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Gardening the Urban Forest: A nature prescription pilot program to promote positive health and environmental behaviors among Freiburg residents: A mixed-methods, transdisciplinary approach to investigate health and well-being, nature-connectedness, and plant biodiversity in tree pit pocket gardens in Freiburg, Germany

This is a transdisciplinary project involving two University of Freiburg departments (Geo-botany and Human Geography and Global Change), the University Clinic of Freiburg Institute of General Medicine, the city of Freiburg, and the Eco-station. The City of Freiburg’s “Freiburg Packt An (FPA)” street tree sponsorship program is the nature-based intervention prescribed by the general practitioner of the patient. This prescription (BRx) connects the patient to the researcher and the tree sponsorship program, which ensures access to the FPA coordinator and FPA-sponsored events as well as to education and materials – such as seeds and native plants – provided by the Eco-station in Freiburg. The target intervention group is broadly defined as any adult individual who lives in Freiburg and may be at risk of developing or deepening a non-communicable disease. The target control group consists of individuals who newly register for the Freiburg Packt an tree sponsorship program (independently and without a doctor’s prescription). All research methods and support will be the same for the intervention and the non-intervention groups.

Ansprechpartner: Baldwin Heid K
Email: kelly.heid@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Projektbeginn: 2022
Projektende: 2025
Scherer-Lorenzen M (Projektleitung), Baldwin Heid K (Projektleitung)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie

Schreiberstraße 20
79098 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: 203 - 3563
Email: humangeo@geographie.uni-freiburg.de

  • Fünfgeld H
  • Sousa-Silva R
  • Maun A
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