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 Forschungsbericht für das Jahr 2019

Department für Zahn- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde

Klinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde und Paradontologie

Hugstetterstrasse 55
79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761 270 49570 Fax: +49 (0) 761 270 47620
Email petra.hess@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

  • Prof. Dr. Elmar Hellwig, Leitung (m/w)
  • Prof. Dr. Karl-Thomas Wrbas
  • PD Dr. Markus Jörg Altenburger
  • Prof. Dr. Petra Hahn
  • PD Dr. Olga Polydorou
  • Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger
  • Prof. Dr. Nadine Schlüter, Stiftungsprofessur für Kariesforschung
  • PD Dr. Ali Al-Ahmad
Einträge in der Rubrik "Who is Who"

Wissenschaftliche Projekte und Forschungsvorhaben

  • Einfluss von bakteriellen Antigenen auf Knochen- und Knochenmarkszellen.
  • Enterococcus faecalis und die orale Kavität
  • Etablierung und Evaluierung mikrobbiologischer und molekularbiologischer Methoden zur Detektion von Mikroorganismen im dentalen Plaque-Biofilm.
  • Modulation der Linienspezifität von humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen durch ihre extrazelluläre Umgebung.

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Assunção CM, Schlueter N, Rodrigues JA, Carvalho TS, Lussi A: Do fluoride toothpastes have similar preventive effect in permanent and primary teeth against erosive tooth wear? Int J Paediatr Dent, 2019; 29: 228-236.
  • Bernardi S, Continenza MA, Al-Ahmad A, Karygianni L, Follo M, Filippi A, Macchiarelli G: Streptococcus spp. and Fusobacterium nucleatum in tongue dorsum biofilm from halitosis patients: a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM study New Microbiol, 2019; 42: 108-113.
  • Bernardi S, Karygianni L, Filippi A, Anderson AC, Zurcher A, Hellwig E, Vach K, Macchiarelli G, Al-Ahmad A: Combining culture and culture-independent methods reveals new microbial composition of halitosis patients' tongue biofilm. Microbiologyopen, 2019 (online): e958-e958. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.958
  • Burchard T, Karygianni L, Hellwig E, Follo M, Wrbas T, Wittmer A, Vach K, Al-Ahmad A: Inactivation of oral biofilms using visible light and water-filtered infrared A radiation and indocyanine green. Future Med Chem, 2019; 11 (14): 1721-1739. : http://dx.doi.org/10.4155/fmc-2018-0522
  • Burtscher S, Krieg P, Killinger A, Al-Ahmad A, Seidenstücker M, Latorre SH, Bernstein A: Thin Degradable Coatings for Optimization of Osteointegration Associated with Simultaneous Infection Prophylaxis Materials, 2019; 12 (online): 3495.
  • Cieplik1 F, Jakubovics NS, Buchalla1 W, Maisch T, Hellwig E, Al-Ahmad A: Resistance Toward Chlorhexidine in Oral Bacteria – Is There Cause for Concern? Front Microbiol, 2019; 10 (587) (online).
  • Doll PW, Wolf M, Guttmann M, Thelen R, Ahrens R, Spindler B, Guber AE, Al-Ahmad A: Initial Bacterial Adhesion Properties of Anodically Oxidized Ti6Al4V. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2019; 2019: 6476-6480. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857956
  • Doll PW, Wolf M, Guttmann M, Thelen R, Ahrens R, Spindler B, Guber AE, Al-Ahmad A: Initial Bacterial Adhesion Properties of Anodically Oxidized Ti6Al4V. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2019; 2019: 6476-6480. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857956
  • Ganss C, Heins M, Schlueter N: An oral care programme for adults- Evaluation after 15 years. Plos One, 2019; 14 (12): e0223960-e0223960. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223960
  • Karygianni L, Cecere M, Argyropoulou A, Hellwig E, Skaltsounis AL, Wittmer A, Tchorz JP, Al-Ahmad A: Compounds from Olea europaea and Pistacia lentiscus inhibit oral microbial growth. Bmc Complem Altern M, 2019; 19 (1): 51-51. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12906-019-2461-4
  • Kitzmann J, Ratka-Krueger P, Vach K, Woelber JP: The impact of motivational interviewing on communication of patients undergoing periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol, 2019; 46 (7): 740-750. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpe.13132
