[Zurück zur

Dr. Cristina Dal Bosco

geb. am 08.05.1974 in Tregnago (VR), Italy

25.07 2000 M.Sc. Biotechnology (VR, Italy), 18.04.2006 pHD Biology (München, Germany)

Fakultät für Biologie


Understanding mechanisms involved in auxin homeostasis. Particularly I´m interested in studying auxin carriers localized at the ER and enzymes modulating the IAA pool in this cellular compartment. In addition to study the physiological role at the whole plant level we use Arabidopsis and tobacco protoplasts as a single cell model system.

Wichtige Publikationen

1. Wend*S., Dal Bosco*C., Kampf M.M., Ren F., Palme K., Weber W., Dovzhenko A., Zurbriggen M.D. (2013) A quantitative ratiometric sensor for time-resolved analysis of auxin dynamics. Scientific reports DOI:10.103 2. Kohzuma K., Dal Bosco C., Meurer J., Kramer D.M. (2013) Light- and Metabolism-Related Regulation of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase have Distinct Mechanisms and Functions. Journal of Biological Chemistry 03/2013; DOI:10.1074 3. Dal Bosco C., Dovzhenko A., Palme K.(2012) Intracellular auxin transport in pollen: PIN8, PIN5 and PILS5. Plant signaling & behavior 09/2012; 7(11). 4. Dal Bosco C., Dovzhenko A., Liu X., Woerner N., Rensch T., Eismann M., Eimer S., Hegermann J., Paponov I.A,, Ruperti B., Heberle-Bors E., Touraev A., Cohen J.D., Palme K. (2012) The endoplasmic reticulum localized PIN8 is a pollen-specific auxin carrier involved in intracellular auxin homeostasis. The Plant Journal 04/2012; 71(5):860-70. 5. Kohzuma K.*, Dal Bosco C.*, Kanazawa A., Dhingra A., Nitschke W., Meurer J., Kramer D.M.(2012) Thioredoxin-insensitive plastid ATP synthase that performs moonlighting functions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 02/2012; 109(9):3293-8. 9. Dal Bosco C, Lezhneva L, Biehl A, Leister D, Strotmann H, Wanner G, Meurer J. (2004) Inactivation of the chloroplast ATP synthase gamma subunit results in high non photochemical fluorescence quenching and altered nuclear gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biol Chem. 279, 1060-9. 10. Dovzhenko A, Dal Bosco C, Meurer J, Koop HU. (2003) Efficient regeneration from cotyledon protoplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana. Protoplasma 222, 107-11 11. Dal Bosco C*, Busconi M*, Govoni C, Baldi P, Stanca AM, Crosatti C, Bassi R, Cattivelli L. (2003) Cor Gene expression in barley mutants affected in chloroplast development and photosynthetic electron transport. Plant Physiol. 131, 793-802.


Tel: 0761-2032960
Fax: 0761-2032966
Email: cristina.dal.bosco@biologie.uni-freiburg.de

Adresse / Postanschrift:
Institut für Biologie II
Schaenzlestr. 1
79104 Freiburg i. Br.

Telefon: 203-2960
Fax: 203-2612