| Vorträge:
- Ferstl EC, Schmitt J, Auer P: Understanding fairy tales spoken in regional dialect: An fMRI study. 2018 (th Annual Meeting of the Society of Text & Discourse, Brighton, UK).
- Ferstl EC: Comprehension of pragmatic language in older adults: the case of verbal humour. 2018 (Language Comprehension across the Lifespan, Freiburg, FRIAS).
- Ferstl EC, Israel L: Comprehension of verbal humour: eye-tracking reveals differences between reading and listening. 2018 (30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies, Tallinn, Estland).
- Ferstl EC, Kraft J, Stedtler S: Are comediennes as funny as comedians? An experimental study of gender effects on humour appreciation. 2018 (30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies, Tallinn, Estland).
- Silveira, N, von Stülpnagel, R, Langenfeld, V: How The Appearance of Adversarial Avatars Affects Player Behavior in Computer Games 2018 (KogWis2018, Darmstadt, Germany).
- Solf, B, Albrecht, R, von Stülpnagel, R.: Effects of Structurally and Visually Salient Landmarks on Memory for Turning Direc-tions 2018 (KogWis2018, Darmstadt, Germany).
- Ferstl EC: Ist das ein Witz? Psycholinguistische Studien zum Humorverstehen. 2017 (Humor in Kognition und Interaktion, Freiburg, HPCL).
- van den Hoven, Ferstl EC: Predictability affects referential form when content is kept constant. 2017 (3rd DETEC conference, Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Perspectives, Nijmegen, NL).
- Ferstl EC, Israel L: The comprehension of verbal jokes: A visual world study. 2016 (26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Kassel).
- Greger K, Albrecht R, von Stülpnagel R: Landmark preference during route encoding and retrieval 2016 (KogWiss 2016: Space for Cognition, 13th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, Bremen).
- Greger K, Albrecht R, von Stülpnagel R: Modeling cued recall in wayfinding with landmarks 2016 (Symposium „Spatial cognition – Spatial language, culture, memory, and modeling“ at the 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Heidelberg).
- Schmitt J, Ferstl EC, Auer P: How bilingual are bilectal speakers? An fMRI study of text comprehension in different language varieties. 2016 (8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, London, UK).
- Schmitt J, Ferstl EC, Auer P: Understanding Fairy Tales in Different Regional Dialects: An fMRI Study. 2016 (26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Kassel).
- van den Hoven E, Ferstl EC: A pragmatic account of implicit causality. 2016 (22nd Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Bilbao, Spanien).
- von Stülpnagel R, Hölscher C: Predicting patterns in navigator-driven placement of landmarks for future wayfinding with Space Syntax 2016 (KogWiss 2016: Space for Cognition, 13th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science).
- von Stülpnagel R, Langenfeld V, Hölscher C: Self-Localization Accuracy and Spatial Ambiguity of Humans and Robots in a Complex Building 2016 (KogWiss 2016: Space for Cognition, 13th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, Bremen).
- von Stülpnagel R, Wächter L, Holland N, Krukar J: Subjective Risk Perception in Urban Cycling - Assessing The Validity of Opinion-Based Volunteered Geographic Information 2016 (Symposium „Vulnerable road users“ at the 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycho-logen, Heidelberg).