  • Kruse AB, Akakpo DL, Maamar R, Woelber JP, Al-Ahmad A, Vach K, Ratka-Krueger P: Trehalose powder for subgingival air-polishing during periodontal maintenance therapy: A randomized controlled trial. J Periodontol, 2019; 90 (3): 263-270. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/JPER.17-0403
  • Kruse AB, Heil HK, Struss N, Fabry G, Silbernagel W, Vach K, Ratka-Kruger P, Woelber JP: Working experience is not a predictor of good communication. Results from a controlled trial with simulated patients. Eur J Dent Educ, 2019. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/eje.12482
  • Peikert SA, Spurzem W, Vach K, Frisch E, Ratka-Kruger P, Woelber JP: Association of non-surgical periodontal therapy on patients' oral health-related quality of life-A multi-centre cohort study. J Clin Periodontol, 2019; 46 (5): 529-538. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpe.13093
  • Petsos H, Ratka-Kruger P, Neukranz E, Raetzke P, Eickholz P, Nickles K: Infrabony defects 20 years after open flap debridement and guided tissue regeneration. J Clin Periodontol, 2019; 46 (5): 552-563. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpe.13110
  • Proksch S, Kirsch K, Vach K, Hellwig E, Tomakidi P: Comparative differentiation analysis of distinct oral tissue-derived cells in response to osteogenic stimulation. Clin Oral Invest, 2019; 23 (3): 1077-1089. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00784-018-2529-4
  • P W Doll, A Al-Ahmad, A Bacher, A Muslija, R Thelen, L Hahn, R Ahrens, B Spindler, A E Guber1: Fabrication of silicon nanopillar arrays by electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching for advanced bacterial adhesion studies Mater Res Express, 2019; 6 (065402) (online).
  • Rabel K, Lamott U, Polydorou O, Flugge T, Spies BC: Prosthodontic Rehabilitation with Fixed Monolithic Translucent Zirconia Restorations: A Case History Report. Int J Prosthodont, 2019; 32 (6): 544-548. : http://dx.doi.org/10.11607/ijp.6194
  • Tchorz Jörg, Wrbas Karl-Thomas, von See Constantin, Vach Kirstin, Patzelt Sebastian B Maximilian, , ,, b: Accuracy of software-based three-dimensional root canal length measurements using cone-beam computed tomography European endodontic journal, 2019; 4 (1): 28 -32.
  • Tchorz JP, Wrbas KT, Hellwig E: Guided endodontic access of a calcified mandibular central incisor using a software-based three-dimensional treatment plan. Int J Comput Dent, 2019; 22 (3): 273-281.
  • Vollmer A, Al-Ahmad A, Argyropoulou A, Thurnheer T, Hellwig E, Attin T, Vach K, Wittmer A, Ferguson K, Skaltsounis AL, Karygianni L: Antimicrobial Photoinactivation Using Visible Light Plus Water-Filtered Infrared-A (VIS + wIRA) and Hypericum Perforatum Modifies In Situ Oral Biofilms. Sci Rep-uk, 2019; 9 (1): 20325-20325. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56925-7
  • Widyaya VT, Muller C, Al-Ahmad A, Lienkamp K: Three-Dimensional, Bifunctional Microstructured Polymer Hydrogels Made from Polyzwitterions and Antimicrobial Polymers. Langmuir, 2019; 35 (5): 1211-1226. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03410
  • Woelber JP, Gartner M, Breuninger L, Anderson A, Konig D, Hellwig E, Al-Ahmad A, Vach K, Dotsch A, Ratka-Kruger P, Tennert C: The influence of an anti-inflammatory diet on gingivitis. A randomized controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol, 2019; 46 (4): 481-490. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpe.13094
Reviews/Übersichtsartikel in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften:
  • Schlueter N, Amaechi BT, Bartlett D, Buzalaf MAR, Carvalho TS, Ganss C, Hara AT, Huysmans MDNJM, Lussi A, Moazzez R, Vieira AR, West NX, Wiegand A, Young A, Lippert F: Terminology of Erosive Tooth Wear: Consensus Report of a Workshop Organized by the ORCA and the Cariology Research Group of the IADR. Caries Res, 2019; 14: 1-5. : http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000503308

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