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 Forschungsbericht für das Jahr 2013

Professur für Environmental Governance

Tennenbacherstraße 4
79106 Freiburg
Tel: 203- 3708 Fax: 203-3729
Email Heiner.Schanz@envgov.uni-freiburg.de

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

Einträge in der Rubrik "Who is Who"


  • Environmental Governance:
  • Gesellschaftliche Steuerungsherausforderungen zwischen Markt, Staat und Zivilgesellschaft
  • Governance technischen Wandels in der Umweltpolitik
  • Rolle von Wissenschaft und Expertise in der Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik
  • Markt und Marketing:
  • Märkte und Marketing der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft in Deutschland und Europa
  • Internationaler Handel mit Holzprodukten und Nicht-Holz-Waldprodukten
  • Waldnutzung in den Tropen und Subtropen

Wissenschaftliche Projekte und Forschungsvorhaben

  • Forest management by local people: meaning and scenarios of concept application in contemporary Ghanaian forestry
  • Governing at a distance: International regimes on adaptation and mitigation financing in developing countries
  • Reshaping Science-Policy Interactions in Climate Policy: International Stock-Taking and Lessons for Austria

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Bauer A, Pregernig M: Whose look into the future? Participation in technology assessment and foresight. Critical Policy Studies online first, 2013; 7 (1): 18-36. : http://10.1080/19460171.2012.745992
  • Espinosa C: Polinización Cruzada: los Derechos de la Naturaleza en Río+20 Temas de Análisis del Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental CEDA, 2013 (29): 1-10. : http://www.ceda.org.ec
  • Malets O: The Effectiveness of Transnational Non-State Governance: The Role of Domestic Regulations and Compliance Assessment in Practice MPlfG Discussion Paper, 2013.
  • Malets O: The Translation of Transnational Voluntary Standards into Practices: Civil Society and the Forest Stewardship Council in Russia Journal of Civil Society, 2013; 9 (3): 300-324. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2013.816538
  • Rohracher, H., Späth, P.: The Interplay of Urban Energy Policy and Socio-technical Transitions: The Eco-cities of Graz and Freiburg in Retrospect Urban Stud, 2013; 51 (7): 1415-1431. : https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098013500360
  • Salehabadi D: Transboundary Shipments of E-Waste United Nations, Solving the E-waste (STEP) Green Paper, 2013.
  • Malets O: Governing our Environment: Standardizing across Borders In: Leonhard Dobusch, Philip Mader and Sigrid Quack (Hrsg.): Governance across Borders: Transnational Fields and Transversal Themes Berlin: epubli publishers, 2013. (in Druck)
  • Malets O, Quack S: Projecting the Local into the Global: Trajectories of Participation in Transnational Standard-Setting In: Gili Drori, Markus Höllerer and Peter Walgenbach (Hrsg.): Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management: Perspectives on Glocalization Routledge, 2013; 325-338.
  • Pregernig M, Böcher, M: The role of expertise in environmental governance: theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence In: Siebenhüner, Bernd; Arnold, Marlen; Eisenack, Klaus; Jacob, Klaus (Hrsg.): Long-Term Governance for Social-Ecological Change New York: Routledge, 2013; 29-46.
  • Reinecke S, et al: Knowledge brokerage: Taking stock of scientific policy advice on climate change. Panel 23 „Science in Public Policies,” Session II: The role of knowledge brokers. 2013 (1st International Conference on Public Policy, ICPP).
  • Reinecke S, et al: Institutionalization and enactment of interactive science-policy advice: Results of an international survey and in-depth case studies in the field of climate policy. Panel: "Making knowledge work - Interactive approaches to science-policy-society relations" 2013 (8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference , IPA, Vienna).
  • Späth P: Energy Policy in Freiburg 2013 (Master in Urban Planning, Toulouse Universityon a Freiburg Study Tour).
  • Späth P: Understanding scale and scaling in energy transitions - The role of 'green' cities 2013 (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften).
  • Späth P: Car-free but happy? Mobility in Vauban 2013 (12.th IAS-STS Annual Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies. T. a. S. I.-S. Institute for Advanced Studies on Science. Graz, Austria).
  • Späth P: How to understand (and support) non-ownership of cars? A case from Freiburg-Vauban 2013 (Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative. Worcester, MA, USA,).
  • Späth P: The normality of car (non-)ownership: Studied in Freiburg-Vauban 2013 (IST 2013 - 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions. Zurich).
  • Mahzouni A: The ‘policy mix’ for sustainable urban development: Lessons from the city district Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm 2013 (10th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics “Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics).
  • Mahzouni A: The role of institutional entrepreneurs in emerging grassroots innovations: the case of St. Peter rural community in the Black Forest Region 2013 (at the WG 7 “Sustainability Transitions in Agricultural Systems and Rural Development: Learning for Innovation”, the 15th conference of the European Society for Rural Sociology “Rural resilience and v).
  • Mahzouni A: The role of institutional entrepreneurs in enabling green building practices: The case of community self-build housing in Freiburg 2013 (Summer School 2013 - Research Network on Innovation: Innovation and research polices for a sustainable transition).
  • Salehabadi D: The failure of Germany’s circular economy: the case of e-waste 2013 (European Society for Environmental History, Munich, Germany).
  • Salehabadi D: The Hidden Circuits of Waste: On the Duality of Material Streams 2013 (Panel Organizer, European Society for Environmental History, Munich, Germany).
  • Späth, P: Energy transitions - The local and the global 2013 (LERU- Bright Conference).
  • Späth P: The niche for 'Green Biorefineries' in Austria: Sub-niche or counter-niche to the global niche for biorefineries? 2013 (Conference paper: Workshop "Constructing and contesting spaces for low-carbon energy innovation" in Eindhoven.), Invited by A. Smith, R. Raven, F. Kern and B. Verhees (Hrsg).
  • Späth P: Energy transitions - The local and the global 2013 (LERU- Bright Conference. Freiburg & Strasbourg).
  • Späth P: Conflicts mediating change in urban energy configurations - Freiburg ‘Green City’ at a junction. 2013 (Conference paper for the "Urban Energy Governances, North and South, International Roundtable Seminar." in Gif-sur-Yvett, Paris.), .Invited by S. Jaglin and J. Rutherford. (Hrsg).

