarroyo M,, Paulsson M,, Quaranta V,, Sanes JR,, Sasaki T,, Sekiguchi K,, Sorokin LM,, Talts JF,, Tryggvason K,, Uitto J,, Virtanen I,, von der Mark K,, Wewer UM,, Yamada Y,, Yurchenco PD: A simplified laminin nomenclature Matrix Biol, 2005; 24: 326-332.
  • Martin S.F., Dudda J.C.: Instruktion von Effektor T-Zellen zur Einwanderung in entzündete Haut. Allergologie, 2005; 28: 105-112.
  • Dudda JC, Bachtanian E, Martin SF: Dendritic cells govern induction and reprogramming of tissue-selective T cell trafficking by soluble factors 2005 (3rd EAACI-Davos Meeting "Basic Immunology in Allergy and Clinical Immunology", Davos, 3.-6. Februar, 2005).
  • Dudda JC, Lembo A, Bachtanian E, Mariani N, Tchaptchet S, Galanos C, Martin SF, Freudenberg M: TLR9 drives Th1 differentiation to Propionibacterium acnes. 2005 (36. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie (DGfI), Kiel, 21.-24.09.2005).
  • Lass C, Martin SF, Schempp C, Nicolas J-F, Vocanson M, Merfort I: The allergenic potential of sesquiterpene lactones in phytomedicines from Arnica - an immunologic revision. 2005 (5. Freiburger Immunologen Meeting, Emmendingen, 11. Oktober 2005).
  • Martin SF: Keynote Lecture: "Immunologische Pathomechanismen der Kontaktallergie: Effektorzellen und Migration" 2005 (34. Arbeitssitzung der Deutschen Kontaktallergie-Gruppe (DKG), Freudenberg).
  • Martin SF: "Dendritische Zellen steuern T-Zellen in periphere Gewebe: Implikationen für immunologische Tumortherapie" 2005 (5. Workshop "Tumorvakzinierung mit Dendritischen Zellen", Institut für Immunbiologie, Freiburg).
  • Martin SF: "Chemical-induced contact hypersensitivity in mice: effector cells and tissue-specific migration" 2005 (Colloquium des SFB 548, Hautklinik der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz).
  • Martin SF: "Guiding T cells to peripheral tissues: a role for dendritic cells and secondary lymphoid tissues" 2005 (2. Duderstädter/Göttinger Workshop "Onkologische Therapien mit Immunzellen").
  • Martin SF: "Generation of Tissue-specific T Cell Homing Subsets by Dendritic Cells and Tissue Microenvironment" 2005 (Symposium in honor of Michael J. Bevan's 60th birthday, Unversity of Washington, School of Medicine, Dept. of Immunology, Seattle, USA).
  • Martin SF, Bachtanian E, Dudda JC: Induction and reprogramming of tissue-selective T cell trafficking by Dendritic cells. 2005 (Meeting of the European Macrophage and Dendritic cell Society (EMDS), Amsterdam 6.-8. October 2005).
  • Martin SF, Bachtanian E, Dudda JC: Disparate allergenic potential of TNCB and DNFB in ß2 microglobulin deficient mice is associated with regulatory T cell fuction. 2005 (19th Meeting of the European Research Group for Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD), Flörsheim, 22.-24. April 2005).
  • Martin SF, Bachtanian E, Dudda JC: Tissue-specific Dendritic cells program and modulate tissue-selective T cell migration. 2005 (19th meeting of the European Research Group for Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD), Flörsheim, 22.-24. April 2005).
  • Martin SF, Dudda JC, Bachtanian E, Lembo A, Galanos C, Freudenberg MA: Impaired IL-12 function leads to the development of a TLR4-dependent contact hypersensitivity to chemicals. 2005 (5. Freiburger Immunologen Meeting, Emmendingen, 11.Oktober 2005).
  • Merfort I, Lass C, Wagner S, Schempp C, Martin SF: The allergenic sesquiterpene lactones and the transcription factor NF-KB. 2005 (19th meeting of the European Research Group for Experimental Contact Dermatitis (ERGECD), Flörsheim, 22.-24.04.2005).