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SFB/Transregio 167 „Entwicklung, Funktion und Potential von myeloiden Zellen im zentralen Nervensystem (NeuroMac)“ Teilprojekt Z01 „Genomics and bioinformatics core“

The rapid development of genomics technology, especially high-throughput sequencing, complemented with advanced bioinformatics approaches, has revolutionized genomic research. In the past years, a variety of bioinformatics analysis methods for several functional assays based on novel genomics methods have been developed and implemented in the Backofen lab. In this subproject, we will provide bioinformatics support for high-throughput sequencing data for the entire consortium with the special emphasis on identifying and profiling the expression pattern of mRNAs, miRNAs and lncRNAs. We will setup a data management centre based on Galaxy to provide access to the data generated by the consortium. Within this centre, we will provide standardized computational workflows and develop data analysis standards. On each site of the CRC, one instance of our Galaxy server will be installed, using a virtualization technique that has been developed in the Backofen lab. This allows us to easily install the Galaxy instance as run in Freiburg on the Berlin site. The Z-project will also work in close collaboration with experimental groups for providing in-depth support on non-standards tasks. Furthermore, the centre provides access to the data by the consortium and allows for easy interpretation and visualization. We will also provide training courses for members of the consortium to perform standard analysis task, and will develop specialized workflows for the non-standard tasks in close collaboration with the experimental groups. The project will also work in close collaboration with the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI), where Rolf Backofen is the coordinator of the centre for RNA Bioinformatics, that started in March 2015

Weitere Informationen: http://www.bioinf.uni-freiburg.de
Ansprechpartner: Backofen R
Tel: +49 (0)761 203 7461
Email: backofen@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Projektbeginn: 2017
Projektende: 2020
Backofen R

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Aktueller Forschungsbericht