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Digital Production of a Zirconia, Implant-Supported Removable Prosthesis with an Individual Bar Attachment Milled from Polyether Ether Ketone: A Case History Report.


Spies BC, Petsch M, Kohal RJ, Beuer F
Digital Production of a Zirconia, Implant-Supported Removable Prosthesis with an Individual Bar Attachment Milled from Polyether Ether Ketone: A Case History Report.
Spies BC, Petsch M, Kohal RJ, Beuer F: Digital Production of a Zirconia, Implant-Supported Removable Prosthesis with an Individual Bar Attachment Milled from Polyether Ether Ketone: A Case History Report. Int J Prosthodont, 2018; 31 (5): 471-474. : http://dx.doi.org/10.11607/ijp.5866
Publication Type:
Journal Articles
Several attachment systems for implant-supported removable dental prostheses (ISRDPs) are currently available. The bar attachment option includes cast or milled alloyed male and female parts. Replaceable slide attachments made from elastic materials can be inserted into the female part of the bar to counter loss of friction that develops due to wear. Another approach involves milling the female part from organic thermoplastic polymers. In the present case history report, an edentulous maxilla was restored with a digitally fabricated ISRDP with the female part of the bar milled from polyether ether ketone (PEEK) polymerized into a zirconia framework.
Department für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
Klinik für Zahnärztliche Prothetik
Hugstetterstrasse 55
79106 Freiburg

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Email: zmk-proth-sekretariat@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Research report for the year 2018