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Fernerkundung und integrative Modellierung von Stechmückenbrutstätten

Description of the project:
Mosquito pests and their negative impacts on health and quality of life for the local population are a European-wide problem. In many cases they hinder the economic development of a region, including the non-establishment of a touristic infrastructure. The current re-creation of old river systems leads to the development of vast new wetlands and, by this, potential mosquito breeding sites. These habitats need to be mapped and monitored fast and cost-effectively to maintain the environmental security of the affected areas.The main focus of current mosquito control programs represented by the European Mosquito Control Association (EMCA) (www.emca.asso.fr) lies in the development and application of environmentally friendly mosquito control agents. Of key importance for the design of control strategies against mosquito larvae is a detailed knowledge about the biology of the target mosquitoes and the geographic location, the hydro-dynamic as well as the ecological situation of a mosquito breeding site. Currently, the breeding sites are monitored by conventional field-based mapping activities. This method is expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, areas that are difficult to access like the Kopacki wetlands in Croatia can not be mapped at all with conventional methods. An alternative and novel approach is the application of remote sensing techniques, combined with hydrological modelling. Due to the recent advance of high-resolution optical sensors (IKONOS, Quickbird) in combination with software like ERDAS Imagine/ eCognition it is now for example possible to distinguish typical vegetation types in the required detail. This data can then be integrated with other geo-data like digital elevation models and already existing maps of mosquito breeding sites.

Additional information: http://www.geographie.uni-freiburg.de/ipg/personen/glaser_ruediger/index.php
contact person: Claudia von See
Phone: 0621/ 7897448
Start of project: 2000
End of project: 2007
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Glaser R
Physische Geographie

79098 Freiburg i. Br.

Phone: ++49(0)761 203-3526
Fax: ++49(0)761 203-3596
Actual Research Report

  • von See C
  • KABS
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