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Contemporary digital restorative and minimal-invasive preservative surgical techniques in the esthetic zone: A case report.


Spies BC, Fatkulajew T, Kohal RJ, Petsch M
Contemporary digital restorative and minimal-invasive preservative surgical techniques in the esthetic zone: A case report.
Spies BC, Fatkulajew T, Kohal RJ, Petsch M: Contemporary digital restorative and minimal-invasive preservative surgical techniques in the esthetic zone: A case report. Implant Dent, 2018; 27 (1): 142-145. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/ID.0000000000000716
Publication Type:
Journal Articles
Approaches to immediately install and restore an implant in anterior regions are of increasing interest, avoiding the need for a temporary clasp-retained removable prosthesis, or a cost-intensive fixed temporization (eg, resin-bonded bridge). However, relining a provisional immediately after surgery can be challenging. In most cases, a prefabricated abutment needs to be individualized by intraoral grinding, and the restoration needs to be cemented after finalization. It was shown that the removal of cement remnants can be hardly performed, especially in the presence of a wide emergence profile as it is needed for esthetic restorations in anterior regions.1,2 In a recent case report, an approach for guided implant placement and restoration with a laboratory-manufactured provisional restoration was shown.3 In the present case, this protocol was to be applied in a more complex situation, requiring delayed implant placement, soft- and hard-tissue augmentation, and apicoectomy of the contralateral central incisor.
Department für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
Klinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik
Hugstetterstrasse 55
79106 Freiburg

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Email: zmk-proth-sekretariat@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Research report for the year 2018