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Climaecological effects of landuse change for the area of Goitsche/Bitterfeld

Description of the project:
The climaecological situation becomes an enormous change in the next years by the change of landuse in the area of Goitsche/Bitterfeld. Reason for this are the different energy budgets of the surfaces for the actual and the future landuse. In addition to this, the changes of surface roughness would influence directly the flow patterns. As a consequence to the change in the actual climaecological situation, there would be effects for human, flora and fauna. With this project, the effects on the ecosystem shall be record and estimate. Concerning this, time series of meteorological values and results of modell runs will include to the appraisal.

Additional information: http://www.ipg.uni-freiburg.de/forschung/projekte/gobi/gobi.html
Start of project: 01.03.1997
End of project: 29.03.2000
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Saurer H, Ernst S
Physische Geographie

79098 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: ++49(0)761 203-3526
Fax: ++49(0)761 203-3596
Actual Research Report

  • Heusel F
  • Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ) Potsdam, Bund
    Geographie, Geowissenschaften, Klimatologie, Geländekklimato