Besondere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten

  • Kernmodul "Einführung in die Internationale Waldwirtschaft", Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen des Nebenfachs "Internationale Waldwirtschaft" der deutschsprachigen BSc-Studiengänge "Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt" und "Umweltnaturwissenschaften", Teilbeitrag "Wald, Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit", Sommersemester, seit 2005.
  • Kernmodul "Internationale Politik und Märkte", Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen des Nebenfachs "Internationale Waldwirtschaft" der deutschsprachigen BSc-Studiengänge "Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt" und "Umweltnaturwissenschaften", Teilbeitrag "Internationale Märkte, Marktketten, Regulierung", Sommersemester, seit 2005.
  • Kernmodul "Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung" mit Schwerpunkt Ländliche Räume, Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen der Profillinie "Landnutzung und Naturschutz" des zweisprachigen MSc-Studiengangs "Umweltwissenschaften/Environmental Sciences", Wintersemester, seit 2005.
  • Kernmodul "Sustainability and Governance", Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen des englischsprachigen MSc-Studiengangs "Environmental Governance", Teilbeitrag "Sustainability, Sustainable Development", Wintersemester, seit 2005.
  • Wahlmodul "Global Environmental Politics", Dr. Olga Malets, Barbara Degenhart, Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen des englischsprachigen MSc-Studiengangs "Environmental Governance":, Wintersemester, seit 2005.
  • Wahlmodul "Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship", Dr. Olga Malets: Im Rahmen des englischsprachigen MSc-Studiengangs "Environmental Governance", Teilbeitrag "Leadership", Sommersemester, seit 2005.
  • Wahlmodul "Research Design in Environmental Governance", Dr. Olga Malets, Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz: Im Rahmen des englischsprachigen MSc-Studiengangs "Environmental Governance", Wintersemester, seit 2005.
