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Teilprojekt B8 im SFB/Transregio 71: Yamabe Type Problems and their Applications.

Description of the project:
- no english description available -

Motivated by the Yamabe problem, we want to find a "good" or "best" metric in a conformal class or in a transversal conformal class. Here by a good metric in a conformal class we mean a conformal metric with constant 2-scalar curvature, while by a good metric in a transversal conformal metric we mean a transversal metric with constant transversal metric. The first problem involves a fully nonlinear equation and the second a critical transversal elliptic equation.
Start of project: 2010
End of project: 2012
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Guofang Wang
Abteilung für Reine Mathematik
Mathematisches Institut
Eckerstraße 1
79104 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: 0761/203-5542
Fax: 0761/203-5541
Email: rm@math.uni-freiburg.de
Actual Research Report