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REsearch And innovation CapaciTies in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (REACT)

specific objectives are: 1) To build up the human capacities of Partner HEIs to initiate, develop, manage, assess and exploit R&D in Climate Change, as well as to modernise relevant curricula with the integration of R&D in Climate Change towards a more competence-based study programs, by means of developing a targeted training program for HEIs staff at all levels (academic, researcher, management). 2) To strengthen institutional capacity by setting up a solid, regional and competitive Multi-Disciolinary Network of Research & Academic Units in Climate Change.
Projektbeginn: 01.03.2017
Projektende: 14.10.2019
v. Detten, R.

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Professur für Forstökonomie und Forstplanung
Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel
Tennenbacher Str. 4
79085 Freiburg

Telefon: +49-761-203-3689
Fax: +49-761-203-3690
Email: forecon@ife.uni-freiburg.de
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