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Einflussfaktoren von Exportmarketingstrategien - untersucht am Beispiel der Forst und Holzindustrie der Slowakei

With moving economic and social changes in Europe’s transition countries, the last seventeen years have brought new challenges for forest products companies in establishing themselves in international markets. In many studies determinants of export performance have been extensively studied and although marketing strategy is considered as one of the major determinants of export performance; surprisingly very little has been actually published on export marketing strategies, and empirically even less done on their influencing determinants. It is unclear; however, weather firstly determinants arrived from different schools of thought in studies on western developed countries will have any bearing on export marketing strategies (EMS) in transition context. Secondly, how particularly export marketing strategies in Europe’s transition countries are defined. Finally, the empirical examination of influence on export marketing strategies is still untapped in the case of forest products industries. Coming from the case with special focus at all exporting forest products companies in the Slovakia, the research project with qualitative methodology is divided into two phases: qualitative and quantitative phase. Both phases are based on the theoretical framework which utilizes the three theoretical perspectives such as the resource-based view of the firm, market-as networks and institutional theory connected by transaction characteristics of the transaction costs theory. These theories are basis for the inductive identification of factors influencing export marketing strategies, as well as for the identification of the various types of EMS. Subsequently the probability of an influence of most relevant determinants on export marketing strategy is tested on each revealed type of export marketing strategy. The results show that export marketing strategies are dynamic in nature, and the main differences lie among local incumbents, new start ups and foreign entrants. Additional preliminary results indicate five types of export marketing strategies which in turn are each influenced by assets, capabilities and relationships, but also institutions matter. Moreover, this study not only empirically tests the proposed model, but also finds some potential parameters (product and human capabilities; market assets) for the connection of the insights of the applied theories in the export marketing research on transition countries of Europe in general and on forest products industries in particular.

Ansprechpartner: Yvonne Brodrechtova
Tel: 0761/203-3731
Email: yvonne.brodrecht@ifp.uni-freiburg.de
Projektbeginn: 01.01.2004
Projektende: 30.04.2008
Yvonne Brodrechtova

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


  • DAAD

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