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The consequences of juridification for the ethical foundation of the economic order

Description of the project:
In economic theory concepts of economic and social policy are mostly dualistic. This understanding is based upon an opposition of economy and morality which becomes obvious in the by misinterpretation generated Adam-Smith-problem. By the two drafts which Walter Eucken and Alfred Müller-Armack developed for the German postwar economic and social order the difference between an integrative and a dualistic theory can be exemplified. The dualistic approach leads to a hierarchical relation of economic and social order which necessarily is followed by far-reaching juridification. Thereby emerge tendencies of jeopardy which impede the integrative point of view as well as tendencies of crowding-out which undermine the ethical foundation of the economic order.

Phone: 203-2388
Email: goldschn@vwl.uni-freiburg.de
Start of project: 1999
End of project: (unlimited)
Project Management:
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Blümle, G.; Goldschmidt, N.
Abteilung für Mathematische Ökonomie
am Institut für Allgemeine Wirtschaftsforschung
Platz der Alten Synagoge
79085 Freiburg i. Br.

Actual Research Report
    Verrechtlichung, Adam-Smith-Problem, Walter Eucken, Alfred M
project-related publications:
  • Blümle, G.; Goldschmidt, N.: Die Konsequenzen der Verrechtlichung für die ethischen Grundlagen wirtschaftlicher Ordnung 1999.