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Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl

geb. am 27.09.1971 in Hamburg

2006-now Professor for Optimization in Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, KU Leuven, Belgium. I started as associate professor, got life tenure in 2009, and in 2012 received the title of professor (hoogleraar). 2006-now The Principal Investigator of the Optimization in Engineering Center (OPTEC). OPTEC comprises 10 professors, 15 postdocs and 40 PhD students from five engineering departments at KU Leuven which closely cooperate on bringing optimization methods and applications together http://www.kuleuven.be/optec/ 2001-2006 C1 Scientific Assistant in the “Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing” (IWR), University of Heidelberg, Germany. Postdoc visits to IMA Minneapolis (3 months) , INRIA Rocqencourt (2 months), UPS Toulouse (1 month), IST Stuttgart (1 month), ZIB Berlin, Coimbra, Pavia, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem. 1999-2001 Ph.D. in Scientific Computing (Dr. rer. nat.), Heidelberg, on “Real-Time Optimization of Large Scale Processes”. Jury: H.G.Bock, F.Allgöwer, J.Warnatz, R.Rannacher (summa cum laude) 1996-‘99 “Diplom” (Master) in Physics, Heidelberg (mit Auszeichnung) 1995-‘96 Cambridge Univ. (UK): Mathematical Tripos Part IIB (equiv. first class pass) 1993-’95 Heidelberg: “Vordiplom” Physics (1.0), “Vordiplom” Mathematics (1.0) 1992-’93 Fine Arts Univ. Hamburg, ½ year studies of industrial design 1991-’93 Civil Service at Hamburg’s Office for Environmental Affairs 1982-’91 “Abitur’ (A-Level), Hamburg (1.0)


optimization and control

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Adresse / Postanschrift:
Systemtheorie, Regelungstechnik und Optimierung
Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl
Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
79110 Freiburg

Telefon: +49 761 203-67849
Fax: +49 761 203-67885
Email: Christine.paasch@imtek.uni-freiburg.de